Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 266, Issue 3-4, 28 February 1997
- Time-resolved resonance Raman study of the primary photoprocesses of nickel(II) octaethylporphyrin in solution
Kruglik, S.G., Mizutani, Y. and Kitagawa, T.
page 283-289
- High Rydberg states of the NO molecule studied by two-color four-wave mixing spectroscopy
Geng, J., Kobayashi, T. and Takami, M.
page 290-296
- Influence of dipicolinate ligands on the spectroscopic properties of europium(III) in solution
Binnemans, K., Van Herck, K. and Gorller-Walrand, C.
page 297-302
- Microwave field effect on the fluorescence of (COF)2 excited to the O00 band of the A1Au state
Makarov, V.I., Molin, Y.N., Kochubei, S.A. and Ishchenko, V.N.
page 303-308
- Time-resolved fluorescence photophysics of trans-stilbene in a DPPC lipid bilayer: evidence for a free rotation, location within two sites and a pre-liquid crystalline phase transition
Holmes, A.S., Birch, D.J.S., Sanderson, A. and Aloisi, G.G.
page 309-316
- Excitation induced frequency shifts of single molecules
Bach, H., Renn, A. and Wild, U.P.
page 317-322
- Carbon nanotubes of polyethylene
Kukovitskii, E.F., Chernozatonskii, L.A., L'vov, S.G. and Mel'nik, N.N.
page 323-328
- Inhibition of positronium formation and its quenching reactions in binary solid solutions and mixtures of metal tris-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate (dpm) complexes
Porto, A.O., Magalhaes, W.F. and Machado, J.C.
page 329-334
- The dissociation energy of TiO determined from a crossed-beam study of the Ti + NO -> TiO + N reaction
Naulin, C., Hedgecock, I.M. and Costes, M.
page 335-341
- Electronic spectrum of C6H: 2
-X 2
in the gas-phase detected by cavity ringdown
Kotterer, >
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