Tables of Contents service for
Volume 248, Issue 1-2, 5 January 1996
- Femtosecond laser-induced Coulomb explosion of ammonia clusters
Snyder, E.M., S., W., Purnell, J., Buzza, S.A. and Castleman, A.W. Jr.
page 1-7
- Enhancement of luminescence of Nd3+ complexes with deuterated hexafluoroacetylacetonato ligands in organic solvent
Hasegawa, Y., Murakoshi, K., Wada, Y., Yanagida, S., Jeong-Ho, K., Nakashima, N. and Yamanaka, T.
page 8-12
- Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy of 2,9-di-n-pentyl-5,6,11,12-tetraazo-5,6,11,12-tetrahydrocoronene-5,6,11,12-tetracarboxy-bis-n-heptadecylimide
Biasutti, M.A., De Feyter, S., De Backer, S., Dutt, G.B., De Schryver, F.C., Ameloot, M., Schlichting, P. and Mullen, K.
page 13-19
- Photodissociation dynamics of O_3 at 523 nm
Garner, M.C., Sherwood, C.R., Hanold, K.A. and Continetti, R.E.
page 20-26
- Second-order polarizability of p-substituted cinnamic acids
Ray, P.C.
page 27-30
- UV absorption spectrum of ozone: structure analysis and study of the isotope effect in the Hartley system
Parisse, C., Brion, J. and Malicet, J.
page 31-36
- Reaction of O(1D) + H2
HO + H. A three-dimensional quantum dynamics study
Tong, P., Dong, H.Z., Zhang, J.Z.H. and Schinke, R.
page 37-42
- Analytic energy gradients for the Gaussian very fast multipole method (GvFMM)
Burant, J.C., Strain, M.C., Scuseria, G.E. and Frisch, M.J.
page 43-49
- On the solvation of (quasi)-degenerate solutes: a continuum analysis based on perturbation-response theory
Fortunelli, A.
page 50-56
- Solution of the associative Percus-Yevick approximation for the multicomponent mixture of dimerizing hard spheres with surface adhesion
Protsykevich, I.A., Duda, Yu. and Holovko, M.F.
page 57-62
- The error of the quasi steady-state approximation in spatially distributed systems
Yannacopoulos, A.N., Tomlin, A.S., Brindley, J., Merkin, J.H. and Pilling, M.J.
page 63-70
- Kohn-Sham equations with constrained electron density: an iterative evaluation of the ground-state electron density of interacting molecules
Wesolowski, T.A. and Weber, J.
page 71-76
- The classical noncompact algebraic approach to the highly excited multi-mode vibrational dynamics
Guozhen, W.
page 77-81
- Accurate evaluation of C6 dispersion coefficients for (H2)2
Magnasco, V. and Ottonelli, M.
page 82-88
- Orientational pair correlation function of liquid water from a reverse Monte Carlo study
Hong, X. and M., K.
page 89-94
- Structure and vibrations of BnNn (n = 3-10)
Martin, J.M.L., El-Yazal, J. and Francois, J.
page 95-101
- Energetics of addition versus insertion mechanisms in the Si+(2P) + HCOOH reaction
Gonzalez, A.I. and Yanez, M.
page 102-108
- Effects of relativity on the Ni-CO, Pd-CO, and Pt-CO bonding mechanism: a constrained space orbital variation analysis of density functional results
Sai-Cheong, C., Kruger, S., Ruzankin, S.Ph., Pacchioni, G. and Rosch, N.
page 109-115
- Electronic structures, geometries, and energetics of highly charged cations of the C60 fullerene
Cioslowski, J., Patchkovskii, S. and Thiel, W.
page 116-120
- Ab initio study of C20 isomers: geometry and vibrational frequencies
Zhiqiang, W., Day, P. and Pachter, R.
page 121-126
- Chromatographic fractionation of fullerenes containing noble gas atoms
Saunders, M., Khong, A., Shimshi, R., Jimenez-Vazquez, H.A. and Cross, R.J.
page 127-128
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