Tables of Contents service for
Volume 257, Issue 3-4, 26 July 1996
- Achieving linear scaling in exchange-correlation density functional quadratures
Stratmann, R.E., Scuseria, G.E. and Frisch, M.J.
page 213-223
- Saturation of the second hyperpolarizability for polyacetylenes
Lu, D., Marten, B., Ringnalda, M., Friesner, R.A. and Goddard, W.A. III
page 224-228
- Redesigning semiempirical-like pi-electron theory with second order effective valence shell Hamiltonian (H
) theory: application to large protonated Schiff bases
Martin, C.H.
page 229-237
- The structure of dichromium tetraformate
Andersson, K., Bauschlicher, C.W. Jr., Persson, B.J. and Roos, B.O.
page 238-248
- Electric field gradients and Sternheimer-type properties of the BrCl molecule: correlated, relativistic, ab initio calculations and modelling of nuclear quadrupole coupling constants in complexes B _ BrCl
Fowler, P.W., Peebles, S.A., Legon, A.C. and Sadlej, A.J.
page 249-256
- Electronic states of the diatomic antimony fluoride (SbF)
Latifzadeh, L. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 257-264
- Solvation of ions in the gas-phase: a molecular dynamics simulation
Cabarcos, O.M. and Lisy, J.M.
page 265-272
- Cluster-surface impact dissociation of halogen molecules in large inert gas clusters
Schek, I., Jortner, J., Raz, T. and Levine, R.D.
page 273-279
- Kinetics and dynamics of nitrogen adsorption on Ru(001): evidence for direct molecular chemisorption
Seets, D.C., Wheeler, M.C. and Mullins, C.B.
page 280-284
- Anisotropic floating monolayers of 2-docosylamino-5-nitropyridine studied by second-harmonic generation
Verbiest, T., Van Rompaey, Y., Kauranen, M. and Persoons, A.
page 285-288
- Influence of preadsorbed oxygen on activated chemisorption of methane on Pd(110)
Valden, M., Pere, J., Xiang, N. and Pessa, M.
page 289-296
- A high-resolution study of the NO3 radical produced in a supersonic jet
Carter, R.T., Schmidt, K.F., Bitto, H. and Huber, J.R.
page 297-302
- A peculiar interference phenomenon observed in femtosecond optical Kerr effect spectroscopy for nearly transparent materials
Kinoshita, S., Ariyoshi, T. and Kai, Y.
page 303-308
- Absolute total cross section measurements for electron scattering on benzene molecules
Mozejko, P., Kasperski, G., Szmytkowski, C., Karwasz, G.P., Brusa, R.S. and Zecca, A.
page 309-313
- Direct determination of a molecular torsional angle by solid-state NMR
X., F., Y., K.L., Sandstrom, D., Eden, M., Maisel, H., Sebald, A. and Levitt, M.H.
page 314-320
- Molecular geometry of monomeric and dimeric aluminum tribromide from gas phase electron diffraction
Hargittai, M., Kolonits, M. and Godorhazy, L.
page 321-326
- Torsional relaxations from perpendicular to tilted configurations in the intramolecular charge transfer of excited 9,9_-bianthryl as studied by femtosecond-picosecond time-resolved absorption spectral measurements in solution
Mataga, N., Nishikawa, S. and Okada, T.
page 327-332
- Electron paramagnetic resonance of the primary radical pair [D_+
__A] in reaction centers of photosynthetic bacteria
Proskuryakov, I.I., Klenina, I.B., Hore, P.J., Bosch, M.K., Gast, P. and Hoff, A.J.
page 333-339
- Vibronic transitions in Ni+2
Buthelezi, T., Bellert, D., Lewis, V., Dezfulian, K., Kisko, J., Hayes, T. and Brucat, P.J.
page 340-346
- LIF of C2 (A 1
u) via the Freymark band (E 1
A 1
Blunt, V.M., Hua, L., Sorkhabi, O. and Jackson, W.M.
page 347-350
- Radiative lifetime measurement of vibronic levels of the B2_+ state of CaH by laser excitation spectroscopy
Berg, L.-E., Ekvall, K. and Kelly, S.
page 351-355
- Femtosecond wave packet propagation dynamics in the dissociative K3 molecule
Ruppe, H., Rutz, S., Schreiber, E. and Woste, L.
page 356-364
- Femtosecond wave packet propagation in spin-orbit coupled electronic states of the Na2 molecule
Rutz, S., Greschik, S., Schreiber, E. and Woste, L.
page 365-373
- Relaxation-induced oscillations of spin-echo envelopes
Meersmann, T. and Bodenhausen, G.
page 374-380
- Approximate description of Stokes shifts in ICT fluorescence emission
Saielli, G., Braun, D., Polimeno, A. and Nordio, P.L.
page 381-385
- Power deposition in H2 and H2-N2 glow discharges
Nagpal, R., Ganguly, B.N., Bletzinger, P. and Garscadden, A.
page 386-392
- An alternative approach to orthogonal graph theoretical invariants
Araujo, O. and Morales, D.A.
page 393-396
- New aspect of noise-induced order in the one-dimensional chaos of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction
Yoshimoto, M., Yamaguchi, T. and Nagashima, H.
page 397-400
- Oscillating magnetic field effects on the yields of radical pair reactions
Timmel, C.R. and Hore, P.J.
page 401-408
- Long-range coefficients for the low-lying electronic states of LiB
Pouchan, C. and Rerat, M.
page 409-413
- High-resolution multiple quantum MAS NMR spectroscopy of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei
G., W., Rovnyak, D., Sun, B. and Griffin, R.G.
page 414
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