Tables of Contents service for
Volume 253, Issue 3-4, 3 May 1996
- Proton-ordered ice structures at zero pressure. A quantum-mechanical investigation
Pisani, C., Casassa, S. and Ugliengo, P.
page 201-208
- Temperature dependence of solvent structure around a hydrophobic solute: a Monte Carlo study of methane in water
Bridgeman, C.H., Buckingham, A.D. and Skipper, N.T.
page 209-215
- Spin-orbit effects calculated by a configuration interaction method using determinants of two-component molecular spinors: test calculations on Rn and T1H
Myeong, C.K., Sang, Y.L. and Yoon, S.L.
page 216-222
- Fractal dimension of disordered submonolayers: determination from He scattering data
Hamburger, D.A., Yinnon, A.T. and Gerber, R.B.
page 223-229
- Coordination reaction of NO onto W(CO)5 in the gas phase
Ishikawa, Y. and Arai, S.
page 230-235
- Search for oscillations in the translational energy dependence of the dissociation of H2 on Pd(100)
Rettner, C.T. and Auerbach, D.J.
page 236-240
- Strong molecular interaction of carbon dioxide with Pd/LaAlO3 catalyst
Valden, M., Pere, J., N., X. and Pessa, M.
page 241-245
- Charge-transfer contribution to surface-enhanced Raman scattering and surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering of dyes at silver and gold electrodes
Kudelski, A. and Bukowska, J.
page 246-250
- Fourier transform surface-enhanced Raman scattering of C70 on a roughened silver surface
Fredericks, P.M.
page 251-256
- Experimental evidence for resonant electron scattering in C70/MoS2
Bo-ying, H., Hevesi, K., Li-ming, Y., Thiry, P.A., Pireaux, J.-J. and Caudano, R.
page 257-260
- Internal energy dependence of the fragmentation patterns of C60 and C+60
Campbell, E.E.B., Raz, T. and Levine, R.D.
page 261-267
- Linear scaling density functional calculations via the continuous fast multipole method
White, C.A., Johnson, B.G., Gill, P.M.W. and Head-Gordon, M.
page 268-278
- The analysis of magnetic-state-selected angular distributions: a quantum mechanical form and an asymptotic approximation
Seideman, T.
page 279-285
- A gradient-only algorithm for tracing a reaction path uphill to the saddle of a potential energy surface
Quapp, W.
page 286-292
- Effects of sequential electron transfer on electron spin polarized transient EPR spectra at high fields
Tang, J., Bondeson, S. and Thurnauer, M.C.
page 293-298
- Theoretical studies of tetrakaidecahedral structures of (H2O)24, (H2O)25 and (H2O)26 clusters
Khan, A.
page 299-304
- Almost-isospectral conjugated polyene molecules
Dias, J.R.
page 305-312
- Pressure and temperature dependence of the reactions of CH with N2
Rodgers, A.S. and Smith, G.P.
page 313-321
- Influence of static magnetic fields on chirally autocatalytic radical-pair reactions
Hegstrom, R.A. and Kondepudi, D.K.
page 322-326
- Femtosecond laser spectroscopy on the vibrational wave packet dynamics of the A 1
+ state of NaK
Berg, L.-E., Beutter, M. and Hansson, T.
page 327-332
- The UV spectrum of acetyl and the kinetics of the chain reaction between acetaldehyde and chlorine
Maricq, M.M. and Szente, J.J.
page 333-339
- Anisotropy of the 1H and 13C shielding tensors in chloroform
Vaara, J., Oikarinen, K., Jokisaari, J. and Lounila, J.
page 340-348
- Order-resolved sideband separation in magic-angle-spinning NMR. 31P NMR of oriented DNA fibers
Zhiyan, S., Antzutkin, O.N., Rupprecht, A. and Levitt, M.H.
page 349-354
- Remarkably strong antiferromagnetic interaction through an intervening hydrogen atom in N-(n-propyl)pyridinium-substituted imidazolin-1-oxyl iodide
Ueda, K., Tsujii, M., Suga, T., Sugimoto, T., Kanehisa, N., Kai, Y. and Hosoito, N.
page 355-360
- Control of radical pair lifetimes by microwave irradiation. Application to photosynthetic reaction centres
Dzuba, S.A., Proskuryakov, I.I., Hulsebosch, R.J., Bosch, M.K., Gast, P. and Hoff, A.J.
page 361-366
- Critical scattering by fluid cyclohexane in porous silica
Webber, J.B.W., Dore, J.C., Fischer, H. and Vuillard, L.
page 367-371
- _Ab initio studies on structures of the hexa-coordinate phosphorus intermediate for the phosphoryl ester exchange and N
O migration reactions of dimethyloxyphosphoryl-threonine_
Chang-Guo, Z. and Iwata, S.
page 372
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