Tables of Contents service for
Volume 240, Issue 4, 30 June 1995
- Ab initio study of cyanoguanidine isomers
Arbuznikov, A.V., Sheludyakova, L.A. and Burgina, E.B.
page 239-244
- The performance of density functional/Hartree-Fock hybrid methods: the bonding in cationic first-row transition metal methylene complexes
Holthausen, M.C., Mohr, M. and Koch, W.
page 245-252
- A new method for incorporating solvent effect into the classical, ab initio molecular orbital and density functional theory frameworks for arbitrary shape cavity
Truong, T.N. and Stefanovich, E.V.
page 253-260
- A comparison of Car-Parrinello and Born-Oppenheimer generalized valence bond molecular dynamics
Gibson, D.A., Ionova, I.V. and Carter, E.A.
page 261-267
- Theoretical studies of spin density populations on nitroxide and nitronylnitroxide derivatives
Yamanaka, S., Kawakami, T., Yamada, S., Nagao, H., Nakano, M. and Yamaguchi, K.
page 268-277
- Time evolution and multiphoton ionization of Rydberg wavepacket in microwave fields
Tsin-Fu, J. and Shih-I, C.
page 278-282
- Auxiliary basis sets to approximate Coulomb potentials
Eichkorn, K., Treutler, O., Ohm, H., Haser, M. and Ahlrichs, R.
page 283-289
- On the possible role of mobile defects in the long-range electron transfer in solids
Kaplan, A.M., Chekunaev, N.I., Nikolskii, V.G. and Goldanskii, V.I.
page 291-295
- Dominant electronic oscillators in the optical nonlinearities of conjugated polyenes
Chen, G. and Mukamel, S.
page 296-303
- High-order echoes in vibrational spectroscopy of liquids
Khidekel, V. and Mukamel, S.
page 304-314
- Measurement of orientational relaxation times of OH in a flame using picosecond time-resolved polarization spectroscopy
Dreizler, A., Tadday, R., Suvernev, A.A., Himmelhaus, M., Dreier, T. and Foggi, P.
page 315-323
- Orientational motion of anthracene in liquid solution studied by IR/UV double-resonance spectroscopy
Lettenberger, M., Emmerling, F., Gottfried, N.H. and Laubereau, A.
page 324-329
- THz reflection spectroscopy of liquid water
Thrane, L., Jacobsen, R.H., Jepsen, P.U. and Keiding, S.R.
page 330-333
- The Raman spectrum of sodium iodide at 1084 K
Fields, M., Devonshire, R., Edwards, H.G.M. and Fawcett, V.
page 334-339
- Fluctuations in aqueous solutions of some hydrophobic solutes
Koga, Y.
page 340-344
- A relationship between a metal work function and a diffusion potential at Schottky barriers in photovoltaic cells based on a molecular semiconductor
Harima, Y., Kodaka, T., Okazaki, H., Kunugi, Y., Yamashita, K., Ishii, H. and Seki, K.
page 345-350
- On the hypothesis of H2 as the carrier of the diffuse interstellar bands
Hinnen, P.C. and Ubachs, W.
page 351-356
- Predissociation of Rydberg states of CO investigated by the detection of the C(3PJ) fragment
Ebata, T., Sutani, T. and Mikami, N.
page 357-361
- Vibrational energy dependence of the reaction N+2 (v) + H2
N2H+ + H at thermal energies
de Gouw, J.A., Ding, L.N., Frost, M.J., Kato, S., Bierbaum, V.M. and Leone, S.R.
page 362-368
- NH2 radical detection by NH(A) photofragment fluorescence
Biehl, H. and Stuhl, F.
page 369-372
- Aggregate fluorescence in conjugated polymers
Lemmer, U., Heun, S., Mahrt, R.F., Scherf, U., Hopmeier, M., Siegner, U., Gobel, E.O., Mullen, K. and Bassler, H.
page 373-378
- Identification of ordered CO structures on Cu(211) using low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy
Meyer, G., Neu, B. and Rieder, K.H.
page 379-384
- Analytical expression for the oscillatory structural surface force
Kralchevsky, P.A. and Denkov, N.D.
page 385-392
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