Tables of Contents service for
Volume 236, Issue 6, 28 April 1995
- Lattice-gas model of diffusion of NH3 on Re(0001)
Danani, A., Ferrando, R., Scalas, E., Torri, M. and Brivio, G.P.
page 533-537
- Na7Li 1 1_(B) electronic state
-doubling analysis
Fellows, C.E., Gutterres, R.F. and Tavares, A.D. Jr.
page 538-542
- Mass dependence from statistical analysis of stretching vibrational levels. Application to the linear triatomic molecule CS2
Pichierri, F., Botina, J. and Rahman, N.
page 543-546
- The influence of the ionisation potential on the simulated ion signal from femtosecond pump-probe experiments
Dobbyn, A.J. and Hutson, J.M.
page 547-552
- Observation of Na2 Rydberg states and autoionization resonances by high resolution all-optical triple resonance spectroscopy
Tsai, C., Bahns, J.T. and Stwalley, W.C.
page 553-557
- Photodissociation of SO3 at 193 nm investigated by photofragment translational spectroscopy
Thelen, M.-A. and Huber, J.R.
page 558-563
- Isotopic substitution effects on acetic acid photofragmentation dynamics
Peterman, D.R., Daniel, R.G., Horwitz, R.J. and Guest, J.A.
page 564-570
- High-resolution electronic spectroscopy of molecular conformers. 3-Hydroxy and 3-deuteroxy benzoic acid esters
Hepworth, P.A., McCombie, J., Simons, J.P., Pfanstiel, J.F., Ribblett, J.W. and Pratt, D.W.
page 571-579
- R2PI detection and spectroscopy of van der Waals complexes of 4-fluorostyrene with rare gases
Coreno, M., Piccirillo, S., Guidoni, A.G., Mele, A., Palleschi, A., Brechignac, P. and Parneix, P.
page 580-586
- A femtosecond fluorescence up-conversion study of the dynamic Stokes shift of the DCM dye molecule in polar and non-polar solvents
Gustavsson, T., Baldacchino, G., Mialocq, J.-C. and Pommeret, S.
page 587-594
- ESEEM study of spin-spin interactions in spin-polarised P+Q_A pairs in the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26
Dzuba, S.A., Gast, P. and Hoff, A.J.
page 595-602
- The ESR spectrum and structure of the mixed alkali metal cluster Na2K5 prepared using a rotating cryostat
Mile, B., Rowlands, C.C., Sillman, P.D. and Yacob, A.R.
page 603-608
- Ab initio study of small gallium phosphate clusters
Murashov, V.
page 609-615
- Accurate Roothaan-Hartree-Fock momentum expectation values for ground states of the atoms He to Xe
Garcia de la Vega, J.M. and Miguel, B.
page 616-620
- On the proof of the principle of maximum hardness (Chem. Phys. Letters 231 (1994) 40)
Sebastian, K.L.
page 621
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