Tables of Contents service for
Volume 252, Issue 3-4, 12 April 1996
- Application of generalized filter-diagonalization to extract instantaneous normal modes
Pang, J.W. and Neuhauser, D.
page 173-180
- The use of intense-field ionization in time-resolved measurements
Seideman, T., Ivanov, M.Yu. and Corkum, P.B.
page 181-188
- On the tunneling dynamics of a cubic oscillator with a time-dependent harmonic frequency
Sarkar, P., Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharyya, S.P.
page 189-194
- Correction of potential energy surface using inverse perturbation and singular value decomposition
Qian, W. and Zhang, J.Z.H.
page 195-200
- An accurate spectral method with arbitrarily large time step sizes
Rongqing, C. and Hua, G.
page 201-205
- Basis set effects on the calculated bonding energies of neutral benzene dimers: importance of diffuse polarization functions
Tsuzuki, S., Uchimaru, T., Mikami, M. and Tanabe, K.
page 206-210
- Ab initio calculation of atomic axial tensors and vibrational rotational strengths using density functional theory
Cheeseman, J.R., Frisch, M.J., Devlin, F.J. and Stephens, P.J.
page 211-220
- Formation of OH radicals in the gas phase ozonolysis of alkenes: the unexpected role of carbonyl oxides
Gutbrod, R., Schindler, R.N., Kraka, E. and Cremer, D.
page 221-229
- Vibrational interactions at surfaces: H2O on Si(100)
Raghavachari, K., Chabal, Y.J. and Struck, L.M.
page 230-235
- Diffuse reflectance laser photolytic studies of pyrene included in zeolites Formation of pyrene anion radicals via excited-state electron transfer between guest molecules
Hashimoto, S.
page 236-242
- The rotationally resolved 13
1 3
+u transition in Na2 studied by resonant two-photon ionization in a molecular beam
Farbert, A., Kowalczyk, P., Busch, H.v. and Demtroder, W.
page 243-247
- High temperature, high density observation and modeling of the lithium 1 3_+u _1 3_g transition
Erdman, P.S., Sando, K.M., Stwalley, W.C., Larson, C.W. and Fajardo, M.E.
page 248-252
- Low-energy negative-ion states of NO at high electron energy resolution
Randell, J., Lunt, S.L., Mrotzek, G., Field, D. and Ziesel, J.P.
page 253-257
- Effects of clustering of rare-gas atoms on the rate of S1-T2 intersystem crossing for 9-methylanthracene
Tanaka, F., Tanaka, Y., Hirayama, S., Kono, M. and Shobatake, K.
page 258-262
- Photoreduction of triplet benzophenone by amines: role of their structure
von Raumer, M., Suppan, P. and Haselbach, E.
page 263-266
- A variable energy valence level photoelectron study of Os(CO)4PMe3: the Os 5d assignment using np
nd resonances
Davis, H.B., Pomeroy, R.K., Yong-Feng, H., Bancroft, G.M. and Kim, H.T.
page 267-271
- Natural linear dichroism at the Fe 2p absorption edge of gillespite
van der Laan, G., Schofield, P.F., Cressey, G. and Henderson, C.M.B.
page 272-276
- Time-resolved appearance energies for fragment ions from C60
Laskin, J., Behm, J.M., Lykke, K.R. and Lifshitz, C.
page 277-280
- 13C chemical shielding anisotropy in the solid phases of CH3 13CN
Sepa, J., Gorte, R.J., Suits, B.H. and White, D.
page 281-286
- Nonresonant ionization detected IR spectroscopy for the vibrational study in a supersonic jet
Omi, T., Shitomi, H., Sekiya, N., Takazawa, K. and Fujii, M.
page 287-293
- The low-energy onset of CS2 biexponential fluorescence decays
Nguyen, M. and Silvers, S.J.
page 294-298
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