Tables of Contents service for
Volume 256, Issue 4-5, 5 July 1996
- Molecular electronic properties of fused rigid porphyrin-oligomer molecular wires
Reimers, J.R., Lu, T.X., Crossley, M.J. and Hush, N.S.
page 353-359
- Water molecule enhances dipole-bound electron affinity of 1-methyl-cytosine
Smets, J., McCarthy, W.J. and Adamowicz, L.
page 360-369
- Theoretical study of molecular dynamics in model base pairs
Douhal, A., Guallar, V., Moreno, M. and Lluch, J.M.
page 370-376
- Electronic effects in the d-d spectrum of NiO
Lorda, E., Illas, F. and Bagus, P.S.
page 377-382
- Ab-initio study of the energetics and thermodynamics of the reaction CF3H + O(3P)
CF3H _ O
CF3 + OH
Kreye, W.C.
page 383-390
- Vibrational frequency prediction using density functional theory
Ming, W.W.
page 391-399
- Calculation of molecular electrostatic potentials and Fukui functions using density functional methods
De Proft, F., Martin, J.M.L. and Geerlings, P.
page 400-408
- The potential energy and dipole moment surfaces of HOBr
Palmieri, P., Puzzarini, C. and Tarroni, R.
page 409-416
- Influence of molecular vibrations on dissociative adsorption
Gross, A. and Scheffler, M.
page 417-423
- Laser emission from solutions and films containing semiconducting polymer and titanium dioxide nanocrystals
Hide, F., Schwartz, B.J., Diaz-Garcia, M.A. and Heeger, A.J.
page 424-430
- dc surface conductance as a tool for the study of the space charge layer of thin film semiconductor electrodes
Alcober, C. and Bilmes, S.A.
page 431-437
- Interconversion of a bisulfate anion into a sulfuric acid molecule on a Pt(111) electrode in a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution
Shingaya, Y. and Ito, M.
page 438-444
- A new method for quantitative characterization of adsorbed hydrogen on Pt particles by means of Pt L-edge XANES
Kubota, T., Asakura, K., Ichikuni, N. and Iwasawa, Y.
page 445-448
- Symmetry handling in calculations of properties of atoms in molecules
Cioslowski, J. and Stefanov, B.B.
page 449-453
- Treatment of electronic excitations within the adiabatic approximation of time dependent density functional theory
Bauernschmitt, R. and Ahlrichs, R.
page 454-464
- How to observe the elusive resonances in F + H2 reactive scattering
Russell, C.L. and Manolopoulos, D.E.
page 465-473
- A new simulation method for the determination of the vapour-liquid equilibria in the grand canonical ensemble
Boda, D., Liszi, J. and Szalai, I.
page 474-482
- Rotational electrolyte friction on non-spherical polyions
Hernandez-Contreras, M., Medina-Noyola, M. and Alarcon-Waess, O.
page 483-489
- Intense radiation induced dissociation dynamics of a model diatomic molecule with randomly varying binding energy
Sarkar, P. and Bhattacharyya, S.P.
page 490-496
- Cross-precession induced by the average dipolar field in high-resolution NMR
Goldman, M. and Desvaux, H.
page 497-501
- Picosecond transient infrared spectroscopy of electronically excited 4-dimethylamino-4_-nitrostilbene in the fingerprint region (1640-940 cm_1)
Okamoto, H. and Tasumi, M.
page 502-508
- Free jet absorption millimeter wave spectrum of benzophenone
Maris, A., Melandri, S., Caminati, W. and Favero, P.G.
page 509-512
- Conformational equilibrium in resorcinol by means of the free-jet absorption millimeter wave spectrum
Melandri, S., Maccaferri, G., Caminati, W. and Favero, P.G.
page 513-517
- Single crystal EPR study of the Ni center of NiFe hydrogenase
Ge_ner, Ch., Trofanchuk, O., Kawagoe, K., Higuchi, Y., Yasuoka, N. and Lubitz, W.
page 518-524
- Localization of a charge transfer excited state in molecular crystals: a direct confirmation by femtosecond diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
Asahi, T., Matsuo, Y. and Masuhara, H.
page 525-530
- Vibrational deactivation of N2 by inelastic collisions with 3He and 4He
Reid, J.P., Simpson, C.J.S.M. and Quiney, H.M.
page 531-535
- Triplet-triplet absorption of 2-(2_-hydroxyphenyl) benzoxazole (HBO) in polar solvents
Guoqiang, Y., Morlet-Savary, F., Zhaokui, P., Shikang, W. and Fouassier, J.
page 536-542
- Absolute rate constants of Mo2 (X1
+g) and Mo (a7S3) with O2 at room temperature
Wakabayashi, T., Ishikawa, Y. and Arai, S.
page 543-547
- Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation and phase transitions in solid n-undecylammonium chloride
Reynhardt, E.C.
page 548-554
- The rovibronic structure of Ni+2 via resonant two-color photodissociation
Bellert, D., Buthelezi, T., Lewis, V., Dezfulian, K., Reed, D., Hayes, T. and Brucat, P.J.
page 555-560
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