Tables of Contents service for
Volume 247, Issue 3, 22 December 1995
- Assigning vibrational spectra of chaotic molecules
Zi-Min, L. and Kellman, M.E.
page 195-202
- Multiquantum NMR of quadrupole nuclei with strong pulses
Samoson, A.
page 203-206
- Correcting the classical dipolar demagnetizing field in solution NMR
Warren, W.S., S., L., Richter, W. and Vathyam, S.
page 207-214
- Berry dephasing due to diffusion in nuclear quadrupole resonance
Jones, J.A. and Pines, A.
page 215-220
- Third harmonic generation spectrum of a degenerate ground state conjugated polymer. Direct evidence of simultaneous two- and three-photon resonance
McElvain, J., M., C., H., Y., N., Z., Wudl, F. and Heeger, A.J.
page 221-226
- Computer simulation of the chemical potentials of fused hard sphere diatomic fluids
Labik, S., Jirasek, V., Malijevsky, A. and Smith, W.R.
page 227-231
- Effect of reagent vibrational excitation on the dynamics of the Cl + HD
HCl(DCl) + D(H) reaction
Aoiz, F.J. and Banares, L.
page 232-242
- Vibrational dynamics of CO at the (100) platinum electrochemical interface
Peremans, A., Tadjeddine, A. and Guyot-Sionnest, P.
page 243-248
- Strong rotational effects in the adsorption dynamics of H2/Pd(111): evidence for dynamical steering
Beutl, M., Riedler, M. and Rendulic, K.D.
page 249-252
- Stoichiometric growth of polycrystalline C3N4 thin films
Yin-an, L., Ze-bo, Z., Si-shen, X. and Guo-zhen, Y.
page 253-256
- Electronic structure study of KxC60 compounds with x _ 6
Maxwell, A.J., Bruhwiler, P.A., Andersson, S., Martensson, N. and Rudolf, P.
page 257-263
- Short-time solvation dynamics probed by phase-locked heterodyne detected pump-probe
de Boeij, W.P., Pshenichnikov, M.S. and Wiersma, D.A.
page 264-270
- First hyperpolarizability measurements via hyper-Rayleigh scattering at 1500 nm
Stadler, S., Dietrich, R., Bourhill, G., Brauchle, C., Pawlik, A. and Grahn, W.
page 271-276
- High-resolution study of the infrared band v2 of CH35Cl3
Paso, R., Horneman, V.-M., Pietila, J. and Anttila, R.
page 277-282
- The millimeter-wave spectrum of SrCCH(X2
+): chemical trends in metal monoacetylide species
Nuccio, B.P., Apponi, A.J. and Ziurys, L.M.
page 283-288
- A novel source of transient species for matrix isolation studies
Ko_os, R.
page 289-292
- Resonance energy transfer from the excited singlet state of dye molecules to a stable free radical
Kohtani, S., Murata, M. and Itoh, M.
page 293-298
- Phase transitions of sequenced polytripeptides observed by microcalorimetry
Kajiyama, K., Tomiyama, T., Uchiyama, S. and Kobayashi, Y.
page 299-303
- Comment on _Optical properties of Ni[t-bu2P(O)NR]2. A paramagnetic d8 complex with planar structure_
Bridgeman, A.J. and Gerloch, M.
page 304-309
- Reply to Comment on _Optical properties of Ni[t-bu2P(O)NR]2. A paramagnetic d8 complex with planar structure_
Mink, H. and Schmidtke, H.
page 310-312
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