Tables of Contents service for
Volume 235, Issue 3-4, 24 March 1995
- On the color of the trivalent lanthanide ions
Binnemans, K. and Gorller-Walrand, C.
page 163-174
- Inelastic scattering of NO(2_) with atomic and molecular colliders. Rotational and fine-structure excitations
Bieler, C.R., Sanov, A. and Reisler, H.
page 175-182
- Weak ferromagnetism below 12 K in a lithium tetrafluorotetracyanoquinodimethanide salt
Sugimoto, T., Tsujii, M., Matsuura, H. and Hosoito, N.
page 183-186
- Fluorescence quenching of derivatives of anthracene by organic electron donors and acceptors in acetonitrile. Electron and proton transfer mechanism
Mac, M., Najbar, J. and Wirz, J.
page 187-194
- A study on the spectroscopy and photophysics of N-phenyl pyrrole and N-phenyl pyrazole
Sarkar, A. and Chakravorti, S.
page 195-201
- An ENDOR and ESEEM study of the blue copper protein azurin
Coremans, J.W.A., van Gastel, M., Poluektov, O.G., Groenen, E.J.J., den Blaauwen, T., van Pouderoyen, G., Canters, G.W., Nar, H., Hammann, C. and Messerschmidt, A.
page 202-210
- Total collision cross sections for C60 scattering by Ar, Kr and Xe
Han, K., Lin, H., Gallogy, E.B. and Jackson, W.M.
page 211-216
- An ESR analysis of C60S16
Tanaka, K., Ago, H., Yoshizawa, K., Yamabe, T., Li, J. and Kitazawa, K.
page 217-220
- Kinetics of carbon cluster isomerization: from tricyclic rings to fullerenes
Schweigert, V.A., Alexandrov, A.L., Morokov, Y.N. and Bedanov, V.M.
page 221-229
- Temperature and pressure dependence of the NCO + C2H2 reaction
Becker, K.H., Kurtenbach, R., Schmidt, F. and Wiesen, P.
page 230-234
- Detection of PO, Cl and P from the photodissociation of POCl3 at 193 nm
Belle-Oudry, D.A., Satyapal, S., Mussillon, T. and Houston, P.L.
page 235-241
- Alignment detected photofragment yield spectroscopy demonstrated by photodissociation of t-butylnitrite in a supersonic jet
Rosslein, M., Kades, E., Bergmann, K. and Huber, J.R.
page 242-246
- Ultrafast infrared spectroscopy of vibrational CO-stretch up-pumping and relaxation dynamics of W(CO)6
Arrivo, S.M., Dougherty, T.P., Grubbs, W.T. and Heilweil, E.J.
page 247-254
- Detection of the infrared laser spectrum of the PO2 radical in the gas phase
Hai-Bo, Q., Davies, P.B., Ahmad, I.K. and Hamilton, P.A.
page 255-259
- Solvation effects and short-time photodissociation dynamics of CH2I2 in solution from resonance Raman spectroscopy
Wai Ming, K. and Phillips, D.L.
page 260-267
- Dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy of jet-cooled DCO
Tobiason, J.D., Dunlop, J.R. and Rohlfing, E.A.
page 268-276
- Complex L2 calculations of bound states and resonances of HCO and DCO
Wang, D. and Bowman, J.M.
page 277-285
- The anharmonic constants for a symmetric top
Willetts, A. and Handy, N.C.
page 286-290
- Recombination resonances in thermal H + O2 scattering
Kendrick, B. and Pack, R.T.
page 291-296
- The numerical accuracy of truncated Ewald sums for periodic systems with long-range Coulomb interactions
Hummer, G.
page 297-302
- Nonlinear quantum effects on electron transfer reactions
Yoshimori, A.
page 303-308
- Optimal control of molecular motion for
-target probability density
Dubov, V. and Rabitz, H.
page 309-315
- Resonances in the UV photodissociation of the Ar _ HCl van der Waals complex? An exact quantum 3D wave packet study
Schroder, T., Schinke, R. and Bacic, Z.
page 316-320
- A new method for computing eigenvalues of the radial Schrodinger equation
Simos, T.E.
page 321-326
- Theory of polarized fluorescence and absorption in molecular complexes comprising two chromophores with non-parallel absorption and emission transition dipole moments
Demidov, A.A. and Andrews, D.L.
page 327-333
- Density functional study of H2 desorption from monohydride and dihydride Si(100) surfaces
Vittadini, A. and Selloni, A.
page 334-340
- Four-dimensional quantum dynamics of the CH3I/MgO photodissociation
Fang, J. and Guo, H.
page 341-346
- Surface crystallization of liquid n-alkanes and alcohol monolayers studied by surface vibrational spectroscopy
Sefler, G.A., Du, Q., Miranda, P.B. and Shen, Y.R.
page 347-354
- Analytical solution of the multidensity OZ equation for polymerizing fluid
Kalyuzhnyi, Yu.V., Stell, G. and Holovko, M.F.
page 355-364
- Effect of core nonsphericity on the entropy of simple liquids
Snider, N.
page 365-369
- Multi-mode vibronic coupling with dissipation. Application of the Monte Carlo wavefunction propagation method
Wolfseder, B. and Domcke, W.
page 370-376
- Relationship between the dipole moments and the electron affinities for some polar organic molecules
Gutsev, G.L. and Adamowicz, L.
page 377-381
- Calculation of ligand NMR chemical shifts in transition-metal complexes using ab initio effective-core potentials and density functional theory
Kaupp, M., Malkin, V.G., Malkina, O.L. and Salahub, D.R.
page 382-388
- Yield of geminate pair dissociation in an energetically random hopping system
Albrecht, U. and Bassler, H.
page 389-393
- Graph theoretical perception of molecular symmetry (Chemical Physics Letters 232 (1995) 415)
Balasubramanian, K.
page 394
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