Tables of Contents service for
Volume 258, Issue 3-4, 16 August 1996
- On the dynamics of the O(1D) + CF3Br reaction
Alagia, M., Balucani, N., Casavecchia, P., Lagana, A., de Aspuru, G.O., Van Kleef, E.H., Volpi, G.G. and Lendvay, G.
page 323-329
- 35/37C1 NMR chemical shifts and nuclear quadrupole couplings for some small chlorine compounds: experimental and theoretical study
Fedotov, M.A., Malkina, O.L. and Malkin, V.G.
page 330-335
- State-selective single-electron capture in very slow collisions between metastable N2+2 ions and neutral atoms and molecules
Kamber, E.Y., Akgungor, K., Safvan, C.P. and Mathur, D.
page 336-341
- Two-by-two diabatic approach for multi-channel curve crossing problems
Chaoyuan, Z. and Nakamura, H.
page 342-347
- Femtosecond solvation dynamics of water: solvent response to vibrational excitation of the solute
Diraison, M., Guissani, Y., Leicknam, J.-Cl. and Bratos, S.
page 348-351
- Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy in degenerate two-state systems: the role of complex stochastic processes
Law, C.K., Knox, R.S. and Eberly, J.H.
page 352-355
- A combined theoretical and experimental study of the electrochemically induced chemisorption of acrylonitrile on nickel, copper, and zinc
Fredriksson, C., Lazzaroni, R., Bredas, J.L., Mertens, M. and Jerome, R.
page 356-362
- Evanescent field coupling of dipole to a surface: configurational resonance at long distances
Mufei, X.
page 363-368
- Langmuir-Blodgett films of nile red: a steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence study
Dutta, A.K., Kamada, K. and Ohta, K.
page 369-375
- Bilayer molecular solar cells on spin-coated TiO2 substrates
Gregg, B.A.
page 376-380
- Laser-induced luminescence in reduced copper-exchanged Y zeolite
Deson, J., Lalo, C., Gedeon, A., Vasseur, F. and Fraissard, J.
page 381-386
- Electronic states of Ga2 P2
Ping, Y.F. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 387-392
- Electronic states of PBr2 and PBr+2
Latifzadeh, L. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 393-399
- High-quality theoretical potential energy surface for Be2 by using the multireference averaged quadratic coupled-cluster (MR-AQCC) method and large basis sets
Fusti-Molnar, L. and Szalay, P.G.
page 400-408
- Singlet benzyne thermochemistry: a CASPT2 study of the enthalpies of formation
Lindh, R. and Schutz, M.
page 409-415
- Solvation of metal atoms in quantum clusters: structural and vibrational properties of Hg(H2)12 and Mg(H2)12
Broude, S. and Gerber, R.B.
page 416-420
- The ground state potential of the beryllium dimer
Starck, J. and Meyer, W.
page 421-426
- Electron-spin g-factors of H_2. An ab initio study
Bruna, P.J., Lushington, G.H. and Grein, F.
page 427-430
- High-level ab initio calculation and assessment of the dissociation and ionization energies of NH2 and NH3 neutrals or cations
Kehe, S., Xiaoling, H., Xiuyi, L., Yubin, W. and Zhenyi, W.
page 431-435
- Density-functional and density-functional reaction field calculations of the molecular properties of phenol
Jose, B., Cabral, C., Fonseca, R.G.B. and Simoes, J.A.M.
page 436-444
- Femtosecond hole-burning spectroscopy of the dye DCM in solution: the transition from the locally excited to a charge-transfer state
Kovalenko, S.A., Ernsting, N.P. and Ruthmann, J.
page 445-454
- Far ultraviolet emission spectrum of xenon induced by electron impact at 100 eV
Kanik, I.
page 455-459
- Femtosecond interferometric photoacoustic spectroscopy using incoherent light
Snoek, L.C., Clement, S.G., Harren, F.J.M. and van der Zande, W.J.
page 460-464
- Collisional removal of CD(A2
, B2
_ and C2
+) by deuterated ketene
Alonso, A., Ponz, M. and Martin, M.
page 465-469
- Unified dielectric description of the dynamics of polymeric systems undergoing either thermal or chemical vitrification
Casalini, R., Corezzi, S., Fioretto, D., Livi, A. and Rolla, P.A.
page 470-476
- Radiation from the reactions of NO+ with Cl_ and I_
Spanel, P. and Smith, D.
page 477-484
- Hyper-Rayleigh scattering investigation of nitrobenzyl pyridine model compounds for optical modulation of the hyperpolarisability
Houbrechts, S., Clays, K., Persoons, A., Pikramenou, Z. and Lehn, J.
page 485-489
- The crystal structure of perdeuterated pyrene II at 4.2 K
Knight, K.S., Shankland, K., David, W.I.F., Shankland, N. and Love, S.W.
page 490-494
- Phototautomerization of 3-hydroxyflavone in the lowest triplet state
Tokumura, K., Kurauchi, M., Yagata, N. and Itoh, M.
page 495-500
- Surface-enhanced resonance Raman spectra of water-insoluble tetraphenylporphyrin and chlorophyll a on silver hydrosols with a dioxane molecular spacer
Woolley, P.S., Keely, B.J. and Hester, R.E.
page 501-506
- Ultrafast intracluster fragmentation in highly excited benzene-ammonia complexes
Radloff, W., Freudenberg, Th., Stert, V., Ritze, H.-H., Weyers, K. and Noack, F.
page 507-512
- Electronic structure of the two C78 isomers with C2v symmetry
Knupfer, M., Knauff, O., Golden, M.S., Fink, J., Burk, M., Fuchs, D., Schuppler, S., Michel, R.H. and Kappes, M.M.
page 513-517
- Lead bromide and ternary alkali lead bromide single crystals - growth and emission properties
Nitsch, K., Hamplova, V., Nikl, M., Polak, K. and Rodova, M.
page 518-522
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