Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 265, Issue 1-2, 31 January 1997
- A direct coupled cluster algorithm for massively parallel computers
Kobayashi, R. and Rendell, A.P.
page 1-11
- Electron affinity of NH: a coupled-cluster and Hartree-Fock density-functional-theory study
Gutsev, G.L. and Bartlett, R.J.
page 12-18
- On the origin of the gauche effect. A quantum chemical study of 1,2-difluoroethane
Engkvist, O., Karlstrom, G. and Widmark, P.-O.
page 19-23
- Trimethylene isomers and propene: structural and vibrational properties from density functional theory
Boero, M. and Andreoni, W.
page 24-34
- Ab initio calculations and quantum statistical analysis of the SiH3+NO reaction
Sengupta, D. and Nguyen, M.T.
page 35-40
- Electronic states and potential energy curves of Ga2P, GaP2, and their ions
Ping, Y.F. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 41-47
- Computational studies of the reactions of CH3I with H and OH
Marshall, P., Misra, A. and Berry, R.J.
page 48-54
- Interpretation of 13C NMR chemical shifts in halomethyl cations. On the importance of spin-orbit coupling and electron correlation
Kaupp, M., Malkina, O.L. and Malkin, V.G.
page 55-59
- The nuclear quadrupole moment of 14N obtained from finite-element MCHF calculations on N2+ (2p; 2P3/2) and N+ (2p2; 3P2 and 2p2; 1D2)
Tokman, M., Sundholm, D., Pyykko, P. and Olsen, J.
page 60-64
- Approximate ab initio calculations of polarizabilities via the excitation scheme
Bour, P.
page 65-70
- A wavepacket - path integral method for curve-crossing problems: application to resonance Raman spectra and photodissociation cross sections
Cardenas, A.E. and Coalson, R.D.
page 71-76
- Optimized preconditioners for Green function evaluation in quantum reactive scattering calculations
Poirier, B. and Miller, W.H.
page 77-83
- Studies on determination of degree of coupling of Fermi resonance
Tang, H. and Zhang, D.H.
page 84-90
- A dividing surface free from a barrier recrossing motion in many-body systems
Komatsuzaki, T. and Nagaoka, M.
page 91-98
- A fast iterative route to the optimal angle of rotation in the complex coordinate rotation method: some model applications
Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharyya, S.P.
page 99-104
- A modified Born-Oppenheimer equation: application to conical intersections and other types of singularities
Baer, M. and Englman, R.
page 105-108
- Competing spin interactions and degenerate frustration for discrete molecular species
Kahn, O.
page 109-114
- The adiabatic connection method: a non-empirical hybrid
Burke, K., Ernzerhof, M. and Perdew, J.P.
page 115-120
- Dynamical effects of reagent vibrational excitation in the Cl + C2H6(
5 = 1) -> HCl + C2H5 reaction
Kandel, S.A., Rakitzis, T.P., Lev-On, T. and Zare, R.N.
page 121-128
- High resolution study of the H+D2 -> HD+D reaction dynamics at a collision energy of 2.2 eV
Wrede, E., Schnieder, L., Welge, K.H., Aoiz, F.J., Banares, L. and Herrero, V.J.
page 129-136
- Laser resonance studies of the interactions of metastable antiprotonic helium atomcules p4He+ with surrounding H2 molecules
Yamazaki, T., Ketzer, B., Widmann, E., Eades, J., Daniel, H., Hartmann, F.J., Hasinoff, M., Pohl, R., Schmidt, R., von Egidy, T., Horvath, D., Kumakura, M., Morita, N., Sugai, I., Fujita, Y., Torii, H.A., Hori, M., Ishikawa, T., Maas, F.E., Tamura, H. and Hayano, R.S.
page 137-144
- Infrared matrix spectra of the N2O _ O2 complex in solid nitrogen. The N2O _ O2 + O thermal diffusion limited reaction
Bahou, M., Schriver-Mazzuoli, L., Camy-Peyret, C., Schriver, A., Chiavassa, T. and Aycard, J.P.
