Tables of Contents service for
Volume 243, Issue 5-6, 22 September 1995
- Ferromagnetism and spin transition: an attempt at a unifying approach
Bolvin, H. and Kahn, O.
page 355-358
- A pseudo-spectral algorithm for the computation of transitional-mode eigenfunctions in loose transition states
Smith, S.C.
page 359-366
- Direct approach to density functional theory: iterative treatment using a polynomial representation of the Heaviside step function operator
Youhong, H., Kouri, D.J. and Hoffman, D.K.
page 367-377
- Calculated spectroscopic properties for NH3 _ HC4H
Schulz, B. and Botschwina, P.
page 378-386
- Theoretical studies on carbon tubules
Au, C.T. and Fu, Q.H.
page 387-392
- Resonant inelastic scattering of electrons from gas-phase and physisorbed N2. A time-dependent approach
Harris, S.M. and Holloway, S.
page 393-401
- Investigation of a diagnostic for perturbation theory. Comparison to the T1 diagnostic of coupled-cluster theory
Lee, T.J., Head-Gordon, M. and Rendell, A.P.
page 402-408
- The second-order approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles model CC2
Christiansen, O., Koch, H. and J_rgensen, P.
page 409-418
- Density functional conformational analysis of 1,2-ethanediol
Csonka, G.I. and Csizmadia, I.G.
page 419-428
- Dynamics of atomic adsorbates: hydrogen on Cu(111)
Lamont, C.L.A., Persson, B.N.J. and Williams, G.P.
page 429-434
- N2 adsorption onto the (2 _ 2)-O precovered Ru(0001) surface: a low-energy electron-diffraction study
Over, H., Bludau, H., Kose, R. and Ertl, G.
page 435-438
- STM investigation of the Ni(111) -c(4 _ 2) - 2CO structure
Sprunger, P.T., Besenbacher, F. and Stensgaard, I.
page 439-444
- Modification of the Si(111) 7 _ 7 local electronic surface structure induced by silane adsorption
Bolotov, L., Rauscher, H. and Behm, R.J.
page 445-449
- Irreversible photochemical spectral hole burning in quantum-sized CdS nanocrystals embedded in a polymeric film
Artemyev, M.V., Gaponenko, S.V., Germanenko, I.N. and Kapitonov, A.M.
page 450-455
- Photocurrent measurements on aggregates in ladder-type poly(p-phenylene)
Kohler, A., Gruner, J., Friend, R.H., Mullen, K. and Scherf, U.
page 456-461
- Steady-state unidirectional convective assembling of fine particles into two-dimensional arrays
Dimitrov, A.S. and Nagayama, K.
page 462-468
- Spin-polarized and site-selective X-ray absorption. Demonstration with Fe porphyrins and K
Xin, W., Randall, C.R., Gang, P. and Cramer, S.P.
page 469-473
- Na(3 2P) sensitized Na2 emission spectra enhanced by polydimethylsiloxane vapors
Xu, J.H., Gozzini, A., Mango, F. and Bernheim, R.A.
page 474-479
- Coherent Raman beat and ESEEM EPR spectroscopy applied to a transition metal complex: comparisons of sensitivity and spectral resolution
Burghaus, O. and Klein, M.P.
page 480-485
- Coherent Raman beat EPR without pre-excitation pulses
Burghaus, O. and Klein, M.P.
page 486-492
- Deuterium isotope effect in the two-step spin-state transition of [FeII(5-NO2-sal-N(1,4,7,10))] investigated by Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility
Bousseksou, A., Tommasi, L., Lemercier, G., Varret, F. and Tuchagues, J.-P.
page 493-499
- Detection and probing of nitric oxide (NO) by two-colour laser photoionisation (REMPI) spectroscopy on the A
X transition
Hippler, M. and Pfab, J.
page 500-505
- Time-resolved spectroscopy of 4-hydroxy-1-naphthalenesulphonate in alcohol-water mixtures
Htun, M.T., Suwaiyan, A. and Klein, U.K.A.
page 506-511
- Dynamics of an excited acid in 1-propanol-water mixtures
Htun, M.T., Suwaiyan, A. and Klein, U.K.A.
page 512-518
- Kinetics of the FNO + HO2 reaction
Maricq, M.M. and Szente, J.J.
page 519-525
- Intramolecular charge transfer in elongated donor-acceptor conjugated polyenes
Blanchard-Desce, M., Wortmann, R., Lebus, S., Lehn, J. and Kramer, P.
page 526-532
- Ion-molecular charge transfer reactions of hexafluorobenzene and cis-decalin in nonpolar solutions studied by linewidth broadening in MARY spectra
Stass, D.V., Lukzen, N.N., Tadjikov, B.M., Grigoryantz, V.M. and Molin, Yu.N.
page 533-539
- Stirring-induced bifurcation driven by the chaotic regime in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction in a CSTR
Strizhak, P.E.
page 540-544
- Effects of large magnetic fields on the dynamic behavior of radical ion pairs in a non-viscous solution at room temperature
Igarashi, M., Sakaguchi, Y. and Hayashi, H.
page 545-551
- Fast luminescence of undoped PbWO4 crystal
Belsky, A.N., Mikhailin, V.V., Vasil'ev, A.N., Dafinei, I., Lecoq, P., Pedrini, C., Chevallier, P., Dhez, P. and Martin, P.
page 552-558
- The quenching of bismuth(III) luminescence in yttrium oxide (Y2O3)
van de Craats, A.M. and Blasse, G.
page 559-563
- Large rotational energy release in collision-induced SiF C 2
+ valence-Rydberg transfer
Jackson, N.A., Watson, C.W. and McKendrick, K.G.
page 564-570
- High-resolution laser-induced fluorescence spectrum of the B 4
_u-X 4
_g transition of C+2
Boudjarane, K., Carre, M. and Larzilliere, M.
page 571-578
- Biexponential fluorescence decay of diphenylbutadiene rotational conformers after extreme red edge excitation
M_ller, S., Yee, W.A., Goldbeck, R.A., Wallace-Williams, S.E., Lewis, J.W. and Kliger, D.S.
page 579-585
- The quantitative prediction and lifetime of a pronounced reactive scattering resonance
Kuppermann, A. and M., W.
page 586
- On polarization effects in endohedral fullerene complexes
Hernandez-Rojas, J., Breton, J. and Llorente, J.M.G.
page 587-588
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