Tables of Contents service for
Volume 236, Issue 4-5, 21 April 1995
- Phosphorescence from indirectly excited 3B1 vibrational levels of jet-cooled SO2
Al-Adel, F., Hegazi, E., Hamdan, A. and Dastageer, A.
page 369-375
- The UV absorption spectra of CH2Br and CH2BrO2 and the reaction kinetics of CH2BrO2 with itself and with HO2 at 298 K
Villenave, E. and Lesclaux, R.
page 376-384
- Atmospheric chemistry of dimethyl sulfide. Kinetics of the CH3SCH2O2 + NO2 reaction in the gas phase at 296 K
Nielsen, O.J., Sehested, J. and Wallington, T.J.
page 385-388
- Electrogenerated chemiluminescence from the tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium(II) complex
Kapturkiewicz, A.
page 389-394
- Resonant radiofrequency effects in spin chemistry
Jackson, R.J., McLauchlan, K.A. and Woodward, J.R.
page 395-401
- LIF detection of molybdenum atoms in the collisionless 5
m infrared multiphoton decomposition of Mo(CO)6
Trushin, S.A., Sugawara, K. and Takeo, H.
page 402-407
- Cross sections for the quenching of Zn(5 3S1) by N2, CO and alkane hydrocarbons
Umemoto, H. and Matsumoto, K.
page 408-412
- Solvent effects on the resonance Raman spectra of bacteriochlorophyll a cation radical
Misono, Y., Nishizawa, E., Limantara, L., Koyama, Y. and Itoh, K.
page 413-418
- Extrusion of single-wall carbon nanotubes via formation of small particles condensed near an arc evaporation source
Saito, Y., Okuda, M., Tomita, M. and Hayashi, T.
page 419-426
- NO/H2O clathrate formation in sub-nano graphitic slit spaces
Fujie, K., Minagawa, S., Suzuki, T. and Kaneko, K.
page 427-430
- Solvent effects and vibrational dependence in electrochromic spectra of carotenoids
Krawczyk, S. and Daniluk, A.
page 431-437
- A relationship between the kinetics of persistent spectral hole burning and its mechanism. Experiments with porphyrin dications
Drobizhev, M.A. and Sapozhnikov, M.N.
page 438-444
- Recursive evaluation of the real-time path integral for dissipative systems. The spin-boson model
Winterstetter, M. and Domcke, W.
page 445-450
- A simple extrapolation method
Burrows, B.L. and Cohen, M.
page 451-456
- On the generator coordinate approximation for two-state problems
Broeckhove, J., Keutgens, W., Lathouwers, L. and Van Leuven, P.
page 457-461
- A generalized Gay-Berne intermolecular potential for biaxial particles
Berardi, R., Fava, C. and Zannoni, C.
page 462-468
- Rattling of ellipsoidal particles in a three-dimensional system
Pasterny, K. and Brodka, A.
page 469-474
- Missing-orbital analysis on hyperpolarizability
of organic molecules. Enhancement of the off-diagonal component
zxx using multiple substitutions
Tomonari, M., Ookubo, N. and Takada, T.
page 475-484
- The expected quantum mechanical collision-induced light scattering spectrum of UF6
El-Sheikh, S.M.
page 485-490
- MO model of electron delocalisation in mixed-valence bioctahedral clusters
Robert, V., Borshch, S.A. and Bigot, B.
page 491-496
- High-energy electron and X-ray scattering cross sections of N2. A MR-SDCI study
Meyer, H., Muller, T. and Schweig, A.
page 497-502
- AM1 study of the twisted intramolecular charge transfer phenomenon in p-(N,N-dimethylamino)benzonitrile
Soujanya, T., Saroja, G. and Samanta, A.
page 503-509
- Relativistic Wood-Boring ab initio model potential calculations on the platinum atom
Casarrubios, M. and Seijo, L.
page 510-515
- An ab initio study on the equilibrium structure and torsional potential energy function of hydrogen peroxide
Koput, J.
page 516-520
- Theoretical study of lattice stability and selective doping effects of V4+ and Tb4+ in the ZrGeO4 lattice
Andres, J., Beltran, A. and Llusar, R.
page 521-531
- A theoretical investigation of the two lowest potential energy surfaces for the reaction C(3P) + NO(2_)
Persson, B.J., Roos, B.O. and Simonson, M.
page 532
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