Tables of Contents service for
Volume 258, Issue 5-6, 23 August 1996
- Photodissociation dynamics of the I_2 anion using femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy
Greenblatt, B.J., Zanni, M.T. and Neumark, D.M.
page 523-529
- Perturbation of electronic potentials by femtosecond pulses - time resolved photoelectron spectroscopic study of NO multiphoton ionization
Ludowise, P., Blackwell, M. and Chen, Y.
page 530-539
- NMR and Raman characterization of pressure polymerized C60
Persson, P.-A., Edlund, U., Jacobsson, P., Johnels, D., Soldatov, A. and Sundqvist, B.
page 540-546
- Synthesis of carbon-encapsulated nanowires using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon precursors
J., Y.D., Lauerhaas, J.M., Setlur, A.A. and R., P.H.C.
page 547-553
- The valence of small fullerenes
Milani, C., Giambelli, C., Roman, H.E., Alasia, F., Benedek, G., Broglia, R.A., Sanguinetti, S. and Yabana, K.
page 554-558
- Evolution of the plasmon spectrum of C28Hn with the passivation of dangling bonds
Milani, C., Giambelli, C., Alasia, F., Broglia, R.A., Colo, G. and Roman, H.E.
page 559-561
- Electronic structures and stability rules of tetrahedral fullerenes
Au, C.T. and Fu, Q.H.
page 562-573
- Theoretical studies of structures and stabilization energies of (H2O)26, (H2O)27 and (H2O)28 pentakaidecahedral clusters
Khan, A.
page 574-580
- Iterative and non-iterative triple excitation corrections in coupled-cluster methods for excited electronic states: the EOM-CCSDT-3 and EOM-CCSD(T) methods
Watts, J.D. and Bartlett, R.J.
page 581-588
- Effective Hamiltonian for conjugated polyenes based on the ground state single-electron density matrix
Guanhua, C. and Mukamel, S.
page 589-594
- Variational iterative method for scattering problems
Adhikari, S.K.
page 595-600
- Towards an algebraic approach to the quantal time evolution of high Rydberg states
Remacle, F. and Levine, R.D.
page 601-606
- A study of the charge density in ionic molecules containing F_
Miecznik, G. and Greene, C.H.
page 607-612
- Kinetic study for the unimolecular dissociation of CF3H: RRKM and PST calculations on an ab initio potential energy surface
Dong, N.S., Yong, S.Y., Chul, W.P., Jae, W.H. and Kihyung, S.
page 613-619
- Ultrashort orientational dynamics of liquid crystals in the smectic-A phase
Le Calvez, A., Montant, S., Freysz, E., Ducasse, A., X., W.Z. and Y., R.S.
page 620-625
- Near threshold dynamics and dissociation energy of the reaction H2CO
Terentis, A.C. and Kable, S.H.
page 626-632
- Laser photofragmention-laser induced fluorescence detection of the hydroperoxyl radical: photofragment energy distributions, detection sensitivity and kinetics
Hynes, A.J., Richter, R.C. and Nien, C.J.
page 633-638
- The effect of a potential well in the quasi-asymptotic region of a potential energy surface on the dynamics of the F + H2 reaction
Rosenman, E., Persky, A. and Baer, M.
page 639-643
- Vibronic interactions in NO3: from the 2E_ origin region to the NO + O2 reactive channel
Valachovic, L., Riehn, C., Mikhaylichenko, K. and Wittig, C.
page 644-650
- HCFC-31: the CHClFO2 + NO
CHClFO + NO2 reaction and Cl atom elimination from CHClFO
Bhatnagar, A. and Carr, R.W.
page 651-656
- Reaction rates of the CN radical with diacetylene and dicyanoacetylene
Seki, K., Yagi, M., He, M., Halpern, J.B. and Okabe, H.
page 657-662
- Excited-state dynamics of highly strained 1,2,3-tri-tert-butylanthraquinone undergoing valence isomerization
Nakayama, T., Amijima, Y., Ushida, K. and Hamanoue, K.
page 663-668
- Electrospray ionization of divalent transition metal ion bipyridine complexes: spectroscopic evidence for preparation of solution analogs in the gas phase
Burns, T.D., Spence, T.G., Mooney, M.A. and Posey, L.A.
page 669-679
- Comment on _Effective mass of an excess electron in fluids with high polarizability_
Steinberger, I.T. and Reininger, R.
page 680-681
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