Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 265, Issue 6, 14 February 1997
- Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of the v1 fundamental and the v1 + v2 _ v2 sequence bands of the CCO radical
Moazzen-Ahmadi, N., Sandilands, D.W.D. and Boere, R.T.
page 563-572
- Photodissociation dynamics of H2S at 266 nm via the degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy
Kim, D., Jae, W.H., Eun, S.L. and Jung, K.
page 573-578
- Laser-induced fluorescence excitation spectrum of jet-cooled 4-(9-anthryl) aniline: observation of two weakly coupled electronic states
Seonkyung, L., Arita, K. and Kajimoto, O.
page 579-584
- Radiative lifetimes, vibrational band strengths, relaxation mechanisms, and electronic transfer rate constants for the perturbed CO(a_ 3
+, v_ = 31 and 35) levels
Zikratov, G., Setser, D.W. and Sadeghi, N.
page 585-594
- Picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy of the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium in alkaline suspension
Kamiya, N., Ishikawa, M., Kasahara, K., Kaneko, M., Yamamoto, N. and Ohtani, H.
page 595-599
- The S1 dynamics of 4- and 5-methylpyrimidine: the role of frame and internal rotor symmetries
Bitto, H. and Gfeller, S.
page 600-606
- Exciton dynamics in an aromatic diamine at the interface with 8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum
Kalinowski, J., Giro, G., Di Marco, P., Camaioni, N. and Fattori, V.
page 607-613
- On the accuracy of molecular exchange-correlation potentials computed from electron densities
Tozer, D.J., Somasundram, K. and Handy, N.C.
page 614-620
- Calculation of small transition energies from a dressed configuration interaction
Reguero, M., Caballol, R., Heully, J. and Malrieu, J.
page 621-628
- A study of degenerate vibronic coupling effects on scattering processes: are resonances affected by degenerate vibronic coupling?
Charutz, D.M., Baer, R. and Baer, M.
page 629-637
- Dispersion of the mean dipole polarizability
) and dipole polarizability anisotropy
) of bromotrifluoromethane CBrF3
Goebel, D. and Hohm, U.
page 638-642
- On the non-orthogonal basis set calculations of the bridge-mediated electronic matrix elements
Stuchebrukhov, A.A.
page 643-648
- The effects of the C=O wagging coordinate relaxation on the far-infrared torsional spectrum of acetone
Melendez, F.J., Senent, M.L. and Smeyers, Y.G.
page 649-652
- Ab initio studies of AgHe exciplex
Jakubek, Z.J. and Takami, M.
page 653-659
- Removal of the bottleneck in local correlation methods
Reynolds, G. and Carter, E.A.
page 660-666
- Field-induced unraveling of carbon nanotubes
Young, H.L., Seong, G.K. and Tomanek, D.
page 667-672
- Distribution of tetrahedral and octahedral Al sites in gamma alumina
Lee, M.-H., Cheng, C., Heine, V. and Klinowski, J.
page 673-676
- Evaluation of paramagnetic relaxation rates in a J-coupled two-spin system
Bertini, I., Luchinat, C. and Rosato, A.
page 677
- Author index to volume 265
page 678-688
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