Tables of Contents service for
Volume 255, Issue 4-6, 14 June 1996
- Theoretical study of the energy spectra of multiphoton above-threshold dissociation of H+2 in intense laser fields
Telnov, D.A. and Shih-I, C.
page 223-231
- Altered reaction dynamics: lowered barriers and bound states induced by intense infrared laser fields
Ivanov, M.Yu., Matusek, D.R. and Wright, J.S.
page 232-237
- Bond alternation of polyacetylene as a spin-Peierls distortion
Capponi, S., Guihery, N., Malrieu, J., Miguel, B. and Poilblanc, D.
page 238-243
- On multiple solutions of the Fock-space coupled-cluster method
Meissner, L.
page 244-250
- Classical trajectory description of the dynamics of the autoionization event in He(23S)-D2 Penning ionization
Vojtik, J. and Kotal, R.
page 251-257
- Wave-packet interference and stabilization of a predissociating molecule
Dietz, H. and Engel, V.
page 258-262
- Characterization of a metastable state of ozone by high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometry
Bouvier, A.J., Bacis, R., Bussery, B., Churassy, S., Inard, D., Nota, M., Brion, J., Malicet, J. and Anderson, S.M.
page 263-266
- A 31P-SNP study of the photolysis of (2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) diphenylphosphine oxide in micelles of different sizes
Ananchenko, G.S., Bagryanskaya, E.G., Tarasov, V.F., Sagdeev, R.Z. and Paul, H.
page 267-273
- The accuracy of the pseudopotential approximation: non-frozen-core effects for spectroscopic constants of alkali fluorides XF (X = K, Rb, Cs)
Leininger, T., Nicklass, A., Kuchle, W., Stoll, H., Dolg, M. and Bergner, A.
page 274-280
- Hylleraas-type calculations for lithium
Pestka, G. and Woznicki, W.
page 281-286
- Direct l-type doubling transitions in the v6 = 1 vibrational state of CF3Br and CF3I: l-type resonance effects on the spin-rotation coupling
Gerke, C. and Harder, H.
page 287-294
- Time-domain reflectometry in magnetic studies: lumped inductance method
Goncharov, V.A. and Ovchinikov, I.V.
page 295-299
- Passing the one-quadrillion limit in FCI extrapolations on a personal computer
Wulfov, A.L.
page 300-308
- Motional diminishing of optical activity: a novel method for studying molecular dynamics in liquids and plastic crystals
Martin, M.C. and Mihaly, L.
page 309-314
- Properties of atoms in molecules from valence-electron densities augmented with core-electron contributions
Cioslowski, J. and Piskorz, P.
page 315-319
- A hybrid MC-SCF method: generalised valence bond (GVB) with complete active space SCF (CASSCF)
Clifford, S., Bearpark, M.J. and Robb, M.A.
page 320-326
- Ab initio study of solvated molecules: a new implementation of the polarizable continuum model
Cossi, M., Barone, V., Cammi, R. and Tomasi, J.
page 327-335
- Valence bond energy curves for He2+2
Basch, H., Aped, P. and Hoz, S.
page 336-340
- A relativistic effective core potential ab initio study of molecular geometries and vibrational frequencies of lanthanide trihalides LnX3 (Ln = Gd, Lu; X = F, Cl)
Lanza, G. and Fragala, I.L.
page 341-346
- Molecular dynamics simulation of supercritical carbon dioxide fluid with the model potential from ab initio molecular orbital calculations
Tsuzuki, S., Uchimaru, T., Mikami, M., Tanabe, K., Sako, T. and Kuwajima, S.
page 347-349
- Ab initio study of the electronic spectrum of the PO2 radical
Cai, Z.-L., Hirsch, G. and Buenker, R.J.
page 350-356
- An ab initio study on the equilibrium structure and HCN bending potential energy function of fulminic acid
Koput, J., Winnewisser, B.P. and Winnewisser, M.
page 357-362
- Hypermetallation is ubiquitous: MX6 molecules (M = C_Pb, X = Li_K)
von R. Schleyer, P. and Kapp, J.
page 363-366
- Electronic structures of C70 crystalline phases
Ohno, K., Jing-Zhi, Y., Maruyama, Y., Kawazoe, Y. and Takahashi, T.
page 367-372
- n-Paraffin solid solutions: modification of phase separation with carbon number
Gilbert, E.P., Reynolds, P.A., Brown, A.S. and White, J.W.
page 373-377
- Substrate scattering effects in the near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure of Ni(110)-p2mg(2 _ 1)-CO
Pangher, N., Wilde, L. and Haase, J.
page 378-384
- Electroabsorption of a new urethane-substituted polydiacetylene PDA-5BCMU-4A in a film
Jia, W., Misawa, K., Matsuda, H., Okada, S., Nakanishi, H. and Kobayashi, T.
page 385-392
- Comparison of the dynamics of abstraction of primary vs. secondary hydrogens in the Cl + CD3CH2CD3 reaction
Varley, D.F. and Dagdigian, P.J.
page 393-400
- Molecular geometry of SO2_ClF from its rotational spectrum: a cis, planar complex with a linear O_Cl-F bond
Cotti, G., Holloway, J.H. and Legon, A.C.
page 401-409
- Mass identification of negative ions in excimer-laser-irradiated triethylamine: atomic rearrangements in electron attachment to highly excited states
Pinnaduwage, L.A. and McCorkle, D.L.
page 410-418
- Laser spectroscopy of SrH. Time-resolved measurements of the A 2_ state
Berg, L.-E., Ekvall, K., Hishikawa, A., Kelly, S. and McGuinness, C.
page 419-424
- Formation and decay of transient xenon dihydride resulting from hydrocarbon radiolysis in a xenon matrix
Feldman, V.I. and Sukhov, F.F.
page 425-430
- Electronic absorption and Raman studies of BF_4-doped polythiophene based on the spectra of the radical cation and dication of
Yokonuma, N., Furukawa, Y., Tasumi, M., Kuroda, M. and Nakayama, J.
page 431-436
- Electronic spectra of jet-cooled tropolone-H2O clusters
Sekiya, H., Hamabe, H., Ujita, H., Nakano, N. and Nishimura, Y.
page 437-444
- Thermal redistribution of energy from an excited 3
* term to a nearby chemically reactive 3dd level in [Rh(III)(NN)3](PF6)3 complexes
Brozik, J.A. and Crosby, G.A.
page 445-450
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