Tables of Contents service for
Volume 249, Issue 3-4, 2 February 1996
- Two-pulsed-field ionization method in zero kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy and mass analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy
Sato, S. and Kimura, K.
page 155-161
- Branching ratio for the H + NCO channel in the 193 nm photodissociation of HNCO
Brownsword, R.A., Laurent, T., Vatsa, R.K., Volpp, H.-R. and Wolfrum, J.
page 162-166
- CO2 laser induced IRMPD of 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane: time-resolved luminescence studies
Pushpa, K.K., Kumar, A., Vatsa, R.K., Naik, P.D., Rao, K.A., Mittal, J.P., Parthasarathy, V. and Sarkar, S.K.
page 167-173
- Collision-induced fluorescence of Cs2: the 3 1
X 1
+g system
Polly, R., Gruber, D., Windholz, L. and Jager, H.
page 174-182
- The a 1
X 3
_ transitions of PH and PD
Beutel, M., Setzer, K.D., Shestakov, O. and Fink, E.H.
page 183-190
- The 3
X 3
_g electronic absorption spectrum of linear C4 in a neon matrix
Freivogel, P., Grutter, M., Forney, D. and Maier, J.P.
page 191-194
- Neutron diffraction and structural models of RbC60 phases
Fox, J.R., Lopinski, G.P., Lannin, J.S., Adams, G.B., Page, J.B. and Fischer, J.E.
page 195-200
- Magnetic behavior of the layered perovskite ferromagnet (p-cyanoanilinium+)2CuCl2_4 under hydrostatic pressure
Sekine, T., Okuno, T. and Awaga, K.
page 201-204
- Spinning sideband summation for quadrupole MAS NMR spectra using a magic-angle turning technique
Nakai, T. and Kuwahara, D.
page 205-209
- High-resolution multiple quantum MAS NMR spectroscopy of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei
Gang, W., Rovnyank, D., Sun, B. and Griffin, R.G.
page 210-217
- Electron density distributions of
Niu, J.E. and Schwarz, W.H.E.
page 218-223
- Tensor propagator with weight-selected paths for quantum dissipative dynamics with long-memory kernels
Sim, E. and Makri, N.
page 224-230
- Pseudopotentials for centroid molecular dynamics. Application to self-diffusion in liquid para-hydrogen
Pavese, M. and Voth, G.A.
page 231-236
- Improved L2-stabilization theory to compute resonances under multichannel conditions
Salzgeber, R.F., Manthe, U., Weiss, Rh. and Schlier, Ch.
page 237-243
- On the ground state of MnCO_
Bauschlicher, C.W. Jr.
page 244-248
- Accurate nonrelativistic energies for the two lowest 4S states of the Li I isoelectronic series
Barrois, R., Luchow, A. and Kleindienst, H.
page 249-252
- Explicitly correlated Gaussian functions in variational calculations. Microhartree accuracy of the helium dimer energy
Komasa, J. and Rychlewski, J.
page 253-256
- Potentials for some rare gas and alkali-helium systems calculated from the surface integral method
Kleinekathofer, U., Tang, K.T., Toennies, J.P. and C., L.Y.
page 257-263
- On the chaperon mechanism for association rate constants: the formation of HO2 and O3
Varandas, A.J.C., Pais, A.A.C.C., Marques, J.M.C. and W., W.
page 264-271
- Anharmonic effects in the infra-red spectrum of SiH3Br - an ab initio study
Klatt, G., Willets, A. and Handy, N.C.
page 272-278
- Ab initio studies on the structures and isomerization of the carbenoids CH2LiX (X = F, Cl)
Huayu, Q. and Conghao, D.
page 279-283
- Spin-orbit effect on the magnetic shielding constant using the ab initio UHF method. Electronic mechanism in the aluminum compounds, AlX_4 (X = H, F, Cl, Br and I)
Nakatsuji, H., Hada, M., Tejima, T., Nakajima, T. and Sugimoto, M.
page 284-289
- Comparison of conventional and hybrid density functional approaches. Cationic hydrides of first-row transition metals as a case study
Barone, V., Adamo, C. and Mele, F.
page 290-296
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