Tables of Contents service for
Volume 245, Issue 6, 10 November 1995
- Mechanistic study of the BrCH2O radical degradation in 700 Torr air
Junyi, C., Catoire, V. and Niki, H.
page 519-528
- Kinetics of a monomolecular photoreaction in a strongly light-absorbing solid solution exemplified by the forward reaction of the optically switchable o-thiobenzoquinone methide _ benzo[b]thiete system
Drohm, C., Meyer, H. and Schweig, A.
page 529-533
- Dynamics of excitation transfer in dye doped
-conjugated polymers
Bolivar, P.H., Wegmann, G., Kersting, R., Deussen, M., Lemmer, U., Mahrt, R.F., Bassler, H., Gobel, E.O. and Kurz, H.
page 534-538
- Vibrational and electronic spectra of matrix-isolated tetracene cations
Szczepanski, J., Drawdy, J., Wehlburg, C. and Vala, M.
page 539-548
- Zero-field splitting of the ground and excited triplet states of 2-naphthylphenylcarbene studied by hole-burning on triplet-triplet fluorescence excitation spectra
Kozankiewicz, B., Bernard, J., Migirdicyan, E., Orrit, M. and Platz, M.S.
page 549-554
- Laser heated pedestal growth and optical properties of Yb3+-doped LiNbO3 single crystal fibers
Foulon, G., Ferriol, M., Brenier, A., Cohen-Adad, M.T. and Boulon, G.
page 555-560
- Group theoretical applications to icosahedral fullerenes
Au, C.T. and Fu, Q.H.
page 561-565
- Photophysical properties of three hydrofullerenes
Bensasson, R.V., Bienvenue, E., Janot, J.-M., Leach, S., Seta, P., Schuster, D.I., Wilson, S.R. and Zhao, H.
page 566-570
- Structure and photophysics in C60-micellar solutions
Eastoe, J., Crooks, E.R., Beeby, A. and Heenan, R.K.
page 571-577
- Pulsed field threshold ionization of van der Waals complexes. The dissociation energy of ionic and neutral dibenzo-p-dioxin_Ar and _84Kr
Grebner, Th.L. and Neusser, H.J.
page 578-584
- New observations on the B state of the CH radical from UV multiphoton dissociation of ketene
Chaung-Chi, W., Nemes, L. and King-Chuen, L.
page 585-590
- Magnetic field effects on the photodissociation reaction of triphenylphosphine in non-viscous homogeneous solutions
Sakaguchi, Y. and Hayashi, H.
page 591-597
- Characterisation of a pre-reactive intermediate in gas-phase mixtures of fluorine and ammonia: the rotational spectrum of the H3N_F2 complex
Bloemink, H.I., Hinds, K., Holloway, J.H. and Legon, A.C.
page 598-604
- Angle--velocity-resolved measurements of I(2P3/2, ½) from (CH3I)n cluster photodissociation at 266 and 304 nm
Syage, J.A.
page 605-614
- Density profiles for dimerizing fluid near a permeable surface
Henderson, D., Trokhymchuk, A. and Pizio, O.
page 615-619
- Phase recovery and reconstruction of the Raman amplitude from the Raman excitation profile
Soo-Y., L.
page 620-628
- Prompt solvent-induced electronic predissociation of femtosecond pumped iodine. A computational study
Ben-Nun, M., Levine, R.D., Jonas, D.M. and Fleming, G.R.
page 629-638
- Comments on two-photon absorption by H2 molecules as a source of diffuse interstellar bands
Snow, T.P.
page 639-642
- Scaling of rovibrationally inelastic rate constants for rapidly rotating molecules
Stewart, B.
page 643-647
- A hybrid method for the evaluation of the matrix elements of the Coulomb potential
van Mullen, C.
page 648-652
- Isomerization of 1,2-dichloroethane in polar and non-polar solvents
Depaepe, J.-M. and Ryckaert, J.-P.
page 653-659
- A comparative study of the effect of electron correlation in the hyperpolarizability of polyyne, polyacetylene and polypyrrole oligomers
Toto, J.L., Toto, T.T. and de Melo, C.P.
page 660-664
- A theoretical study of HClO3 isomers
Rohlfing, C.M.
page 665-670
- On the electronic and geometric structure of bimetallic clusters. A comparison of the novel cluster Na6Pb to Na6Mg
Albert, K., Neyman, K.M., Nasluzov, V.A., Ruzankin, S.Ph., Yeretzian, C. and Rosch, N.
page 671-678
- An adaptation of the log-derivative method to massively parallel computers
Burleigh, D.C. and Wagner, A.F.
page 679-687
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