Tables of Contents service for
Volume 245, Issue 4-5, 3 November 1995
- Vibrational frequency shifts and thermodynamic stabilities of (HF)n isomers (n = 4_8)
Huisken, F., Tarakanova, E.G., Vigasin, A.A. and Yukhnevich, G.V.
page 319-325
- A sum-frequency study of the two-dimensional phase transition in a monolayer of undecanol on water
Braun, R., Casson, B.D. and Bain, C.D.
page 326-334
- A model for the interaction between
-cyclodextrin and some acrylic esters
Alvira, E., Mayoral, J.A. and Garcia, J.I.
page 335-342
- On the transition from electronically nonadiabatic to solvent-controlled electron transfer
Makarov, D.E. and Topaler, M.
page 343-350
- High-field hopping mobility in molecular systems with spatially correlated energetic disorder
Gartstein, Yu.N. and Conwell, E.M.
page 351-358
- Free-ion yield and electron-ion recombination rate in liquid xenon
Mozumder, A.
page 359-363
- A model for the quantum dynamics of Rydberg states of large molecules
Thoss, M. and Domcke, W.
page 364-370
- Adapting the inducible multipole solvation model for use in molecular dynamics simulations
David, L. and Field, M.J.
page 371-376
- Quantum-state-specific metastable time-of-flight as a probe of CO photodesorption from GaAs(100)
Nooney, M., Price, J.M., Martin, R.M. and Wodtke, A.M.
page 377-386
- Absolute cross sections for anion production by low energy electron impact on physisorbed CO2
Huels, M.A., Bass, A.D., Ayotte, P. and Sanche, L.
page 387-392
- Femtosecond photoassociation spectroscopy: coherent bond formation
Marvet, U. and Dantus, M.
page 393-399
- Femtosecond dynamics of benzene(NH3)n complexes in highly excited states
Radloff, W., Freudenberg, Th., Ritze, H.-H., Stert, V., Weyers, K. and Noack, F.
page 400-406
- Reaction of anthracene with atomic ions of interstellar interest. A FALP measurement at room temperature
Canosa, A., Laube, S., Rebrion, C., Pasquerault, D., Gomet, J.C. and Rowe, B.R.
page 407-414
- Broadband decoupling in NMR with frequency-modulated _chirp_ pulses
Riqiang, F. and Bodenhausen, G.
page 415-420
- Temperature dependence of the benzophenone anion solvation in 1-propanol
Zhang, X. and Jonah, C.D.
page 421-426
- Electronic quenching of the A 1
+ state of NaH
Savrda, S.L. and Littlewood, I.M.
page 427-431
- Rotational state distribution of HCl formed in the infrared multiphoton dissociation of trichloroethene
Sato, K., Tsunashima, S., Takayanagi, T., Fujisawa, G. and Yokoyama, A.
page 432-436
- Nonradiative relaxation of 2-phenylindene in solution and its implications for isomerization of stilbenes
Dutt, G.B., Konitsky, W. and Waldeck, D.H.
page 437-440
- Unusual picosecond 1(
*) deactivation of ruffled nonplanar porphyrins
Gentemann, S., Medforth, C.J., Ema, T., Nelson, N.Y., Smith, K.M., Fajer, J. and Holten, D.
page 441-447
- A new interpretation of the electronic spectrum of ethylene from 6-8 eV
Ryu, J. and Hudson, B.S.
page 448-454
- Ab initio theoretical study of the electronic absorption spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon radical cations of naphthalene, anthracene and phenanthrene
Niederalt, C., Grimme, S. and Peyerimhoff, S.D.
page 455-462
- A proper Anderson Hamiltonian treatment of the 3s photoelectron spectra of MnO, FeO, CoO and NiO
Sangaletti, L., Depero, L.E., Bagus, P.S. and Parmigiani, F.
page 463-468
- A theoretical study on the photochemical reaction of ICN in liquid Ar
Amatatsu, Y. and Morokuma, K.
page 469-474
- Structures and binding energies of EM6 clusters (E = C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb; M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs): PbNa6 is not unique
Marsden, C.J.
page 475-483
- FO+ and FO ab initio vibrational constants
Johnson, R.D. III
page 484-487
- The FO2 radical: a new success of density functional theory
Ventura, O.N. and Kieninger, M.
page 488-497
- Proton transfer in arginine-carboxylate interactions
Melo, A. and Ramos, M.J.
page 498-502
- Electronic states of GeCl+
Dai, D., Hua, X. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 503-508
- An approximate method for treating spin-orbit effects in platinum
Heinemann, C., Koch, W. and Schwarz, H.
page 509-518
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