Tables of Contents service for
Volume 252, Issue 5-6, 19 April 1996
- Kinetics of the reaction of the CCl3 radical with oxygen atoms
Seetula, J.A., Slagle, I.R., Gutman, D. and Senkan, S.M.
page 299-303
- Photofragment action spectroscopy of the acetylene molecule in the vacuum ultraviolet
Loffler, P., Lacombe, D., Ross, A., Wrede, E., Schnieder, L. and Welge, K.H.
page 304-310
- Nephelauxetic inhomogeneous broadening of optical transitions
Macfarlane, P.I., Holliday, K. and Henderson, B.
page 311-316
- Chloride-ion hydration in supercritical water by neutron diffraction
Yamaguchi, T., Yamagami, M., Ohzono, H., Wakita, H. and Yamanaka, K.
page 317-321
- Direct measurement of excited singlet-state lifetime in the homologous sequence adenine, adenosine, adenosine 5_-monophosphate and in calf thymus DNA
Nikogosyan, D.N., Angelov, D., Soep, B. and Lindqvist, L.
page 322-326
- Autoionization process in the Penning ionization of the CO molecule by Ne* (3P0, 3P2) metastable atoms
Lescop, B., Arfa, M.B., Le Coz, G., Cherid, M., Sinou, G., Le Nadan, A. and Tuffin, F.
page 327-332
- Lifetimes of vibrational levels in the B2A_ state of HCO
Tobiason, J.D. and Rohlfing, E.A.
page 333-342
- Microwave spectrum of the NiO radical in the X 3
_ state
Namiki, K. and Saito, S.
page 343-347
- SO(X 3
_) product energy disposal in the desulfurization reaction of thiirane with O(3P) atoms
Ravichandran, K., Yuchuan, G., Fei, W. and Weiner, B.R.
page 348-354
- Absolute magnitude of spin polarization in the radical-triplet pair mechanism: CIDEP generation by level crossings in a triplet-doublet interaction
Kobori, Y., Mitsui, M., Kawai, A. and Obi, K.
page 355-361
- Stoichiometry and phase behavior of carbon tetrachloride solvates of C60
Nagano, Y. and Tamura, T.
page 362-366
- Electronic structure of polymeric KC60 - a crystal orbital analysis
Schulte, J. and Bohm, M.C.
page 367-374
- Partitioning of aluminum atoms in crystallographically non-equivalent tetrahedral sites of the zeolite offretite by 29Si MAS NMR
T., H.C., K., X.W., W., L.L., Z., Y.Y., J., Z.W., D., T.D., H., X.L. and C., H.
page 375-378
- Facile reduction of sodium and bipyridinium cations within zeolites with Tesla spark-coil
Y., S.P., S., Y.U. and K., B.Y.
page 379-383
- Monte Carlo simulation of an argon cluster confined in zeolite NaCaA
Chitra, R. and Yashonath, S.
page 384-388
- The hyperpolarizability of the tricyanomethanide molecular ion in solution
Yi, L., Cesar, A. and Agren, H.
page 389-397
- Ab initio study of the X2
+ and A 2
states of the SiN radical
Z.-L., C., Martin, J.M.L., Francois, J.P. and Gijbels, R.
page 398-404
- A theoretical study of the dissociation energy of Ni+2 A case of broken symmetry
Merchan, M., Pou-Amerigo, R. and Roos, B.O.
page 405-414
- The need for additional diffuse functions in calculations on small anions: the G2(DD) approach
Gronert, S.
page 415-418
- Solvent dynamics in swollen polymers
Muller-Plathe, F.
page 419-424
- The adiabatic approximation
Handy, N.C. and Lee, A.M.
page 425-430
- General solution of the associative mean spherical approximation for the mixture of dimerizing ions in neutralizing background
Protsykevich, I.A.
page 431-436
- A one billion determinant full CI benchmark on the Cray T3D
Evangelisti, S., Bendazzoli, G.L., Ansaloni, R., Duri, F. and Rossi, E.
page 437-446
- Selective excitation of molecular eigenstates using state-dependent optical field design
Yu, C., Gross, P., Ramakrishna, V., Rabitz, H. and Mease, K.
page 447-456
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