Tables of Contents service for
Volume 240, Issue 5-6, 7 July 1995
- Wave packet dynamics of photon- and electron-stimulated desorption of ammonia from surfaces
Guo, H.
page 393-399
- The vibrations of formaldehyde
Carter, S., Pinnavaia, N. and Handy, N.C.
page 400-408
- Femtosecond dynamics of electronic excitations of adsorbates studied by two-photon photoemission pulse correlation: CO/Cu(111)
Knoesel, E., Hertel, T., Wolf, M. and Ertl, G.
page 409-416
- Angular distributions of N2 in the photodissociation of N2O adsorbed on a partially oxidized Si(100) surface at 95 K
Lee, J., Kato, H., Sawabe, K. and Matsumoto, Y.
page 417-422
- STM studies of the interaction of surface state electrons on metals with steps and adsorbates
Avouris, Ph., Lyo, I.-W. and Molinas-Mata, P.
page 423-428
- Evidence for Pdx(CO)y compound formation on an alumina substrate
Libuda, J., Sandell, A., Baumer, M. and Freund, H.-J.
page 429-434
- Electronic properties of Pt in bimetallic systems: photoemission and molecular-orbital studies for Pt-Al surface alloys
Rodriguez, J.A. and Kuhn, M.
page 435-441
- An unusual electron-transfer behavior of ferrocene in aqueous microemulsion systems
Jha, B.K., Kulkarni, B.D., Vinod, M.P. and Vijayamohanan, K.
page 442-448
- Adiabatic passage Hartmann-Hahn cross polarization in NMR under magic angle sample spinning
Hediger, S., Meier, B.H. and Ernst, R.R.
page 449-456
- Intensity and lifetimes of ZEKE spectra
Alt, C., Scherzer, W.G., Selzle, H.L. and Schlag, E.W.
page 457-460
- Piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties of new polysiloxane smectic C* elastomers
Mauzac, M., Nguyen, H.-T., Tournilhac, F.-G. and Yablonsky, S.-V.
page 461-466
- The geometry and intermolecular binding of HCN_BrCl probed by rotational spectroscopy
Hinds, K. and Legon, A.C.
page 467-473
- The multichannel reaction NH2 + NH2 at ambient temperature and low pressures
Stothard, N., Humpfer, R. and Grotheer, H.
page 474-480
- Formation of SF_5 in electron attachment to SF6; swarm and beam results reconciled
Smith, D., Spanel, P., Matejcik, S., Stamatovic, A., Mark, T.D., Jaffke, T. and Illenberger, E.
page 481-488
- IR and visible luminescence studies in the infrared multiphoton dissociation of 1,2-dibromo-1,1-difluoroethane
Pushpa, K.K., Kumar, A., Vatsa, R.K., Naik, P.D., Rao, K.A., Mittal, J.P., Parthasarathy, V. and Sarkar, S.K.
page 489-494
- The binding energy of Ni+ _ N2O
Bellert, D., Buthelezi, T., Lewis, V., Dezfulian, K. and Brucat, P.J.
page 495-498
- Pulse radiolysis study of reactions of alkyl and alkylperoxy radicals originating from methyl tert-butyl ether in the gas phase
Langer, S., Ljungstrom, E., Ellermann, T., Nielsen, O.J. and Sehested, J.
page 499-505
- Rotamers and vibrations of resorcinol obtained by spectral hole burning
Gerhards, M., Perl, W. and Kleinermanns, K.
page 506-512
- A theoretical study of the reaction of SiH2 with C2H2 and C2H2
Nguyen, M.T., Sengupta, D. and Vanquickenborne, L.G.
page 513-520
- On the vibrational spectrum of C9, C11 and C13
Martin, J.M.L. and Taylor, P.R.
page 521-525
- What is the structure of FeC5H+6?
Bauschlicher, C.W. Jr. and Sodupe, M.
page 526-532
- The sensitivity of B3LYP atomization energies to the basis set and a comparison of basis set requirements for CCSD (T) and B3LYP
Bauschlicher, C.W. Jr. and Partridge, H.
page 533-540
- Structure and bonding studies of C1X-C2H4 (X = H or Br) van der Waals complexes
Lin, Z. and Bytheway, I.
page 541-546
- Acidic properties of [Al], [Ga] and [Fe] isomorphously substituted zeolites. Density functional model cluster study of the complexes with a probe CO molecule
Strodel, P., Neyman, K.M., Knozinger, H. and Rosch, N.
page 547-552
- An ab initio study on the equilibrium structure and torsional potential energy function of dinitrogen tetroxide
Koput, J.
page 553-559
- Global geometry optimization of clusters using a growth strategy optimized by a genetic algorithm
Hartke, B.
page 560-565
- Many-electron correlated exponential wavefunctions. A quantum Monte Carlo application to H2 and He+2
Bressanini, D., Mella, M. and Morosi, G.
page 566-570
- 2D and 3D quantum scattering calculations on the CH4 + OH
CH3 + H2O reaction
Nyman, G.
page 571-577
- Three-center expansion of electron repulsion integrals with linear combination of atomic electron distributions
Ten-no, S. and Iwata, S.
page 578-584
- Polaron nature of critical size of ammonia cluster
Balabaev, N.K. and Lakhno, V.D.
page 585-588
- Effective mass of an excess electron in fluids with high polarizability
Iakubov, I.T.
page 589-594
- A quantum mechanical analysis on the selective production of the oxygen atom fine-structure states along asymmetric resonances in OH predissociation
Lee, S.
page 595-600
- General formulations for some polycyclic hydrocarbons. Di-q-polyhexes
Cyvin, S.J., Cyvin, B.N. and Brunvoll, J.
page 601-604
- Davydov splitting of Herzberg-Teller-induced vibronic transitions
Petelenz, P.
page 605-609
- Role of the low-lying two-electron excited 1Ag states of C60 in contributing to its hyperpolarizability

Hara, T., Nomura, Y., Narita, S. and Shibuya, T.
page 610-614
- 2D EPR investigation of endohedral La@C82 in solution
Rubsam, M., Pluschau, M., Schweitzer, P., Dinse, K.-P., Fuchs, D., Rietschel, H., Michel, R.H., Benz, M. and Kappes, M.M.
page 615-621
- Triplet-EPR spectroscopy on the Diels-Alder adduct of C60 and 4,5-dimethoxy-o-quinodimethane in frozen solution
Bennati, M., Grupp, A., Mehring, M., Belik, P., Gugel, A. and Mullen, K.
page 622-626
- Alkali effects on the electronic states of K3C60 and Rb3C60
Tanigaki, K., Kosaka, M., Manako, T., Kubo, Y., Hirosawa, I., Uchida, K. and Prassides, K.
page 627-632
- Ab initio studies of hyperconjugation effects on charge distribution in tetracyclododecane alcohols
Tostes, J.G.R., Seidl, P.R., Soto, M.M., de M. Carneiro, J.W., Lie, S.K., Taft, C.A., Brown, W. and Lester, W.A. Jr.
page 633
- High-pressure low-temperature optical dephasing of rhodamine 101 in PMMA
Baer, B.J., Crowell, R.A. and Chronister, E.L.
page 634
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