Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 264, Issue 1-2, 3 January 1997
- Determination of g values by a new electron spin transient nutation experiment: the g ? value of titanium-doped sapphire
Willer, M. and Schweiger, A.
page 1-8
- Using a fitted electronic density to improve the efficiency of a linear combination of Gaussian-type orbitals calculation
Goh, S.K. and St-Amant, A.
page 9-16
- The magnetizability, rotational g tensor, and quadrupole moment of PF3 revisited
Ruud, K. and Helgaker, T.
page 17-23
- Non-Condon effects in photodissociation of ICN(A <- X): coupled-channel scattering calculations
Dzegilenko, F.N., Bowman, J.M. and Amatatsu, Y.
page 24-30
- Photodetachment spectra of Cl_(H2O)n clusters. Predictions and comparisons
Yeh, I., Perera, L. and Berkowitz, M.L.
page 31-38
- Does hydrogen pre-melt palladium clusters?
Gronbeck, H., Tomanek, D., Kim, S.G. and Rosen, A.
page 39-43
- Wavepacket dynamics in the full reaction of CF3H + Ar(3P) -> CF3* + H + Ar: quantum interference for the H-end orientation
Takahashi, H., Kasai, T. and Yamaguchi, K.
page 44-50
- Charge transfer in collisions of an H+ ion with a ground-state Mg atom at low keV collision energies
Dutta, C.M., Nordlander, P. and Kimura, M.
page 51-56
- Ion-chain effective field in polymer electrolytes
Carlos, L.D. and Videira, A.L.L.
page 57-62
- Frequency-modulated cross-polarization for fast magic angle spinning NMR at high fields: relaxing the Hartmann-Hahn condition
Fu, R., Pelupessy, P. and Bodenhausen, G.
page 63-69
- Euclidean inverses for the characterization of three-dimensional molecular structures
Balasubramanian, K. and Sun, H.
page 70-79
- Stabilities of isomers of LaC+12 and LaC+13
Roszak, S. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 80-84
- Quantum Monte Carlo study of the ground vibrational states of Ar2-6-H2S clusters. A case of microsolvation
de Oliveira, G. and Dykstra, C.E.
page 85-91
- Comparative study on the vibrational IR spectra of cytosine and thiocytosine by various semi-empirical quantum mechanical methods
Subramanian, V., Chitra, K., Venkatesh, K., Sanker, S. and Ramasami, T.
page 92-100
- Coupled cluster calculations of the electric properties of BeS. An analysis of the fifth-order non-iterative corrections
Noga, J. and Pluta, T.
page 101-108
- Ab initio theoretical and matrix isolation experimental studies of hydrogen bonding: evidence of a dramatic effect of the matrix on the structure and vibrational spectrum of HBr:3,5-dichloropyridine
Del Bene, J.E., Szczepaniak, K., Chabrier, P. and Person, W.B.
page 109-112
- Exploring the potential energy surface of the hydrogen abstraction reaction from hydrochloric acid with hydrogen and methyl radicals using ab initio and density functional theory methods. An example of a polar radical hydrogen abstraction reaction
Jursic, B.S.
page 113-119
- Ab initio study of solvent kinetic isotope effects in microhydrated SN2 reactions
Okuno, Y.
page 120-126
- Theoretical study of the potential energy surface of diglyme
Sutjianto, A. and Curtiss, L.A.
page 127-133
- Ab initio potential-energy curves for excited electronic states of the molecular ion AsCl+
Kim, G. and Hirst, D.M.
page 134-138
- Ab initio study on Mo2C8 cluster
Ge, M., Feng, J., Huang, X., Yang, C. and Sun, C.
page 139-142
- Solubility and partial specific volumes of C60 and C70
Tomiyama, T., Uchiyama, S. and Shinohara, H.
page 143-148
- Appearance and ionization energies of multiply-charged C70 parent ions produced by electron impact ionization
Matt, S., Echt, O., Worgotter, R., Grill, V., Scheier, P., Lifshitz, C. and Mark, T.D.
page 149-156
- Composite samples and the generation of novel metal carbide clusters
Reddic, J.E. and Duncan, M.A.
page 157-162
- Studies of C60 thin films using surface photovoltage spectroscopy
Mishori, B., Shapira, Y., Belu-Marian, A., Manciu, M. and Devenyi, A.
page 163-167
- The nonmetal to metal transition with alkali doping of films of molecular icosahedra
McIlroy, D.N., Waldfried, C., McAvoy, T., Jaewu, C., Dowben, P.A. and Heskett, D.
page 168-173
- Dissociative adsorption on rough surfaces with dynamically changing morphology: a Monte Carlo model
Resnyanskii, E.D., Myshlyavtsev, A.V., Elokhin, V.I. and Bal'zhinimaev, B.S.
page 174-179
- An aligned oxidation of carbon monoxide induced by 193 nm irradiation on platinum(113)
Yamanaka, T., Inoue, Y. and Matsushima, T.
page 180-185
- Density functional calculations of core-electron binding energies of amines. Application to (CH3)3N-Ni and (CH3)4N+-Ni
Bureau, C. and Chong, D.P.
page 186-192
- Structural impacts on the photodissociation dynamics of aromatic endoperoxides in solution
Jesse, K.J.
page 193-198
- The HNCO + F reaction system: VUV-photolysis of the cyanato radical via Rydberg states
Schonnenbeck, G. and Stuhl, F.
page 199-204
- Nuclear relaxation studies in ligand-macromolecule affinity index determinations
Rossi, C., Donati, A., Bonechi, C., Corbini, G., Rappuoli, R., Dreassi, E. and Corti, P.
page 205-209
- Cluster size dependence of the internal conversion in highly excited benzene(NH3)n clusters
Radloff, W., Freudenberg, Th., Stert, V., Ritze, H.-H., Noack, F. and Hertel, I.V.
page 210-214
- Production of NH(X3
_) radicals in the reaction of N(22D) with CH4: nascent rotational and vibrational distributions of NH
Umemoto, H., Kimura, Y. and Asai, T.
page 215-219
- The photodissociation of V+ _ CH4
Hayes, T., Bellert, D., Buthelezi, T. and Brucat, P.J.
page 220-224
- Fine and hyperfine structure of the triplet states 13
+u and 13
+g of the Na2 molecule
Farbert, A. and Demtroder, W.
page 225-232
- Microchemistry: time dependence of an acid-base reaction in a single optically levitated microdroplet
Trunk, M., Popp, J., Lankers, M. and Kiefer, W.
page 233-237
- Electron spin echo of spin-polarised radical pairs in intact and quinone-reconstituted plant photosystem I reaction centres
Dzuba, S.A., Hara, H., Kawamori, A., Iwaki, M., Itoh, S. and Tsvetkov, Yu.D.
page 238-244
- Determination of the hyperfine structure of the B2_1/2 state of NO from quantum beat spectroscopy
Hamilton, P.A., Phillips, A.J. and Windsor, R.
page 245-251
- Microwave spectroscopy of the carbon chain radical C11H
McCarthy, M.C., Travers, M.J., Kalmus, P., Gottlieb, C.A. and Thaddeus, P.
page 252-256
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