Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 266, Issue 1-2, 21 February 1997
- Ab initio study of the HCOOH-Ar van der Waals complex
Lundell, J.
page 1-6
- Ab initio MO study of solvated negative alkali atom clusters: [M(H2O)n]? and [M(NH3)n]? (M = Na and Li, n = 1_3)
Hashimoto, K., Kamimoto, T. and Fuke, K.
page 7-15
- Higher-order gradient corrections for exchange-correlation functionals
Neumann, R. and Handy, N.C.
page 16-22
- Substituent effects in intermolecular C(sp3)-H_O(sp3) contacts: how strong can a C(sp3)-H_O(sp3) hydrogen bond be?
Novoa, J.J. and Mota, F.
page 23-30
- A theoretical study on the complexation of sp, sp2 and sp3 nitrogen-containing species by Cu+
Luna, A., Amekraz, B. and Tortajada, J.
page 31-37
- Interatomic potentials for ArLi+ obtained by SCF, MP2 and density functional theory
McDowell, S.A.C.
page 38-42
- Theoretical investigation of the mechanism and kinetics for HCO + HCN _ HCHO + CN
Wen, L.F., Yan, W., Shao, W.Z. and Xian, Y.P.
page 43-46
- The structure of phenol-ammonia clusters before and after proton transfer. A theoretical investigation
Siebrand, W., Zgierski, M.Z., Smedarchina, Z.K., Vener, M. and Kaneti, J.
page 47-52
- Nuclear magnetic shielding constants in the CC2 model
Christiansen, O., Gauss, J. and Stanton, J.F.
page 53-60
- The rotational spectrum and angular geometry of a pre-reactive complex of allene and chlorine monofluoride
Cooke, S.A., Holloway, J.H. and Legon, A.C.
page 61-69
- Photo-induced charge separation on conjugated porphyrin chains
Piet, J.J., Warman, J.M. and Anderson, H.L.
page 70-74
- Picosecond dynamics of the S2 excited state of azulene and its van der Waals complexes with Ar and Xe
Abou-Zied, O.K., Demmer, D.R.M., Wallace, S.C. and Steer, R.P.
page 75-85
- Nonlinear absorption of soluble octasubstituted metallophthalocyanines at 1.064
Diaz-Garcia, M.A., Dogariu, A., Hagan, D.J. and Van Stryland, E.W.
page 86-90
- Critical sizes in the growth of Au clusters
Alvarez, M.M., Khoury, J.T., Schaaff, T.G., Shafigullin, M., Vezmar, I. and Whetten, R.L.
page 91-98
- Third-order hyperpolarizabilities of a homologous series of meso-nitrogen substituted thiacyanines
Werncke, W., Pfeiffer, M., Lau, A., Grahn, W. and Johannes, H.-H.
page 99-106
- Direct determination of reaction heat in intramolecular hydrogen abstraction of excited 2-methylbenzophenone
Suzuki, T., Okuyama, U. and Ichimura, T.
page 107-110
- Vibrational and rotational dependence of the removal of CD(A2
, B2
? and C2
+) by H2
Martin, M. and Castillejo, M.
page 111-115
- Luminescence from neodymium(III) in solution
Beeby, A. and Faulkner, S.
page 116-122
- Noninteger principal quantum numbers increase the efficiency of Slater-type basis sets: heavy atoms
Koga, T. and Kanayama, K.
page 123-129
- Quantum computation of the static structure factor of deuterium gas
Sese, L.M.
page 130-134
- Frenkel exciton states in microcrystallites
Takeshima, M. and Matsui, A.H.
page 135-138
- Transient effects can change identifiability criteria for complex excited-state processes
Molski, A., Boens, N. and Ameloot, M.
page 139-144
- The structural variety of chemical spike-electric field interactions
Sultan, R.F.
page 145-152
- Multiple reflection correction in the determination of the complex electro-optic constant using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
Qiu, F., Cheng, X., Misawa, K. and Kobayashi, T.
page 153-160
- Velocity and angular distributions of molecules emitted from a liquid surface
Phillips, L.F.
page 161-168
- Ethylene hydrogenation on a Rh(100) surface
Egawa, C., Katayama, S. and Oki, S.
page 169-172
- _Levitation_ of paramagnetic oxygen molecules over the surface of high temperature superconductors
Makarshin, L.L., Andreev, D.V. and Parmon, V.N.
page 173-176
- New insight into the optical properties of thin organic films by epitaxial preparation
Gebauer, W., Bassler, M., Fink, R., Sokolowski, M. and Umbach, E.
page 177-183
- Thermal annealing of defects in highly defective NiO nanoparticles studied by X-ray and electron spectroscopies
Soriano, L., Abbate, M., Fernandez, A., Gonzalez-Elipe, A.R., Sirotti, F., Rossi, G. and Sanz, J.M.
page 184-188
- Photoionization spectroscopy of NaAg
Stangassinger, A., Knight, A.M. and Duncan, M.A.
page 189-194
- Two-photon excitation spectroscopy of lanthanide elpasolites - implications for the correlation crystal field
Berry, A.J., Denning, R.G. and Morrison, I.D.
page 195-200
- Photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy of mass selected anions: anthracene and the anthracene-H2O cluster
Schiedt, J. and Weinkauf, R.
page 201-205
- The S0 -> S4 transition of jet-cooled fluoranthene: vibronic coupling of S4 with S3
Ruth, A.A. and Wick, M.T.
page 206-216
- Intramolecular non-radiative relaxation from the first excited singlet background manifolds of anthracene and 9,10-dichloroanthracene in partially jet-cooled states
Niikura, H., Graf, U. and Hirayama, S.
page 217-222
- Infrared chemiluminescence from the NO + HCO reaction: observation of the 2
1 hot band of HNO
Butkovskaya, N.I., Muravyov, A.A. and Setser, D.W.
page 223-226
- Studies of e? + CO2 _ CO?2 equilibria in hexamethyldisiloxane and bis(trimethylsilyl) methane
Holroyd, R.A., Itoh, K. and Nishikawa, M.
page 227-232
- Kinetic study of the Br + IO, I + BrO and Br + I2 reactions. Heat of formation of the BrO radical
Bedjanian, Y., Le Bras, G. and Poulet, G.
page 233-238
- Reactions of molecular nitrogen and triethylamine with coordinatively unsaturated iron carbonyls: spin effects on reactions
House, P.G. and Weitz, E.
page 239-245
- The B 1/2 -> X 1/2 and C2 1/2 -> A2 1/2 transitions of ArKr+ produced from argon afterglow reactions of Kr
Tsuji, M., Tanaka, M. and Nishimura, Y.
page 246-252
- Kinetics of the reaction of Cl atoms with FC(O) O and FC(O) OCl
Cobos, C.J., Croce, A.E. and Castellano, E.
page 253-258
- Quantum yield for H atom formation in the methane dissociation after photoexcitation at the Lyman-
(121.6 nm) wavelength
Brownsword, R.A., Hillenkamp, M., Laurent, T., Vatsa, R.K., Volpp, H.-R. and Wolfrum, J.
page 259-266
- Molecular beam experiments clarifying conflicting reports on magnetic field effects in NO(B) afterglows
Mo, Y., Ottinger, Ch. and Winkler, T.
page 267-275
- Unimolecular dissociation of multiply-charged fullerene ions via the loss of intact C+6 units
Senn, G., Dunser, B., Scheier, P. and Mark, T.D.
page 276-282
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