Tables of Contents service for
Volume 232, Issue 5-6, 27 January 1995
- Graph theoretical perception of molecular symmetry
Balasubramanian, K.
page 415-423
- Rotational resonance in the tilted rotating frame
Takegoshi, K., Nomura, K. and Terao, T.
page 424-428
- Force field parametrization by weak coupling. Re-engineering SPC water
Berweger, C.D., van Gunsteren, W.F. and Muller-Plathe, F.
page 429-436
- A distributed electrostatic model for field gradients at nuclei in van der Waals molecules: application to complexes of HCl
Buckingham, A.D., Fowler, P.W., Legon, A.C., Peebles, S.A. and Steiner, E.
page 437-444
- Induced pair polarizability anisotropy in mercury from depolarized interaction-induced light scattering spectra
Barocchi, F., Hensel, F. and Sampoli, M.
page 445-450
- Current density investigation of tunneling in photodissociation resonances: CH3ONO
Miller, S.M. and Alexander, M.H.
page 451-456
- Elimination of asymptotic couplings in molecular dynamics
Riera, A.
page 457-462
- Evaluation of hyperfine coupling tensors of the BeH and BeF radicals
Fernandez, B. and J_rgensen, P.
page 463-471
- Theoretical calculations of proton affinities in phenol
Eckert-Maksic, M., Klessinger, M. and Maksic, Z.B.
page 472-478
- Weak intermolecular interactions between nitrogen and oxygen atoms
Platts, J.A., Howard, S.T. and Wozniak, K.
page 479-485
- Accurate calculation of core-electron binding energies by the density-functional method
Chong, D.P.
page 486-490
- CASSCF calculations of the multipole moments and dipole polarisability functions of the X 2
+ and A 2_ states of CO+
Martin, P.A. and Feher, M.
page 491-496
- Vibrational states of LiCN calculated from an ab initio potential energy surface
Makarewicz, J. and Ha, T.
page 497-502
- Electronic and geometrical structure of H2B-O-BH2. An ab initio study
Gatti, F., Berthe-Gaujac, N., Demachy, I. and Volatron, F.
page 503-508
- The effect of hydration on the molecular charge distribution of cations. An ab initio SCRF study
Luque, F.J., Gadre, S.R., Bhadane, P.K. and Orozco, M.
page 509-517
- Monte Carlo simulations of M+Cl_(H2O)n (M = Li, Na) clusters and the dissolving mechanism of ion pairs in water
Asada, T. and Nishimoto, K.
page 518-523
- Time-dependent Monte Carlo simulations of radical densities and distributions on the diamond{001}(2 _ 1):H surface
Dawnkaski, E.J., Srivastava, D. and Garrison, B.J.
page 524-530
- Location of an O atom in the Pd(110)c(2 _ 4)-O structure. An EELS study
Takagi, N., Yasui, Y., Sawada, M., Atli, A., Aruga, T. and Nishijima, M.
page 531-536
- Observation of an sp-derived surface resonance on Pt(111) indicating the crucial role of surface states in physisorption
Roos, P., Bertel, E. and Rendulic, K.D.
page 537-541
- The indirect channel to hydrogen dissociation on W(100)-c(2 _ 2)Cu. Evidence for a dynamical precursor
Butler, D.A. and Hayden, B.E.
page 542-546
- Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CN(X, v=2) and argon. Comparison with results for helium
Fei, R., Adelman, D.E., Carrington, T., Dugan, C.H. and Filseth, S.V.
page 547-553
- Dissociative photoexcitation of CH4 and CD4
Sorensen, S.L., Karawajczyk, A., Stromholm, C. and Kirm, M.
page 554-560
- Formation of SiF2 in the infrared multiphoton decomposition of Si2F6 and the reactions of SiF2 with Br2, NO2 and C2H4
Sugawara, K., Ito, F., Nakanaga, T. and Takeo, H.
page 561-566
- The radical anions of silyl-substituted pyrenes and silyl-bridged dipyrenes
Gherghel, L., Baumgarten, M., Declerq, D. and De Schryver, F.C.
page 567-570
- Vibronic intensities in the optical absorption spectra of Pr3+ in Cs2NaPrxY1_xCl6: concentration and temperature dependence
Luxbacher, T., Fritzer, H.P. and Flint, C.D.
page 571-575
- Characterization of luminous beams from laser ablation by imaging techniques
Chen, K., Tzeng, M., Kuo, C. and Pei, C.
page 576-580
- Low-temperature ESR studies on the photolysis of nitrosyl haemoglobin in aqueous solutions
Plonka, A., Bednarek, J., Zgirski, A. and Hilewicz-Grabska, M.
page 581-586
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