Tables of Contents service for
Volume 259, Issue 3-4, 6 September 1996
- Possible electronic properties in high-Tc superconducting cuprates from cluster calculations
Panas, I. and Gatt, R.
page 241-246
- Possible influences of ionic charges, radii, softness and magnetic impurities on the superconductivity in cuprates
Panas, I. and Gatt, R.
page 247-251
- Dynamics of the collisional electron transfer and femtosecond photodissociation of NaI on ab initio electronic energy curves
Martinez, T.J. and Levine, R.D.
page 252-260
- Ab initio study of C4O4 in Td symmetry
Evangelisti, S.
page 261-264
- Ab initio studies on the mechanism of the cycloaddition reaction between ketene imine and formaldehyde - catalytic and solvent effects
De-Cai, F. and Xiao-Yuan, F.
page 265-270
- Potential for a novel
SR experiment - the results of an ab initio study
Probert, M.I.J. and Fisher, A.J.
page 271-275
- On the competition between the inversion and rotation mechanisms in the cis-trans thermal isomerization of diazene
Angeli, C., Cimiraglia, R. and Hofmann, H.
page 276-282
- Theoretical studies of the infrared and Raman spectra of cubane
Vlahacos, C.P., Hameka, H.F. and Jensen, J.O.
page 283-286
- Where does the dimethyl ether internal rotation barrier come from?
Goodman, L. and Pophristic, V.
page 287-295
- Density functional studies of free radicals: accurate geometry and hyperfine coupling prediction for semiquinone anions
O'Malley, P.J. and Collins, S.J.
page 296-300
- First-principles simulation of phosphorus-selenium systems
Sergi, A., Ferrario, M., Buda, F. and McDonald, I.R.
page 301-306
- Dipole polarizabilities and C6 dispersion coefficients for small atomic and molecular systems
Magnasco, V. and Ottonelli, M.
page 307-312
- Laser-induced electron diffraction: a new tool for probing ultrafast molecular dynamics
Zuo, T., Bandrauk, A.D. and Corkum, P.B.
page 313-320
- Molecular dynamics, Langevin and hybrid Monte Carlo simulations in a multicanonical ensemble
Hansmann, U.H.E., Okamoto, Y. and Eisenmenger, F.
page 321-330
- On the relaxation of the translational energy in binary mixtures of dense hard sphere systems
Fritzsche, S., Haberlandt, R., Michalik, H.G. and Cukrowski, A.S.
page 331-335
- Theoretical 3D study of transition state resonances for the H + H2 reaction using two coupled diabatic potential energy surfaces
Varandas, A.J.C. and H., G.Y.
page 336-341
- Pressure dependence of degenerate four-wave mixing in NO and NO2: effects of population and thermal gratings
Fantoni, R., De Dominicis, L., Giorgi, M. and Williams, R.B.
page 342-346
- Optimized multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning NMR experiments on half-integer quadrupoles
Amoureux, J., Fernandez, C. and Frydman, L.
page 347-355
- Experimental determination of the dipole moment of HCl dimer using an electrostatic hexapole field
Imura, K., Kasai, T., Ohoyama, H., Takahashi, H. and Naaman, R.
page 356-360
- Effect of high magnetic fields on the reverse electron transfer process in an
-cyclodextrin inclusion complex of phenothiazine-viologen chain-linked compound
Fujiwara, Y., Aoki, T., Yoda, K., Hong, C., Mukai, M., Haino, T., Fukazawa, Y., Tanimoto, Y., Yonemura, H., Matsuo, T. and Okazaki, M.
page 361-367
- Molecular product formation from the charge-transfer state of C6H6-I2
DeBoer, G., Burnett, J.W. and Young, M.A.
page 368-374
- Dynamics of the H + D2O
D + HOD hydrogen exchange reaction
Brownsword, R.A., Hillenkamp, M., Laurent, T., Vatsa, R.K., Volpp, H.-R. and Wolfrum, J.
page 375-380
- Internal conversion and energy transfer dynamics of spheroidene in solution and in the LH-1 and LH-2 light-harvesting complexes
Ricci, M., Bradforth, S.E., Jimenez, R. and Fleming, G.R.
page 381-390
- The vibration-rotation motions of water molecules in a 2M aqueous CsCl solution
Novikov, A.G., Rodnikova, M.N., Savostin, V.V. and Sobolev, O.V.
page 391-396
- Infrared photodesorption of methanol molecules adsorbed on a Au+4 cluster
Dietrich, G., Dasgupta, K., Kruckeberg, S., Lutzenkirchen, K., Schweikhard, L., Walther, C. and Ziegler, J.
page 397-402
- Study on resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) of SO2 in the range 365-405 nm
Limin, Z., Linsen, P., Jinghua, D., Tao, Z., Congxiang, C., Shuqin, Y. and Xingxiao, M.
page 403-407
- Measurement of OH concentration during a forest fire episode: atmospheric implications for biomass burning
Forberich, O., Walter, J. and Comes, F.J.
page 408-414
- Double detachment of electrons from C_2
Safvan, C.P., Bhardwaj, V.R., Mathur, D. and Gupta, A.K.
page 415-419
- Graph-drawing algorithms geometries versus molecular mechanics in fullerenes
Kaufman, M., Pisanski, T., Lukman, D., Borstnik, B. and Graovac, A.
page 420-424
- Attraction and orientation phenomena of bucky onions formed in a transmission electron microscope
Ru, Q., Okamoto, M., Kondo, Y. and Takayanagi, K.
page 425-431
- Laser-induced graphitization of fullerite
Ferretti, M., Parisini, A., Manfredini, M. and Milani, P.
page 432-437
- Vibrations of CO on strained Cu(100) surfaces. A cluster model analysis
Casanovas, J. and Pacchioni, G.
page 438-444
- Surface and image-potential states on Pt(111) probed by two- and three-photon photoemission
Kinoshita, I., Anazawa, T. and Matsumoto, Y.
page 445-450
- Dynamics of a liquid crystal molecule at a solid-liquid interface detected by the time-resolved transient grating method
Terazima, M., Kojima, Y. and Hirota, N.
page 451-458
- Characterization of the Lewis acid sites in zeolite HY with the probe molecule trimethylphosphine, and 31P/27Al double resonance NMR
Hsien-Ming, K. and Grey, C.P.
page 459-464
- Measurement of the energy gap in semiconducting polymers using the light-emitting electrochemical cell
Yu, G., Yang, Y., Cao, Y., Pei, Q., Zhang, C. and Heeger, A.J.
page 465-468
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