Tables of Contents service for
Volume 259, Issue 1-2, 30 August 1996
- NH3 on the MgO{100} surface: spectroscopic evidence of coupled internal and centre of mass quantum rotation
Havighorst, M., Prager, M. and Coddens, G.
page 1-6
- Car-Parrinello simulation of NH3 adsorbed on the MgO(100) surface
Langel, W.
page 7-14
- Second harmonic generation from the surface of centrosymmetric particles in bulk solution
H., W., E., C.Y.Y., Borguet, E. and Eisenthal, K.B.
page 15-20
- On the interpretation of the NEXAFS spectrum of molecular oxygen
Agren, H., Li, Y., Carravetta, V. and Pettersson, L.G.M.
page 21-27
- Microcalorimetric study of ethylene adsorption on the Pt{111} surface
Yeo, Y.Y., Stuck, A., Wartnaby, C.E. and King, D.A.
page 28-36
- An imperfect packing of CCl4 molecules confined in a graphitic slit nanospace
Iiyama, T., Suzuki, T. and Kaneko, K.
page 37-40
- Vapor-phase self-assembly of carbon nanomaterials
C.-H., K., Dresselhaus, M.S., Beyers, R. and Bethune, D.S.
page 41-47
- Electronic structure of endohedral Y_C82; an ab initio Hartree-Fock investigation
Schulte, J., Bohm, M.C. and Dinse, K.
page 48-54
- Collective electronic oscillators for nonlinear optical response of conjugated molecules
Tretiak, S., Chernyak, V. and Mukamel, S.
page 55-61
- Vibrational line shifts of hydrogen halides in a rare gas environment: HF/DF and HCl/DCl in Ar matrices and clusters
Schmidt, B. and Jungwirth, P.
page 62-68
- Kinetic contribution to the correlation energy density: benchmark to Tc[n] energy functionals
Sule, P.
page 69-80
- Assigning vibrational spectra of highly excited molecules: classical and quantum vibrational dynamics of the H2O molecule
Keshavamurthy, S. and Ezra, G.S.
page 81-90
- A modified pairwise-energy model applied to exothermic ion-molecule reactions
Song, J. and Gislason, E.A.
page 91-95
- On the evaluation of two-electron integrals in Hylleraas coordinates
Zong-Chao, Y. and Drake, G.W.F.
page 96-102
- An unusually small muon-electron coupling constant - muonium addition to biacetyl
Macrae, R.M., Rhodes, C.J., Nishiyama, K. and Nagamine, K.
page 103-112
- Intramolecular electron-transfer dynamics in the inverted regime: quantum mechanical multi-mode model including dissipation
Wolfseder, B. and Domcke, W.
page 113-118
- Promotion of intramolecular charge transfer in dimethylamino derivatives: twisting versus acceptor-group rehybridization
Sobolewski, A.L. and Domcke, W.
page 119-127
- Density functional calculations with configuration interaction for the excited states of molecules
Grimme, S.
page 128-137
- Hybridization effect on chemical potential and hardness -- a quantum chemical study
Kolandaivel, P., Arulmozhiraja, S. and Bhuvaneswari, R.
page 138-141
- Chlorinated ethanes in aqueous solution: parameterization based on thermodynamics of hydration
Paulsen, M.D. and Straatsma, T.P.
page 142-145
- An ab initio study on the equilibrium structure and torsional potential energy function of disulfane
Koput, J.
page 146-150
- Accurate small split-valence 3-21SP and 4-22SP basis sets for the first-row atoms
Mitin, A.V., Hirsch, G. and Buenker, R.J.
page 151-158
- Correlated capped sybsystem calculations as a way to include electron correlation locally: a test for substituent effects on bond energies
Coitino, E.L., Truhlar, D.G. and Morokuma, K.
page 159-164
- Low-lying stationary states of Si3H and its anion
Kalcher, J. and Sax, A.F.
page 165-172
- Theoretical study of rapid topomerization in tetracyclo[]-1-bora-3,5-diazapentane
Minyaev, R.M., Minkin, V.I. and Wales, D.J.
page 173-177
- Assignment of the two lowest valence transitions of 1,1_-bicyclohexylidene: an ab initio MRD-CI investigation
Hoogesteger, F.J., van Lenthe, J.H. and Jenneskens, L.W.
page 178-184
- Elucidation of the structural characteristics of the isovalent species Li[CO] and Li[CS] by ab initio calculations
Kalemos, A., Papakondylis, A. and Mavridis, A.
page 185-192
- Resonance Raman study of Franck-Condon effects in the C10H+8 radical. Ab initio MCSCF calculations for the low-energy 2B2g and 2B3g symmetry states
Andruniow, T., Zborowski, K. and Pawlikowski, M.
page 193-198
- Strong bonding in a doubly excited valence state of a van der Waals molecule
Leung, A.W.K., Roberson, M., Simons, J. and Breckenridge, W.H.
page 199-203
- Photoabsorption and photoassociation into the XeF(B) excimer state
Pavlenko, V.S., Nalivaiko, S.E., Egorov, V.G., Rzhevsky, O.S. and Gordon, E.B.
page 204-212
- (3 + 1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization-photoelectron spectroscopy on the E, F, and G Rydberg states of ClO
Wales, N.P.L., Buma, W.J. and de Lange, C.A.
page 213-218
- Bromomalonic acid as a source of photochemically produced Br_ ion in the Ru(bpy)2+3-catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction
Yamaguchi, T., Shimamoto, Y., Amemiya, T., Yoshimoto, M., Ohmori, T., Nakaiwa, M., Akiya, T., Sato, M. and Matsumura-Inoue, T.
page 219-224
- Memory effects during collisional energy transfer from highly excited CS2
Chimbayo, A., Toselli, B.M. and Barker, J.R.
page 225-232
- Cavity ringdown spectroscopy of molecular ions: A 2
+g (6-0) transition of N+2
Kotterer, M., Conceicao, J. and Maier, J.P.
page 233-236
- CaH emission from Ca excited in its metastable state 4s4p 3P
Fabre, G., El Ajli, M., Stringat, R., Effantin, C., d'Incan, J. and Bernard, A.
page 237-240
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