Tables of Contents service for
Volume 241, Issue 3, 21 July 1995
- Band structure of orthorhombic Rb1C60
Tanaka, K., Matsuura, Y., Oshima, Y., Yamabe, T., Kobayashi, H. and Asai, Y.
page 149-153
- Superconducting transition at 12.5 K in RbxC60
Funasaka, H., Sakurai, K., Sugiyama, K., Yamamoto, K. and Takahashi, T.
page 154-160
- Calculation of vibrational Raman intensities of organic molecules with a delocalized
Pfeiffer, M.
page 161-167
- Magnetic interactions in compounds based on nickel phthalocyanines and pyridine
Harutyunyan, A.R. and Kuznetsov, A.A.
page 168-172
- The NO(a 4
) state: first gas phase kinetic measurements
Copeland, R.A., Dyer, M.J. and Slanger, T.G.
page 173-179
- Electron attachment reactions in mixed SF6/N2 clusters
Ingolfsson, O. and Illenberger, E.
page 180-184
- Cellular automaton approach to the NO-CO reaction on a catalytic surface
Hui-yun, P. and Hai Jun, W.
page 185-188
- Catalytic CO oxidation on unreconstructed Cu(110) observed at low temperatures
Sueyoshi, T., Sasaki, T. and Iwasawa, Y.
page 189-194
- External electric field effects on fluorescence of chromophoric thiacyanine in Langmuir-Blodgett mixed monolayer films
Ohta, N., Nomura, T., Okazaki, S. and Yamazaki, I.
page 195-202
- Doubly resonant sum-frequency generation from molecules with general harmonic potential surfaces
Vallet, J.C., Boeglin, A.J., Lavoine, J.P. and Villaeys, A.A.
page 203-208
- Rotational relaxation time in free jets of He + N2 mixtures
Belikov, A.E. and Sharafutdinov, R.G.
page 209-214
- A multireference time-dependent coupled cluster study of the intramolecular vibrational relaxation process
Latha, G.S. and Prasad, M.D.
page 215-222
- Transition state resonances in collinear (H_, H2) collisions
Mahapatra, S., Sathyamurthy, N., Kumar, S. and Gianturco, F.A.
page 223-228
- The quantitative prediction and lifetime of a pronounced reactive scattering resonance
Kuppermann, A. and Wu, Y.M.
page 229-240
- The low-lying electronic states of LiB
Ricca, A. and Bauschlicher, C.W. Jr.
page 241-247
- Accurate computations of 77Se NMR chemical shifts with the GIAO-CCSD method
Buhl, M., Gauss, J. and Stanton, J.F.
page 248-252
- Theoretical study of water clusters: heptamers
Jensen, J.O., Krishnan, P.N. and Burke, L.A.
page 253-260
- Isomerization of cyanoborane anion
Cernusak, I. and Lischka, H.
page 261-266
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