Tables of Contents service for
Volume 256, Issue 3, 28 June 1996
- Collapsing carbon nanotubes with an electron beam
Chopra, N.G., Ross, F.M. and Zettl, A.
page 241-245
- Synthesis of long carbon nanotubes filled with Se, S, Sb and Ge by the arc method
Loiseau, A. and Pascard, H.
page 246-252
- Gibbs energies of gas-phase electron transfer reactions involving the larger fullerene anions
Boltalina, O.V., Dashkova, E.V. and Sidorov, L.N.
page 253-260
- Laser synthesis of fullerenes from benzene-oxygen mixtures
Voicu, I., Armand, X., Cauchetier, M., Herlin, N. and Bourcier, S.
page 261-268
- Production and characterization of boron- and silicon-doped carbon clusters
Kimura, T., Sugai, T. and Shinohara, H.
page 269-273
- Mass spectrometric investigation of the thermodynamic properties of the Si6 molecule
Gingerich, K.A., Qingsheng, R. and Schmude, R.W. Jr.
page 274-278
- Femtochemistry of ICN in liquids: dynamics of dissociation, recombination and abstraction
Wan, C., Gupta, M. and Zewail, A.H.
page 279-287
- Transient frequency-modulation absorption spectroscopy of free radicals in supersonic free jet expansions
Bor-Chen, C. and Sears, T.J.
page 288-292
- Ultrafast non-resonant multiphoton preparation of ion-molecule reactions within clusters
Martrenchard, S., Soep, B. and Parker, D.H.
page 293-296
- Thermal state distributions deduced from (2 + 1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization of CO
Beck, K.M., German, K.A.H. and Hess, W.P.
page 297-304
- Charge-transfer rate constants for N+2 (
= 0-4) with Ar at thermal energies
Kato, S., de Gouw, J.A., Lin, C.-D., Bierbaum, V.M. and Leone, S.R.
page 305-311
- EER studies of the single quantum well GaAs/AlxGa1_xAs electrode/nonaqueous solution interface
Yao, L., Xu-Rui, X., Ruo-Zhen, W., Dong-Lin, L., Yi-Ping, Z., Chun-Hui, Y. and Dian-Zhao, S.
page 312-316
- Deuterium-induced phase transition of crystalline tolane-d10
Yamamura, Y., Saito, K., Matsuyama, H. and Ikemoto, I.
page 317-320
- Transient light emission in slow ion-atom collisions
Micha, D.A., Runge, K. and DaCosta, H.F.M.
page 321-326
- Absorption and emission spectra of alkaline-earth atoms in liquid helium: a theoretical study
Jian-Zhi, T., Kimura, M. and Shimamura, I.
page 327-333
- The static dielectric constant of the soft sticky dipole model of liquid water: Monte Carlo simulation
Yi, L. and Ichiye, T.
page 334-340
- Doppler-free kinetic energy release spectrum of NO2+ and ab initio CI calculations
Edvardsson, D., Lundqvist, M., Baltzer, P., Wannberg, B. and Lunell, S.
page 341-347
- Development of a perturbative approach for Monte Carlo simulations using a hybrid ab initio QM/MM method
Truong, T.N. and Stefanovich, E.V.
page 348-352
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