Tables of Contents service for
Volume 253, Issue 1-2, 26 April 1996
- Efficient parallel implementation of response theory: calculations of the second hyperpolarizability of polyacenes
Norman, P., Jonsson, D., Agren, H., Dahle, P., Ruud, K., Helgaker, T. and Koch, H.
page 1-7
- On the binding of electrons to CS2: possible role of quadrupole-bound states
Compton, R.N., Dunning, F.B. and Nordlander, P.
page 8-12
- Shift-independent nuclear spin diffusion by slow magic-angle sample spinning for the exploration of solids
Gan, Z. and Ernst, R.R.
page 13-19
- On the construction of double group molecular symmetry functions
Visscher, L.
page 20-26
- Multiple quantum NMR spin dynamics in one-dimensional quantum spin chains
Fel'dman, E.B. and Lacelle, S.
page 27-31
- Vibrational redundant coordinates of buckminsterfullerene
Martinez-Torres, E., Lopez-Gonzalez, J.J., Fernandez-Gomez, M., Brendsdal, E. and Cyvin, S.J
page 32-36
- Photodissociation of MgC+60 complexes generated and stored in a linear ion trap
Welling, M., Thompson, R.I. and Walther, H.
page 37-42
- Intensity anomalies in the zero-electron-kinetic energy spectra of molecules ionizing into 2
Lefebvre-Brion, H.
page 43-48
- Quantum chemical study on complexes of the LiH molecule with e+, Ps and Ps_ including correlation energy
Strasburger, K.
page 49-52
- On the relation between the echo-peak shift and Brownian-oscillator correlation function
de Boeij, W.P., Pshenichnikov, M.S. and Wiersma, D.A.
page 53-60
- On the mechanism of proton pumping
Kuhn, H. and Kuhn, C.
page 61-68
- Femtosecond dynamics of intramolecular charge transfer in 4-dimethylamino-4_-cyanostilbene in polar solvents
Eilers-Konig, N., Kuhne, T., Schwarzer, D., Vohringer, P. and Schroeder, J.
page 69-76
- Pulsed molecular beam infrared absorption spectroscopy of HCCH-CO
Kawashima, Y. and Nishizawa, K.
page 77-80
- Multiphoton ionisation and dissociation of NO2 by 50 fs laser pulses
Singhal, R.P., Kilic, H.S., Ledingham, K.W.D., Kosmidis, C., McCanny, T., Langley, A.J. and Shaikh, W.
page 81-86
- Direct observation of IVR under white light excitation: fluorescence spectra of p-difluorobenzene by controlled electron impact
Furuya, K., Koto, E. and Ogawa, T.
page 87-91
- Fluorescence quenching of azoalkanes by solvent-assisted radiationless deactivation involving C-H bonds
Nau, W.M., Adam, W. and Scaiano, J.C.
page 92-96
- Ultrafast single and double proton transfer in photo-excited [2,2_-bipyridyl]-3,3_-diol
Zhang, H., van der Meulen, P. and Glasbeek, M.
page 97-102
- Direct determination of the temperature dependence of proton transfer in the benzoic acid dimer by single crystal neutron diffraction
Wilson, C.C., Shankland, N. and Florence, A.J.
page 103-107
- Luminescence of Cu+ in some fluoride perovskites
Lizzo, S., Meijerink, A., Dirksen, G.J. and Blasse, G.
page 108-112
- Spectral dependence of the photocurrents generated by X-rays in copper phthalocyanine near the CuK
Stizza, S., Berrettoni, M., Signerski, R. and Godlewski, J.
page 113-117
- DPH is localised in two distinct populations in lipid vesicles
van der Heide, U.A., van Ginkel, G. and Levine, Y.K.
page 118-122
- An experimental study of vibrational enhancement of the dissociative chemisorption of ethane on Pt(111)
Oakes, D.J., Newell, H.E., Rutten, F.J.M., McCoustra, M.R.S. and Chesters, M.A.
page 123-128
- Mechanism of C2H4 dehydrogenation to C2H2 on the Ni(111) surface
Lam, M.E., Boyd, R.J. and Kreuzer, H.J.
page 129-134
- Probing of spatial orientational correlations between chromophores in polymer films by femtosecond hyper-Rayleigh scattering
Olbrechts, G., Put, E.J.H., Clays, K., Persoons, A. and Matsuda, N.
page 135-140
- Intramolecular dipolar coupling enhancement of the first-order molecular hyperpolarizability in a polar solvent
Man, S.W., Nicoud, J., Runser, C., Fort, A., Barzoukas, M. and Marchal, E.
page 141-144
- Time-resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering: measuring first hyperpolarizabilities
of fluorescent molecules
Noordman, O.F.J. and van Hulst, N.F.
page 145-150
- Rotationally resolved high (n _ 100) Rydberg states of benzene
Neuhauser, R. and Neusser, H.J.
page 151-157
- Kinetic study of the reaction of Fe(a5DJ) with N2O from 398 to 620 K
Campbell, M.L. and Metzger, J.R.
page 158-164
- Experiments on collisional relaxation of Na2 molecules in the b 3_u state
Klavins, J. and Hulsman, H.
page 165-170
- Electron harpooning in reactions of sodium cluster ions with nitrous oxide
Tanaka, H., Mizuno, T., Nonose, S. and Kondow, T.
page 171-176
- Rate coefficients for O(1D) + H2, D2, HD reactions and H atom yield in O(1D) + HD reaction
Talukdar, R.K. and Ravishankara, A.R.
page 177-183
- Gas phase reaction of nitrous acid and methyl nitrite with arenium ions. A new route to electrophilic aromatic nitrosation
Cacace, F. and Ricci, A.
page 184-188
- Protonated thiohypofluorous acid, FSH+2. Theoretically predicted to be stable and experimentally observed in the gas phase
Grandinetti, F. and Ricci, A.
page 189-195
- The covalently bound N3O2 molecule: two possible isomers
Papai, I. and Stirling, A.
page 196-200
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