Tables of Contents service for
Volume 233, Issue 4, 17 February 1995
- Accurate energetics for the unimolecular decomposition of HN2
Walch, S.P. and Partridge, H.
page 331-334
- An ab initio study of the structure, vibrational frequencies and heat of formation of ONCO radical
Benson, B.D. and Francisco, J.S.
page 335-339
- Loss of hydrogen fluoride from C2H2F3O+. A theoretical study of a reaction mechanism
Varnai, P., Nyulaszi, L., Veszpremi, T. and Vekey, K.
page 340-346
- Observation of the (CNCH2CHCl)+ ion and investigation of its structure
Sheng, L., Luo, Z., Qi, F., Gao, H., Zhang, Y. and Huang, M.
page 347-352
- A full CI algorithm on the CRAY T3D. Application to the NH3 molecule
Evangelisti, S., Bendazzoli, G.L., Ansaloni, R. and Rossi, E.
page 353-358
- Correlated frequency-dependent polarizabilities and dispersion coefficients in the time-dependent second-order M_ller-Plesset approximation
Hattig, C. and He
, B.A.
page 359-370
- Non-additivity of OH frequency shifts in ion-water systems
Hermansson, K., Lindgren, J. and Probst, M.M.
page 371-375
- O-H bonds in electric fields: electron densities and vibrational frequency shifts
Hermansson, K.
page 376-382
- Shifted-update rotation: simple integration of the many-level Schro_dinger equation to long times
Bigwood, R. and Gruebele, M.
page 383-391
- Molecular vibrational state distributions in collisions
Morales, J.A., Diz, A.C., Deumens, E. and Ohrn, Y.
page 392-398
- A close-coupling study of collision-induced dissociation in He + H2
Nobusada, K., Sakimoto, K. and Onda, K.
page 399-404
- Adjusted double many-body expansion potential energy surface for HO2 based on rigorous vibrational calculations
Varandas, A.J.C., Bowman, J.M. and Gazdy, B.
page 405-410
- Numerical Liouville approach. Third-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities in THG, EFISH and DFWM
Nakano, M., Yamaguchi, K., Matsuzaki, Y., Tanaka, K. and Yamabe, T.
page 411-419
- The structure of a sticky interface
Holovko, M.F., Vakarin, E.V. and Duda, Yu.Ya.
page 420-423
- Absorption spectra of rhodamine B dimers in dip-coated thin films prepared by the sol-gel method
Fujii, T., Nishikiori, H. and Tamura, T.
page 424-429
- Angular motion of molecular adsorbates influenced by surface coverage
Parneix, P., Buchner, M., Raseev, G. and Halberstadt, N.
page 430-435
- Structure and properties of thermally annealed fullerene films
Akselrod, L., Byrne, H.J., Sutto, T.E. and Roth, S.
page 436-443
- Manifestation of quantum coherence upon recombination of radical ion pairs in weak magnetic fields. Systems with non-equivalent nuclei
Stass, D.V., Lukzen, N.N., Tadjikov, B.M. and Molin, Yu.N.
page 444-450
- Cr3+_Tm3+ energy transfer in LiNbO3 : MgO
Brenier, A., Madej, C., Pedrini, C. and Boulon, G.
page 451-454
- High-resolution laser spectroscopy of the A
X transition of LiAr
Bruhl, R. and Zimmermann, D.
page 455-460
- Raman spectroscopy of NO2/N2O4 in the gas phase using near-infrared excitation
Dyer, C. and Hendra, P.J.
page 461-465
- Absorption and luminescence spectroscopy of Cr4+-doped Ca2GeO4. A potential near infrared laser material
Hazenkamp, M.F., Oetliker, U., Gudel, H.U., Kesper, U. and Reinen, D.
page 466-470
- Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of C4. The
3 +
4 _
4 sequence band
Moazzen-Ahmadi, N. and Thong, J.J.
page 471-476
- Photochemical production of KCd excimer bands
Azinovic, D., Milosevic, S. and Pichler, G.
page 477-482
- Spin-orbit splitting in the ground X 2
electronic state of the BAr van der Waals complex
Hwang, E. and Dagdigian, P.J.
page 483-488
- Sub-picosecond transient grating measurements of the resonant energy transfer in cresyl violet solutions. Evidence for non-diffusive energy transport
Schneider, S., Bierl, R. and Seischab, M.
page 489
- Saturation of the fullerite photodarkening at high laser energy fluences
Farztdinov, V.M., Lozovik, Yu.E. and Letokhov, V.S.
page 490
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