Tables of Contents service for
Volume 232, Issue 3, 13 January 1995
- The rotational spectrum and structure of the hydrogen-bonded dimer formed between methylenecyclopropane and HF
Kisiel, Z., Fowler, P.W. and Legon, A.C.
page 187-191
- Kinetics of CN reactions with O(3P) and SO2
Titarchuk, T.A. and Halpern, J.B.
page 192-196
- A scattering study of the dependence of the F + D2(ji=0,1,2)
DF(vf,jf) + D reaction on the initial rotational state
Faubel, M., Martinez-Haya, B., Rusin, L.Y., Tappe, U. and Toennies, J.P.
page 197-206
- Femtosecond study of the intensity dependence of electron--hole dynamics in TiO2 nanoclusters
Colombo, D.P. Jr., Roussel, K.A., Saeh, J., Skinner, D.E., Cavaleri, J.J. and Bowman, R.M.
page 207-214
- Si10 and photoabsorption spectra of mid-sized silicon clusters
Rantala, T.T., Jelski, D.A. and George, T.F.
page 215-220
- Vibrational and electronic spectra of matrix-isolated pentacene cations and anions
Szczepanski, J., Wehlburg, C. and Vala, M.
page 221-228
- ESR studies of a new reactive species produced in
-ray irradiated solid para-H2 at 4.2 K
Miyazaki, T., Yamamoto, K. and Aratono, Y.
page 229-231
- ESR investigations of nominally pure KTaO3
Glinchuk, M.D., Laguta, V.V., Bykov, I.P., Rosa, J. and Jastrabik, L.
page 232-236
- ESR kinetic study of the photobleaching of chlorine dioxide solutions at 303, 365 and 436 nm
Churio, M.S., Brusa, M.A., Perissinotti, L.J., Ghibaudi, E., Coronel, M.E.J. and Colussi, A.J.
page 237-241
- Electron spin dephasing model for molecular reorientation: exact solutions
Doetschman, D.C. and Thomas, G.D.
page 242-246
- Asymmetric SCF coupling coefficients for highly symmetric open-shell molecules
Plakhutin, B.N. and Arbuznikov, A.V.
page 247-252
- Interpretation of condensation flux rates of supersaturated vapors of metallic species
Bauer, S.H. and Wilcox, C.F. Jr.
page 253-257
- Prediction of large differences in diffraction of cold beams of para-H2 and normal-H2 by LiF(001)
Kroes, G.J. and Mowrey, R.C.
page 258-266
- Reactions of strongly polar ions with molecules
Clary, D.C.
page 267-272
- Magnetic properties of Gd_C82 metallofullerene
Funasaka, H., Sakurai, K., Oda, Y., Yamamoto, K. and Takahashi, T.
page 273-277
- Pulsed laser photolysis of bis(2-bromobenzoyl) peroxide. Structure of 2-bromobenzoyloxyl radicals and carbon-bromine bond cleavage
Wang, J., Itoh, H., Tsuchiya, M., Tokumaru, K., Sakuragi, H., Iwaizumi, M. and Yamauchi, S.
page 278-282
- A Monte Carlo model for simulating the behaviour of a quantum harmonic oscillator embedded in a classical cluster, liquid or solid
Stace, A.J.
page 283-288
- Structures and thermochemistry of B3N3 and B4N4
Martin, J.M., El-Yazal, J., Francois, J. and Gijbels, R.
page 289-294
- Ab initio ro-vibrational levels of H+3 beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Dinelli, B.M., Le Sueur, C.R., Tennyson, J. and Amos, R.D.
page 295-300
- High resolution He I photoelectron spectrum of cyanocyclopropane
Gochel-Dupuis, M., Ohno, M., von Niessen, W., Heinesch, J. and Delwiche, J.
page 301-307
- Molecular dynamics simulation of the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) lipid bilayer in the fluid phase using the Nose-Parrinello-Rahman NPT ensemble
Shinoda, W., Fukada, T., Okazaki, S. and Okada, I.
page 308-312
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