Tables of Contents service for
Volume 259, Issue 5-6, 13 September 1996
- Femtosecond time resolved molecular dynamics of a polydiacetylene backbone
Bigot, J.-Y., Pham, T.-A. and Barisien, T.
page 469-474
- Ultrafast dynamics of Rydberg states in the condensed phase
Portella-Oberli, M.T., Jeannin, C. and Chergui, M.
page 475-481
- Ion nucleation as a detector: application of REMPI to generate selected ions in supersaturated vapors
Kane, D. and El-Shall, M.S.
page 482-487
- Coherent control by a single phase shaped femtosecond laser pulse
Assion, A., Baumert, T., Helbing, J., Seyfried, V. and Gerber, G.
page 488-494
- An investigation of the solvent dependence on the ultrafast intersystem crossing kinetics of xanthone
Cavaleri, J.J., Prater, K. and Bowman, R.M.
page 495-502
- Oxygen-induced step-edge faceting; a precursor to (410) planar faceting of Cu(100) vicinal surfaces
Knight, P.J., Driver, S.M. and Woodruff, D.P.
page 503-507
- Collisional electronic quenching rates for NO A2
_ = 0)
Paul, P.H., Gray, J.A., Durant, J.L. Jr. and Thoman, J.W. Jr.
page 508-514
- Resonance Raman study of carotenoid cation radicals
Jeevarajan, A.S., Kispert, L.D., Chumanov, G., Zhou, C. and Cotton, T.M.
page 515-522
- Anisotropic motion of semiquinones in photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 and in frozen isopropanol solution as measured by pulsed high-field EPR at 95 GHz
Rohrer, M., Gast, P., Mobius, K. and Prisner, T.F.
page 523-530
- Zero-field electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy
Jeschke, G. and Schweiger, A.
page 531-537
- 19F SPEDA NMR spectra in rotating solids
Ding, S. and McDowell, C.A.
page 538-544
- Temperature-dependent photoabsorption cross section measurements of O2 at the OI-1304 Å triplet emission lines
Ahmed, S.M., Kanik, I. and Link, R.
page 545-553
- Structural isomerism in the I2-Ar Van der Waals complex studied by ZEKE-PFI spectroscopy: evidence for both linear and T-shaped isomers
Cockett, M.C.R., Beattie, D.A., Donovan, R.J. and Lawley, K.P.
page 554-562
- The near-infrared absorption spectrum of nitrous oxide: analysis of the 5
3 and
1 + 5
3 clusters
Campargue, A.
page 563-567
- Metal particle catalysed production of nanoscale BN structures
Terrones, M., Hsu, W.K., Terrones, H., Zhang, J.P., Ramos, S., Hare, J.P., Castillo, R., Prassides, K., Cheetham, A.K., Kroto, H.W. and Walton, D.R.M.
page 568-573
- Orientation dependent magnetic interaction in TDAE-C60, where TDAE is tetrakis (dimethylamino) ethylene
Tanaka, K., Asai, Y., Sato, T., Kuga, T., Yamabe, T. and Tokumoto, M.
page 574-578
- Polarized fluorescence decay surface for a mixture of non-interacting species in solution
Fisz, J.J.
page 579-587
- Structural isomerism of niobium clusters and its role on reactivity
Nayak, S.K., Rao, B.K., Khanna, S.N. and Jena, P.
page 588-592
- Thermodynamic stability of hexagonal and cubic ices
Tanaka, H. and Okabe, I.
page 593-598
- Application of time-dependent density functional response theory to Raman scattering
van Gisbergen, S.J.A., Snijders, J.G. and Baerends, E.J.
page 599-604
- Incorporation of tunneling effects in classical trajectories via a method of canonical transformations
Varandas, A.J.C. and Mil'nikov, G.V.
page 605-610
- Excitation of multiple quantum coherences by a single nonselective radiofrequency pulse due to the breakdown of the high-field approximation
Kumar, P.
page 611-613
- Empirical anharmonic force field and equilibrium structure of hypochlorous acid, HOCl
Escribano, R.M., Di Lonardo, G. and Fusina, L.
page 614-618
- A general bridge between configuration interaction and coupled-cluster methods: a multistate solution
Adamowicz, L., Caballol, R., Malrieu, J.P. and Meller, J.
page 619-626
- The two lowest electronic states of C5N: results of coupled cluster calculations
Botschwina, P.
page 627-634
- Evaluation of the BeOH and MgOH hyperfine coupling tensors
Fernandez, B.
page 635-640
- Computed energy curves for modelling the dissociation of helium trimer ions
Buonomo, E., Gianturco, F.A., Schneider, F., De Lara-Castells, P., Delgado-Barrio, G., Miret-Artes, S. and Villarreal, P.
page 641-646
- A theoretical study of proton transfers in aqueous para-, ortho-hydroxypyridine and para-, ortho-hydroxyquinoline
Jiahu, W. and Boyd, R.J.
page 647-653
- Electric properties of carbon tetrafluoride
Maroulis, G.
page 654-660
- Ab initio potential energy surfaces for the large-amplitude motions of quasi-symmetric top molecules: CH3NCS and SiH3NCO
Koput, J.
page 661-668
- Ab initio total atomization energies of small molecules - towards the basis set limit
Martin, J.M.L.
page 669-678
- The total atomization energy and heat of formation of HCN(g)
Martin, J.M.L.
page 679-682
- The enthalpy of formation of trioxy radicals ROOO (R = H, CH3, C2H5). An ab initio study
Jungkamp, T.P.W. and Seinfeld, J.H.
page 683
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