Tables of Contents service for
Volume 250, Issue 1, 16 February 1996
- Long-range effects of interatomic interactions on NMR shielding constants
Barszczewicz, A., Jaszunski, M., Helgaker, T. and Ruud, K.
page 1-8
- Evidence for Renner-Teller coupling in the upper, triplet electronic state of the 370 nm system of InOH
Lakin, N.M., Whitham, C.J. and Brown, J.M.
page 9-13
- Nonlinear optical properties of nitro-aniline and methyl-aniline compounds - an exact correction vector INDO-SDCI study
Shuai, Z., Ramasesha, S. and Bredas, J.L.
page 14-18
- On the relative merits of flexible versus rigid models for use in computer simulations of molecular liquids
Tironi, I.G., Brunne, R.M. and van Gunsteren, W.F.
page 19-24
- Solvent structural contributions to the dissolution process of an apolar solute in water
Re, M., Laria, D. and Fernandez-Prini, R.
page 25-30
- Conformational analysis and electronic properties of bithiophene and terthiophene in their ground state as well as in their first excited singlet and triplet states
Belletete, M., Di Cesare, N., Leclerc, M. and Durocher, G.
page 31-39
- A large-scale ab initio study on the spectroscopy and dynamics of the A2
-X 2
+ system of NO2+
Bennett, F.R.
page 40-46
- Ab initio Hartree-Fock molecular dynamics with parallel processing: application to small neutral and charged Lin clusters
Fantucci, P., Bonacic-Koutecky, V., Jellinek, J., Wiechert, M., Harrison, R.J. and Guest, M.F.
page 47-58
- Numerical study of the reaction of CN with O2
Vallance, C., Maclagan, R.G.A.R. and Phillips, L.F.
page 59-65
- Direct evidence of O(p) holes in Li-doped NiO from Hartree-Fock calculations
Mackrodt, W.C., Harrison, N.M., Saunders, V.R., Allan, N.L. and Towler, M.D.
page 66-70
- Theoretical value of the enthalpy of formation of methyl fluoride
Espinosa-Garcia, J.
page 71-74
- Valence correlation energies from pseudopotential calculations
Dolg, M.
page 75-79
- An ESR study of the formation of La_C82 isomers in arc synthesis
Saito, Y., Yokoyama, S., Inakuma, M. and Shinohara, H.
page 80-84
- Mixing of the sideband lines from an ESR absorption. Proposed technique of the modulation-frequency sweep curve
Miyagawa, I.
page 85-90
- Transient absorption spectra and photocurrent kinetics of benzophenone and its radical anion
von Raumer, M. and Suppan, P.
page 91-94
- Rovibrational spectroscopy of the C2H2-Ar van der Waals complex, using a fluorescence depletion infrared-ultraviolet double resonance technique
Milce, A.P., Heard, D.E., Miller, R.E. and Orr, B.J.
page 95-103
- Quenching of exciplex fluorescence by lithium perchlorate in acetonitrile
Mac, M., Kwiatkowski, P. and Turek, A.M.
page 104-110
- First gas-phase detection of dimethylgermylene and time-resolved study of some of its reactions
Becerra, R., Boganov, S.E., Egorov, M.P., Lee, V.Ya., Nefedov, O.M. and Walsh, R.
page 111-119
- Population gratings in degenerate four-wave mixing studies of a nickel dithiolene at 1064 nm
Kuebler, S.M. and Denning, R.G.
page 120-127
- A new spectral emission source of rotationally cooled molecular ions. Application to supersonic expansions of CO and CO2 gases
Cossart, D. and Cossart-Magos, C.
page 128-136
- On the intersystem crossing of pentacene in p-terphenyl
Kohler, J., Brouwer, A.C.J., Groenen, E.J.J. and Schmidt, J.
page 137-144
- Vibrationally resolved Si 2p photoabsorption spectrum of SiF4
Puttner, R., Domke, M., Schulz, K. and Kaindl, G.
page 145-151
- Photophysical properties of a highly fluorescent push-pull stilbene
Rechthaler, K. and Kohler, G.
page 152-158
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