Tables of Contents service for
Volume 253, Issue 5-6, 10 May 1996
- Dynamic CCSD polarisabilities of CHF3 and CHCl3
Kobayashi, R., Amos, R.D., Koch, H. and J_rgensen, P.
page 373-376
- Ab initio calculation of Auger spectra for carbon monoxide
Schimmelpfennig, B. and Peyerimhoff, S.D.
page 377-382
- Electric dipole polarizabilities of negative ions of the coinage metal atoms
Kello, V., Urban, M. and Sadlej, A.J.
page 383-389
- Structure and properties of Ni7 cluster isomers
Nayak, S.K., Reddy, B., Rao, B.K., Khanna, S.N. and Jena, P.
page 390-396
- The emission at 669 nm of metal free phthalocyanine in toluene and 1-bromonaphthalene solutions
Van Mingroot, H., De Backer, S., van Stam, J., Van der Auweraer, M. and De Schryver, F.C.
page 397-402
- An experimental investigation of the double ionization of hydrogen sulphide to triplet electronic states of the dication
Andrews, S.R. and Harris, F.M.
page 403-406
- Muonium emission to a vacuum from metallic and oxidized surfaces of high-purity polycrystalline tungsten
Matsushita, A. and Nagamine, K.
page 407-413
- Degeneracy loss contributions to the stabilisation of the eccentric position of lithium in Li_C60
Buckingham, A.D. and Read, J.P.
page 414-419
- Doping effects and electronic states in C60-polymers
Harigaya, K.
page 420-427
- Control of the dynamics of a dissipative two-level system by a strong periodic field
Goychuk, I.A., Petrov, E.G. and May, V.
page 428-437
- Free-ion yield and electron-ion recombination rate in liquefied rare gases: the case of liquid krypton
Mozumder, A.
page 438-442
- Magnetizability and nuclear shielding constants of solvated water
Mikkelsen, K.V., Ruud, K. and Helgaker, T.
page 443-447
- Interaction of water and methanol with a zeolite at high coverages
Nusterer, E., Blochl, P.E. and Schwarz, K.
page 448-455
- Electron transfer reactions in electrolyte solutions: effects of ion atmosphere and solvent relaxation
Chandra, A.
page 456-462
- Ionization potential measurement of NanFn-p for p up to 5
Poncharal, Ph., L'Hermite, J.-M. and Labastie, P.
page 463-468
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