Tables of Contents service for
Volume 240, Issue 1-3, 23 June 1995
- Vibrational predissociation and electronic quenching dynamics of OH-N2 (A 2
Giancarlo, L.C. and Lester, M.I.
page 1-9
- Electronic transition moment of the AlO(B 2
+_X 2
+) emission. Analysis of the R dependence of the Al2+O2_ character in the X 2
+ state
Sato, N., Ito, H. and Kuchitsu, K.
page 10-16
- Reactivities of spin-orbit states in Al(2P½,3/2) + O2(X 3
AlO(X 2
+) + O(3P0,1,2). A fluorescence imaging study
Chen, K., Sung, C., Chang, J., Chung, T. and Lee, K.
page 17-24
- Vibrational coherence in the solution phase photoisomerization reaction of cis-stilbene
Szarka, A.Z., Pugliano, N., Palit, D.K. and Hochstrasser, R.M.
page 25-30
- On the origin of the photoluminescence of mercurous chloride
Kunkely, H. and Vogler, A.
page 31-34
- Femtosecond studies of vibrationally hot molecules produced by intramolecular proton transfer in the excited state
Chudoba, C., Lutgen, S., Jentzsch, T., Riedle, E., Woerner, M. and Elsaesser, T.
page 35-41
- Vibrational constants and long-range potentials of the LiHg(X½) ground state
Gruber, D. and Li, X.
page 42-46
- Fluctuations of electric field in enzyme active site as an efficient source of reaction activation
Sitnitsky, A.E.
page 47-52
- UV absorption spectrum of CH3OCH2 radicals and kinetics of the reaction of CH3OCH2O2 radicals with NO and NO2 in the gas phase
Langer, S., Ljungstrom, E., Ellermann, T., Nielsen, O.J. and Sehested, J.
page 53-56
- High-temperature measurements of the rate coefficient of the H + CO2
CO + OH reaction
Lissianski, V., Yang, H., Qin, Z., Mueller, M.R., Shin, K.S. and Gardiner, W.C. Jr.
page 57-62
- Kinetics of the cross reaction between amidogen and methyl radicals
Jodkowski, J.T., Ratajczak, E., fagerstrom, K., Lund, A., Stothard, N.D., Humpfer, R. and Grotheer, H.
page 63-71
- Structure and dynamics of molecular liquids investigated by optical-heterodyne detected Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy (OHD-RIKES)
Cong, P., Deuel, H.P. and Simon, J.D.
page 72-78
- Nuclear quadrupole quantum beat spectroscopy in the electronic ground state of a polyatomic molecule by an IR-UV double resonance method
Carter, R.T., Walther, Th., Bitto, H. and Huber, J.R.
page 79-83
- A neutron scattering study of the structure of supercritical carbon dioxide
Ishii, R., Okazaki, S., Okada, I., Furusaka, M., Watanabe, N., Misawa, M. and Fukunaga, T.
page 84-88
- Potential energy surfaces of several van der Waals complexes modelled using distributed multipoles
Wales, D.J., Stone, A.J. and Popelier, P.L.A.
page 89-96
- Ionic substitution reaction in small dihalogenated benzene-(NH3)n clusters studied through threshold photoelectron-photoion coincidences
Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Dimicoli, I., Jouvet, C., Martrenchard-Barra, S., Richard-Viard, M., Solgadi, D. and Vervloet, M.
page 97-104
- Dynamic viscoelastic properties of D-phase compounds
Yamaguchi, T., Yamada, M., Kutsumizu, S. and Yano, S.
page 105-108
- _Black-body_ radiation of free niobium clusters heated by oxidation
Frenzel, U., Roggenkamp, A. and Kreisle, D.
page 109-113
- Neutron Compton scattering study of proton-transfer dynamics in partially deuterated N-methylacetamide: CD3CONHCD3
Fillaux, F., Baron, M.-H., Mayers, J. and Tomkinson, J.
page 114-118
- Time-dependent wavepacket study of the collinear reaction He + H+2
HeH+ + H
Balakrishnan, N. and Sathyamurthy, N.
page 119-124
- Is isomerization in highly viscous solvents under pressure understandable with the idea of frequency-dependent friction?
Sumi, H. and Asano, T.
page 125-129
- Anisotropic repulsion in complexes B_Cl2 and B_HCl: the shape of the chlorine atom-in-a-molecule
Peebles, S.A., Fowler, P.W. and Legon, A.C.
page 130-134
- Structure and stability of small boron clusters. A density functional theoretical study
Boustani, I.
page 135-140
- Density-functional theory using an optimized exchange-correlation potential
Grabo, T. and Gross, E.K.U.
page 141-150
- Testing the Mason-Monchick approximation for transport properties of CO
Heck, E.L., Dickinson, A.S. and Vesovic, V.
page 151-156
- Solution of the polymer MSA for the polymerizing primitive model of electrolytes
Kalyuzhnyi, Yu.V. and Stell, G.
page 157-164
- Production and characterization of crystalline 13C60
Holleman, I., Boogaarts, M.G.H., van Bentum, P.J.M. and Meijer, G.
page 165-171
- Toward the understanding of He_2 excited states
Bacalis, N.C., Komninos, Y. and Nicolaides, C.A.
page 172-179
- Negative volumetric thermal expansion for proposed hinged phases
Baughman, R.H. and Galvao, D.S.
page 180-184
- Ab initio calculations related to the formation of propynal and propadienone in interstellar clouds
Maclagan, R.G.A.R., McEwan, M.J. and Scott, G.B.I.
page 185-192
- A theoretical study of the reaction of Si+ with ammonia
Flores, J.R., Redondo, P. and Azpeleta, S.
page 193-198
- The solvent effect on the acidities of haloacetic acids in aqueous solution. A RISM-SCF study
Kawata, M., Ten-no, S., Kato, S. and Hirata, F.
page 199-204
- Electronic surface states of CoO(100): an electron energy loss study
Ha_el, M., Kuhlenbeck, H., Freund, H.-J., Shi, S., Freitag, A., Staemmler, V., Lutkehoff, S. and Neumann, M.
page 205-209
- Wavelength and polarization dependence of spectral hole-burning efficiency in highly oriented J-aggregates
Misawa, K., Machida, S., Horie, K. and Kobayashi, T.
page 210-215
- The adsorption of methanol on large water clusters
Ahmed, M., Apps, C.J., Hughes, C. and Whitehead, J.C.
page 216-223
- Extending surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic studies on water at gold electrodes
Tian, Z.Q., Chen, Y.X., Mao, B.W., Li, C.Z., Wang, J. and Liu, Z.F.
page 224-229
- Model calculations in dynamics at surfaces. Associative thermal desorption
Grimley, T.B.
page 230-233
- Structure of bidimensional phospholipidic crystallites on formamide determined by X-ray diffraction
Saint-Jalmes, A., Graner, F., Gallet, F., Nassoy, P. and Goldmann, M.
page 234-238
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