Tables of Contents service for
Volume 244, Issue 1-2, 29 September 1995
- On a choice of multireference space in many-body perturbation theory
Glushkov, V.N.
page 1-9
- Solvent dynamics-modified RRKM theory in clusters
Marcus, R.A.
page 10-18
- RRKM studies of product branching in the NH + NO reaction
Simonson, M., Bradley, K.S. and Schatz, G.C.
page 19-26
- The role of
stabilization in benzene, allyl cation and allyl anion. A canonical orbital energy derivative study
Gobbi, A., Yamaguchi, Y., Frenking, G. and Schaefer, H.F. III
page 27-31
- The low-lying electronic states of LiC
Ricca, A. and Bauschlicher, C.W. Jr.
page 32-38
- The structure and vibrational frequencies of the ArHN+2 complex
Kolbuszewski, M.
page 39-44
- A correlated ab initio study of linear carbon-chain radicals CnH (n = 2-7)
Woon, D.E.
page 45-52
- Ab initio calculations of vibronic spectra for indole
Callis, P.R., Vivian, J.T. and Slater, L.S.
page 53-58
- Ab initio finite oligomer method for nonlinear optical properties of conjugated polymers. Effect of electron correlation on the static longitudinal hyperpolarizability of polyacetylene
Toto, T.T., Toto, J.L., de Melo, C.P., Hasan, M. and Kirtman, B.
page 59-64
- Optimized atomic radii for quantum dielectric continuum solvation models
Stefanovich, E.V. and Truong, T.N.
page 65-74
- Excitation energies of BH, CH2 and Ne in full configuration interaction and the hierarchy CCS, CC2, CCSD and CC3 of coupled cluster models
Koch, H., Christiansen, O., J_rgensen, P. and Olsen, J.
page 75-82
- Can silacetylene be observed? A theoretical treatment of the tunneling effect
Nguyen, M.T., Sengupta, D. and Vanquickenborne, L.G.
page 83-88
- How reliable is the Lippincott-Schroeder potential for the OH..N hydrogen bonded fragment in the gas phase?
Vener, M.V.
page 89-92
- Infrared rotation and vibration-rotation bands of endohedral fullerene complexes. He@C70
Joslin, C.G., Gray, C.G. and Goldman, S.
page 93-99
- Solid-state studies on C60 solvates grown from n-heptane
Ceolin, R., Agafonov, V., Bachet, B., Gonthier-Vassal, A., Szwarc, H., Toscani, S., Keller, G., Fabre, C. and Rassat, A.
page 100-104
- Anisotropic dynamic polarization of surface vibrations associated with H on stepped Si(111)
Watanabe, S. and Sugita, Y.
page 105-110
- FTIR spectroscopic studies of methane adsorption on sodium and cesium containing Y-zeolites
Huber, S. and Knozinger, H.
page 111-116
- Crystal morphology supports the liquid crystal formation mechanism for the mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41
Chi-Feng, C., Heyong, H., Zhou, W. and Klinowski, J.
page 117-120
- Associative ionization in laser-excited sodium 3p+3d collisions
Babenko, E., Tapalian, C. and Smith, W.W.
page 121-126
- Photoinitiation of the anionic condensation reaction in 2-chloroacrylonitrile via the charge-transfer bands of the Cl__(2-chloroacrylonitrile)1,2 clusters
Dessent, C.E.H., Bailey, C.G. and Johnson, M.A.
page 127-132
- Reaction of Fe2S+2 with C2H2 studied with a radiofrequency ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Nan, Z., Matsuo, Y. and Takami, M.
page 133-138
- Polaron to bipolaron transition in a conjugated polymer. Rubidium-doped poly(p-phenylenevinylene)
Iucci, G., K., X., Logdlund, M., Fahlman, M. and Salaneck, W.R.
page 139-144
- Extended measurements of the millimeter wave spectrum of H2COH+
Dore, L., Cazzoli, G., Civis, S. and Scappini, F.
page 145-148
- Correlation lengths and density fluctuations in supercritical states of carbon dioxide
Nishikawa, K. and Tanaka, I.
page 149-152
- First-order hyperpolarizabilities of octupolar aromatic molecules: symmetrically substituted triazines
Ray, P.C. and Das, P.K.
page 153-156
- A novel type of molecular assembly: aggregates formed by molecules with polar chains in nonpolar solvents
Chen-Ho, T. and Li-Zhu, W.
page 157-163
- Vibrational and vibronic dynamics of large molecules in solution studied on a 20 fs timescale
Hasche, T., Ashworth, S.H., Riedle, E., Woerner, M. and Elsaesser, T.
page 164-170
- Femtosecond dynamics of stimulated emission and photoinduced absorption in a PPP-type ladder polymer
Pauck, T., Hennig, R., Perner, M., Lemmer, U., Siegner, U., Mahrt, R.F., Scherf, U., Mullen, K., Bassler, H. and Gobel, E.O.
page 171-176
- Laser-induced fluorescence of the A 2
u-X 2
g transition of CS+2 in solid Ne. Reanalysis of vibronic spectra
Ching-Chi, Z. and Yuan-Pern, L.
page 177-182
- Two-dimensional photoelectron imaging of state-selected iodine atom by (2 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization
Wee, K.K., Yong, S.K. and Kyung-Hoon, J.
page 183-187
- ESR study of hydrogen atoms in solid nitrogen
Shevtsov, V. and Masaki, N.
page 188-194
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