Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 267, Issue 3-4, 21 March 1997
- Spin one-half optical activity
Maierle, C.S. and Harris, R.A.
page 199-206
- Improvement on Van Vleck's formula for diatomic nonadiabatic energy shifts
Pazyuk, E.A., Stolyarov, A.V. and Pupyshev, V.I.
page 207-214
- A novel definition of a molecule in a crystal
Spackman, M.A. and Byrom, P.G.
page 215-220
- Physisorption in cyclodextrin cavities: an analytical model
Alvira, E.
page 221-228
- Third-order optical non-linearity in Zn(II) complexes of 5, 10, 15, 20-tetraarylethynyl-substituted porphyrins
Henari, F.Z., Blau, W.J., Milgrom, L.R., Yahioglu, G., Phillips, D. and Lacey, J.A.
page 229-233
- Hierarchically constrained dynamics of the configurational coordinate for rate processes in complex systems
Berlin, Y.A. and Burin, A.L.
page 234-243
- Acyloxyl radical pair intermediate for the initial stage of the thermal decomposition of diacyl peroxide: a density functional study
Uchimaru, T., Hara, R., Tanabe, K. and Fujimori, K.
page 244-250
- Density functional computations of transition metal NMR chemical shifts: dramatic effects of Hartree-Fock exchange
Buhl, M.
page 251-257
- N2 adsorption around small Nin(n = 2-4) clusters
Reuse, F.A., Khanna, S.N., Reddy, B.V. and Buttet, J.
page 258-262
- MP2 and CCSD(T) study on hydrogen bonding, aromatic stacking and nonaromatic stacking
Sponer, J. and Hobza, P.
page 263-270
- Ab initio study of C9 and LaC+9 clusters
Wu, Z.J., Meng, Q.B. and Zhang, S.Y.
page 271-275
- Carbon nanotubes by the metallocene route
Sen, R., Govindaraj, A. and Rao, C.N.R.
page 276-280
- Rotational spectrum and angular geometry of a pre-reactive complex of oxirane and F2
Evans, C.M., Holloway, J.H. and Legon, A.C.
page 281-287
- Formation of the H-HF complex in the reaction of thermal fluorine atoms with hydrogen molecules in solid Ar
Goldschleger, A.U., Misochko, E.Ya., Akimov, A.V., Goldschleger, I.U. and Benderskii, V.A.
page 288-293
- Gateway coupling between quartet and doublet states of 15N18O studied in molecular beams
Ottinger, Ch. and Winkler, T.
page 294-300
- Direct measurements of removal rates of electronically excited NCO (A 2
+(0,0,0)) by simple molecules
Fernandez, J.A., Merelas, I., Husain, D., Sanchez Rayo, M.N. and Castano, F.
page 301-306
- Effect of a pressure decrease and stirring on the oscillating Bray-Liebhafsky reaction
Sevcik, P. and Adamcikova, L.
page 307-312
- Vibrational overtone enhancement of methyl methacrylate polymerization initiated by benzoyl peroxide decomposition
Grinevich, O. and Snavely, D.L.
page 313-317
- The interactions of a ZEKE electron with its ionic core: an experimental measurement
Held, A., Baranov, L.Ya., Selzle, H.L. and Schlag, E.W.
page 318-322
- The electron donor-acceptor exciplex of N,N-dimethylaniline and 1,4,6-trimethylnaphthalene
JongUk, K., Hartmann, W.K., Schock, H.J., Golding, B. and Nocera, D.G.
page 323-328
- Electron transfer processes in binary van der Waals clusters via the N?2(2
g) resonance
Matejcik, S., Cicman, P., Kiendler, A., Senn, G., Illenberger, E. and Mark, T.D.
page 329-333
- Thermalization of electrons by collisions with CCl4 in Ar buffer gas
Shimamori, H. and Sunagawa, T.
page 334-340
- Luminescence of azobenzene derivatives induced by cyclopalladation
Ghedini, M., Pucci, D., Calogero, G. and Barigelletti, F.
page 341-344
- Laser induced dispersed fluorescence spectra of CH3N radical and the lifetime of its A3E state
Hairong, S., Ruomu, G., Liming, Y., Xinsheng, Z. and Youqi, T.
page 345-350
- Time resolved optical spectroscopy to examine chemical decomposition of energetic materials under static high pressure and pulsed heating conditions
Russell, T.P., Allen, T.M. and Gupta, Y.M.
page 351-358
- Photoionization mechanisms for Cr(CO)6 using high intensity laser pulses in the near-IR
Willey, K.F., Brummel, C.L. and Winograd, N.
page 359-364
- Two-colour double resonance multiphoton ionisation spectroscopy of S2
Cooper, M.J. and Western, C.M.
page 365-369
- Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of the 13-electron triatomic Si2N
Brugh, D.J. and Morse, M.D.
page 370-376
- Surface reactivity measurements for OH radicals during deposition of SiO2 from tetraethoxysilane/O2 plasmas
Bogart, K.H.A., Cushing, J.P. and Fisher, E.R.
page 377-383
- A photoelectron spectroscopic study of the interface formation between chromium and a palladium-intercalated polymer film
Polzonetti, G., Iucci, G., Furlani, C., Russo, M.V., Furlani, A., Infante, G., Paolucci, G., Brena, B. and Cocco, D.
page 384-390
- Methanation of carbon on Ni(100) surfaces at 120 K with gaseous H atoms
Kammler, Th. and Kuppers, J.
page 391-396
- Comment on: _Pattern formation by adsorbates with attractive lateral interactions_
Zhdanov, V.P.
page 397-399
- Reply to Comment on _Pattern formation by adsorbates with attractive lateral interactions_
Mikhailov, A. and Ertl, G.
page 400-401
- Femtosecond optical Kerr study of heavy atom effects on the third-order optical nonlinearity of thiophene homologues: purely electronic contribution (Chem. Phys. Letters 263 (1996) 215)
Kamada, K., Ueda, M., Sakaguchi, T., Ohta, K. and Fukumi, T.
page 402
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