Tables of Contents service for
Volume 237, Issue 1-2, 5 May 1995
- On the satellite structure accompanying the ionization of benzene
Weikert, H.-G. and Cederbaum, L.S.
page 1-6
- Spectroscopic constants and potential energy curves of GeF+
Xu, H. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 7-13
- On the interaction of CO and NH3 with BH3 and BF3
Bauschlicher, C.W. Jr. and Ricca, A.
page 14-19
- Strong pseudo Jahn-Teller effect in the cyclic C3H radical
Stanton, J.F.
page 20-26
- An ab initio study of the ground and first excited state of HCN _ HNC isomerization and a calculation of the HNC A
X fluorescence spectrum
Gazdy, B., Musaev, D.G., Bowman, J.M. and Morokuma, K.
page 27-32
- Ab initio studies of hyperconjugation effects on charge distribution in tetracyclododecane alcohols
Tostes, J.G.R., Seidl, P.R., Soto, M.M., Carneiro, J.W.d.M., Lie, S.K., Taft, C.A., Brown, W. and Lester, W.A. Jr.
page 33-38
- Quantum simulation of weakly bound complexes using direct ab initio energy points
Gregory, J.K. and Clary, D.C.
page 39-44
- A density functional and Hartree-Fock study of pyran and 2,4-pentadienals
Wang, Z., Day, P.N. and Pachter, R.
page 45-52
- OH + H2
H2O + H. The importance of _exact exchange_ in density functional theory
Baker, J., Andzelm, J., Muir, M. and Taylor, P.R.
page 53-60
- Theoretical study on the structure of phosphonyl radicals
Guerra, M.
page 61-64
- Theoretical study on coordination of CS2 to third row metal atoms (M = Ca_Mn, Cu, Zn)
Jeung, G.
page 65-71
- Is carbon nitride harder than diamond? No, but its girth increases when stretched (negative Poisson ratio)
Guo, Y. and Goddard, W.A. III
page 72-76
- Characterization of silicon-carbon clusters by infrared laser spectroscopy. The
1 band of SiC4
Van Orden, A., Provencal, R.A., Giesen, T.F. and Saykally, R.J.
page 77-80
- What is the ionization potential of silicon dimer?
Winstead, C.B., Paukstis, S.J. and Gole, J.L.
page 81-85
- A new six-pulse two-dimensional electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) correlation spectroscopy
Song, R., Zhong, Y.C., Noble, C.J., Pilbrow, J.R. and Hutton, D.R.
page 86-90
- Common molecular weight dependence of excimer formation and 13C spin-lattice relaxation in fluid solution of poly(
Itagaki, H., Kuwahara, M., Koguchi, Y., Komori, M. and Tsuboi, S.
page 91-96
- Interaction of Zn+ with isobutylene in the gas phase and in clusters. Metal ion induced cationic polymerization
Daly, G.M., Pithawalla, Y.B., Yu, Z. and El-Shall, M.S.
page 97-105
- Molecular beam study on infrared multiphoton dissociation of octafluorocyclobutane
Yokoyama, A., Yokoyama, K. and Fujisawa, G.
page 106-110
- Reinvestigation of the low-lying electronic states of C_60
Kondo, H., Momose, T. and Shida, T.
page 111-114
- On the rotational spectra of endohedral atoms at fullerenes: the off-centre case
Hernandez-Rojas, J., Breton, J. and Gomez Llorente, J.M.
page 115-122
- ac magnetic susceptibility of TDAE-C60
Tanaka, K., Sato, T., Yoshizawa, K., Okahara, K., Yamabe, T. and Tokumoto, M.
page 123-126
- Electronic properties of polymers including C60
Tanaka, K., Matsuura, Y., Oshima, Y. and Yamabe, T.
page 127-132
- Droplet-size dependence of the electron transfer rate across the single-microdroplet/water interface
Nakatani, K., Chikama, K., Kim, H. and Kitamura, N.
page 133-136
- A rigorous electrodynamic model for periodic structure formation during UV laser-induced metal atom deposition
Pipino, A.C.R., Schatz, G.C. and Van Duyne, R.P.
page 137-144
- Influence of solvent permittivity on excited state photoisomerization rates of stilbene in n-alcohols
Anderton, R.M. and Kauffman, J.F.
page 145-151
- A unified model for electrochemical electron and ion transfer reactions
Schmickler, W.
page 152-160
- All-quantum simulations: H3O+ and H5O2+
Cheng, H.-P., Barnett, R.N. and Landman, U.
page 161-170
- The maximum hardness principle in the Gyftopoulos--Hatsopoulos three-level model for an atomic or molecular species and its positive and negative ions
Chattaraj, P.K., Liu, G.H. and Parr, R.G.
page 171-176
- Magnetic field effects on radical pair recombination in liquids. Nonadiabatic transitions at low magnetic fields
Shushin, A.I.
page 177-182
- Magnetic field effects on chemical reaction yields arising from avoided level-crossings in molecular triplet states
Hicks, J.K. and Hore, P.J.
page 183-188
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