Tables of Contents service for
Volume 250, Issue 3-4, 1 March 1996
- Effect of temperature in cerium-ion-catalyzed bromate-driven oscillators
Nagy, G., Koros, E., Oftedal, N., Tjelflaat, K. and Ruoff, P.
page 255-260
- Intermolecular photoinduced proton transfer in nile blue and oxazine 720
Grofcsik, A., Kubinyi, M. and Jones, W.J.
page 261-265
- Observation of the infrared spectrum of the
3 band of the argon-ammonium ionic complex
Bieske, E.J., Nizkorodov, S.A., Dopfer, O., Maier, J.P., Stickland, R.J., Cotterell, B.J. and Howard, B.J.
page 266-272
- Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of C3: the
3 band of the a 3
u electronic state
C., H.H., Klassen, S.A., Moazzen-Ahmadi, N. and Tokaryk, D.W.
page 273-278
- Femtosecond elementary dynamics of transition states and asymmetric
-cleavage in Norrish reactions
Sang, K.K. and Zewail, A.H.
page 279-286
- Measurements of the effective lifetime of O atoms in atmospheric premixed flames
Ossler, F., Larsson, J. and Alden, M.
page 287-292
- Vacuum ultraviolet excitation of Xe-Cl2 van der Waals complexes and small clusters
Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Jouvet, C., Martrenchard-Barra, S., Talbot, F. and Solgadi, D.
page 293-300
- Protonated water clusters and their black body radiation induced fragmentation
Schindler, T., Berg, C., Niedner-Schatteburg, G. and Bondybey, V.E.
page 301-308
- Experimental detection of stacking faults in rare gas clusters
Kovalenko, S.I., Solnyshkin, D.D., Verkhovtseva, E.T. and Eremenko, V.V.
page 309-312
- The ESR spectrum and structure of a heteronuclear trimeric cluster, Au2Ag, prepared using a rotating cryostat
Mile, B., Sillman, P.D., Stokes, L. and Yacob, A.R.
page 313-319
- Induced paramagnetism and hyperfine interactions in the {[Fe4S4]-Fe} active site of Escherichia coli sulfite reductase
Belinsky, M.I.
page 320-327
- The unit cell of the gallosilicate mesoporous molecular sieve [Si,Ga]-MCM-41 is significantly smaller than in the purely siliceous [Si]-MCM-41
Chi-Feng, C., Alba, M.D. and Klinowski, J.
page 328-334
- In-situ infrared spectroscopy of water and electrolytes adsorbed on a Pt(111) electrode surface in acid solution. Structural changes of adsorbed water molecules upon an electrode potential
Hirota, K., Song, M. and Ito, M.
page 335-341
- The photolysis of NO dimers, adsorbed on an MgF2 surface, at 248 nm
Simpson, C.J.S.M., Griffiths, P.T., Curry, J.M. and Towrie, M.
page 342-348
- Steady-state heat and matter transfer at a non-uniform phase boundary
Phillips, L.F.
page 349-354
- Fluorescence pattern recognition for ultrasensitive molecule identification: comparison of experimental data and theoretical approximations
Kollner, M., Fischer, A., Arden-Jacob, J., Drexhage, K.-H., Muller, R., Seeger, S. and Wolfrum, J.
page 355-360
- A time-dependent approach to the nonradiative decay of polyatomic molecule: S1 to S0 transition of H2CO
Nakajima, T. and Kato, S.
page 361-365
- Multi-partitioning M_ller-Plesset perturbation theory. A state-selective formulation
Zaitsevskii, A. and Malrieu, J.
page 366-372
- A direct derivative MC-SCF procedure
Yamamoto, N., Vreven, T., Robb, M.A., Frisch, M.J. and Schlegel, H.B.
page 373-378
- Ground and excited states of oxyheme: SAC/SAC-CI study
Nakatsuji, H., Hasegawa, J., Ueda, H. and Hada, M.
page 379-386
- Application of density functional theory/Hartree-Fock hybrid methods. Geometries and bond dissociation energies of Al+ complexes
Stockigt, D.
page 387-392
- On the performance of density functional methods for describing atomic populations, dipole moments and infrared intensities
De Proft, F., Martin, J.M.L. and Geerlings, P.
page 393-401
- Ab initio calculations on the structure, vibrational frequencies, and valence excitation energies of the benzene_Ar and benzene_Ar2 cluster
Hobza, P., Bludsky, O., Selzle, H.L. and Schlag, E.W.
page 402-408
- Ab initio study of the ground and several excited states of the NLi system
Matsika, S., Papakondylis, A. and Mavridis, A.
page 409-414
- Ab initio study of AgNH3 and its cation
Ritze, H.-H. and Radloff, W.
page 415-420
- Reaction of boron atoms with ethylene: ab initio study of the borirane radical
Hannachi, Y., Hassanzadeh, P. and Andrews, L.
page 421-427
- Charge transfer in aminobenzonitriles: do they twist?
Sobolewski, A.L. and Domcke, W.
page 428-436
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