page 145-153
- Structure, electronic relaxation and vibrational predissociation of the electronically excited SO2(C)-Ar complex
Xue, B., Dai, H. and Troxler, T.
page 154-160
- An ultrafast one-photon and two-photon transient absorption study of the solvent-dependent photophysics in all-trans retinal
Larson, E.J., Friesen, L.A. and Johnson, C.K.
page 161-168
- Cavity ringdown laser absorption spectroscopy detection of formyl (HCO) radical in a low pressure flame
Scherer, J.J. and Rakestraw, D.J.
page 169-176
- Temperature dependence of the near UV absorption spectra and photolysis products of ethyl nitrate
Lei, Z. and Ding, C.
page 177-184
- Determination of the relative photodetachment cross sections of the two isomers of (H2O)?6 using saturated photodetachment
Bailey, C.G. and Johnson, M.A.
page 185-189
- Theoretical analysis of the crystal packing of nitronyl nitroxide radicals: the packing of the
-2-hydro nitronyl nitroxide radical
Deumal, M., Cirujeda, J., Veciana, J., Kinoshita, M., Hosokoshi, Y. and Novoa, J.J.
page 190-199
- Influence of oxygen on the production of higher fullerenes
Pietzak, B., Wolf, C., Mockel, H.J. and Weidinger, A.
page 200-203
- Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy on the S1 <- S0 origin band of 1,4-diazabicyclo[2,2,2]octane (DABCO)
Berden, G., Groot, T., van der Veldt, T. and Meijer, G.
page 204-208
- Intermolecular potential for Ar-HBr (
1 = 1) studied by high resolution near infrared spectroscopy
Han, J., McIntosh, A.L., Wang, Z., Lucchese, R.R. and Bevan, J.W.
page 209-216
- An ESR study of trimethylenemethane radical cation
Komaguchi, K., Shiotani, M. and Lund, A.
page 217-223
- Structural measurements of hydrogen-bonded complexes of perylene with water and methanol
Andrews, P.M., Pryor, B.A., Palmer, P.M. and Topp, M.R.
page 224-230
- Coherent control of high-n Rydberg lifetimes using wavepacket technology
Yu. Ivanov, M. and Stolow, A.
page 231-238
- Ion chemistry in boron trichloride BCl3
Jiao, C.Q., Nagpal, R. and Haaland, P.
page 239-243
- Dynamical symmetry breaking in the 4
CH rovibrational manifold of acetylene
Payne, M.A., Milce, A.P., Frost, M.J. and Orr, B.J.
page 244-252
- An MD study on the diffusion of methane in a cation-free LTA zeolite. Illustrations and new results
Fritzsche, S., Haberlandt, R., Hofmann, G., Karger, J., Heinzinger, K. and Wolfsberg, M.
page 253-258
- Temperature dependent photodesorption of methyl radical from GaAs: role of the initial state
Xin, Q.-S. and Zhu, X.-Y.
page 259-263
- Excited state absorption and laser potential of Mn5+-doped Li3PO4
Hazenkamp, M.F., Gudel, H.U., Kuck, S., Huber, G., Rauw, W. and Reinen, D.
page 264-270
- Stimulated emission pumping of OH and NH in flames by using two-color resonant four-wave mixing
Radi, P.P., Frey, H.-M., Mischler, B., Tzannis, A.P., Beaud, P. and Gerber, T.
page 271-276
- Excitation wavelength dependence of the Z -> E one-way isomerization of 4-halostilbene radical cations in excited states
Waga, M., Maki, S., Hashimoto, F. and Sakuragi, H.
page 277-282
- Reorientational and intermolecular dynamics in binary liquid mixtures of hexafluorobenzene and benzene: femtosecond optical Kerr effect measurements
Neelakandan, M., Pant, D. and Quitevis, E.L.
page 283-292
- Two-dimensional free energy surfaces for primary electron transfer in a photosynthetic reaction center
Warshel, A., Chu, Z.T. and Parson, W.W.
page 293-296
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