Tables of Contents service for
Volume 249, Issue 1-2, 26 January 1996
- Electron impact ionization of small argon clusters
Bastida, A., Halberstadt, N., Beswick, J.A., Gadea, F.X., Buck, U., Galonska, R. and Lauenstein, C.
page 1-6
- Exchange-transfer in mixed-valence clusters with one migrating hole
Borras-Almenar, J.J., Coronado, E., Georges, R., Palii, A.V. and Tsukerblat, B.S.
page 7-14
- Generalization of the Mulliken-Hush treatment for the calculation of electron transfer matrix elements
Cave, R.J. and Newton, M.D.
page 15-19
- A vibronic theory of steady-state third harmonic generation
S., H.L., J., Y., Hayashi, M., Fann, W.S., F., G. and Villaeys, A.A.
page 20-28
- Large second-harmonic generation coefficients of bis(benzylidene)cycloalkanones estimated by the second-harmonic wave generated with the evanescent wave technique
Kawamata, J., Inoue, K., Inabe, T., Kiguchi, M., Kato, M. and Taniguchi, Y.
page 29-34
- Gas-phase rate constants for the reaction of NO3 radicals with selected oxiranes
Kind, I., Berndt, T., Boge, O. and Rolle, W.
page 35-39
- Photodissociation of acrylonitrile at 193 nm: the CN-producing channel
Bird, C.A. and Donaldson, D.J.
page 40-45
- On the use of dynamic fluorescence measurements to determine equilibrium and kinetic constants. The inclusion of pyrene in
-cyclodextrin cavities
De Feyter, S., van Stam, J., Boens, N. and De Schryver, F.C.
page 46-52
- LIF spectroscopy of the MgCCH free radical
Corlett, G.K., Little, A.M. and Ellis, A.M.
page 53-58
- Different types of s2 ion luminescence in compounds with eulytite structure
Folkerts, H.F., Zuidema, J. and Blasse, G.
page 59-63
- Guided ion-beam determination of the Co+-H2 bond dissociation energy
Haynes, C.L. and Armentrout, P.B.
page 64-70
- Electronic structure of two heterotrinuclear metal complexes [Ru2Co(
-CH3CO2)6L3] (L = H2O, Py)
Velayutham, M., Gopinath, C.S. and Subramanian, S.
page 71-76
- Near-infrared emission from MnO2_4 in various host lattices
Brunold, T.C. and Gudel, H.U.
page 77-80
- Solvent-dependent vibrational relaxation pathways after successive resonant IR excitation to v = 2
Bonn, M., Brugmans, M.J.P. and Bakker, H.J.
page 81-86
- Pulsed molecular beam infrared absorption spectroscopy of the N2-CO complex
Kawashima, Y. and Nishizawa, K.
page 87-91
- Internal structure and stability of carbon nanoclusters: arc discharge preparation versus CO disproportionation
Jiao, J. and Seraphin, S.
page 92-100
- Orientational behavior of C70 molecules in chlorobenzene
Rubtsov, I.V., Khudiakov, D.V., Moravskii, A.P. and Nadtochenko, V.A.
page 101-104
- Measurement of the resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility of C60 by nondegenerate four-wave mixing
Lei, G. and Wright, J.C.
page 105-111
- Analysis of hydrogen on a platinum electrode using sub-picosecond time-resolved transient reflectivity measurements under electrochemical potential control
Harata, A., Edo, T. and Sawada, T.
page 112-116
- Introducing zinc cations into zeolite Y via the reduction of HY with zinc metal vapour
Seidel, A. and Boddenberg, B.
page 117-122
- Role of surface heterogeneity in the chemical bond of MgO: ionic character of regular and defect surface sites
Sousa, C., Mejias, J.A., Pacchioni, G. and Illas, F.
page 123-129
- Ab initio characterization of the ion P2O+
Aquino, A.J.A. and Taylor, P.R.
page 130-135
- Searching for the ylide structure. An ab initio study of the H2O _ CCl2 complex
Pliego, J.R. Jr. and De Almeida, W.B.
page 136-140
- Sixteen electronic states of the iridium trimer (Ir3)
Dai, D., M., Z.L. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 141-148
- Calculation of the photoabsorption of HF in the vacuum UV
Cacelli, I.
page 149-154
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