Tables of Contents service for
Volume 246, Issue 6, 8 December 1995
- MRD-CI study of the electronic spectrum of Na2Cl
Cai, Z.-L., Hirsch, G. and Buenker, R.J.
page 529-535
- The Claisen rearrangement of allyl vinyl ether in the gas phase and aqueous solution. Structures and energies predicted by high-level ab initio calculations
Davidson, M.M., Hillier, I.H. and Vincent, M.A.
page 536-540
- The electronic absorption spectra of Cl-O-Cl and Cl-Cl-O. An ab initio EOM-CCSD(T) investigation
Del Bene, J.E., Watts, J.D. and Bartlett, R.J.
page 541-545
- Adsorption of CO molecules on a MgO(001) surface. Model cluster density functional study employing a gradient-corrected potential
Neyman, K.M., Ph. Ruzankin, S. and Rosch, N.
page 546-554
- The mechanism of alkane activation over zeolite Br_nsted acid sites. A density-functional study
Collins, S.J. and O'Malley, P.J.
page 555-561
- Vibrational deactivation of CO (
= 1) by inelastic collisions with 3He and 4He at low impact energies
Reid, J.P., Simpson, C.J.S.M. and Quiney, H.M.
page 562-566
- Oscillator strengths of CH3 in the vacuum ultraviolet
Childs, M.A., Menningen, K.L., Anderson, L.W. and Lawler, J.E.
page 567-570
- Preferential arc-discharge production of higher fullerenes
Kimura, T., Sugai, T., Shinohara, H., Goto, T., Tohji, K. and Matsuoka, I.
page 571-576
- Reaction volume and enthalpy changes in photochemical reaction detected by the transient grating method; photodissociation of diphenylcyclopropenone
Terazima, M., Hara, T. and Hirota, N.
page 577-582
- Infrared spectroscopic studies of photoinduced reactions of methyl radical in solid parahydrogen
Momose, T., Uchida, M., Sogoshi, N., Miki, M., Masuda, S. and Shida, T.
page 583-586
- C2 formation in vibrationally excited CO
Wallaart, H.L., Piar, B., Perrin, M.-Y. and Martin, J.-P.
page 587-593
- The gas-phase infrared spectra of formyl iodide and carbonyl iodide
Barnes, I., Becker, K.H. and Starcke, J.
page 594-600
- Multinozzle supersonic expansion for Fourier transform absorption spectroscopy
Georges, R., Durry, G., Bach, M., Petrisse, R., Jost, R. and Herman, M.
page 601-606
- Spectroscopy and dynamics of jet-cooled 4-dimethylamino-4_-cyanostilbene in the S1 state
Daum, R., Hansson, T., Norenberg, R., Schwarzer, D. and Schroeder, J.
page 607-614
- Hyperfine structure in the EPR spectra of an organometallic magnet based on doped cobalt phthalocyanine
Harutyunyan, A.R.
page 615-618
- Raman phonon spectra and lattice dynamics of 7-methoxycoumarin under pressure
Brillante, A., Valle, R.G.D. and Venuti, E.
page 619-625
- Time-differential PAC parameters for 111In-DTPA labelled vesicles
Hargrave, P.C., Smith, F.A., Bown, K. and Carr, R.
page 626-631
- The ZORA formalism applied to the Dirac-Fock equation
Faas, S., Snijders, J.G., van Lenthe, J.H., van Lenthe, E. and Baerends, E.J.
page 632-640
- Comparison of simultaneous biexponential and compartmental analyses of fluorescence decay surfaces of intermolecular two-state excited-state processes
Meuwis, K., Depuydt, G., Boens, N. and De Schryver, F.C.
page 641-648
- A priori effective rotational Hamiltonians. Rotational spectra of some simple molecular models
Petrov, S.V. and Katsov, K.M.
page 649-653
- Windowless dipolar recoupling: the detection of weak dipolar couplings between spin ½ nuclei with large chemical shift anisotropies
Gregory, D.M., Mitchell, D.J., Stringer, J.A., Kiihne, S., Shiels, J.C., Callahan, J., Mehta, M.A. and Drobny, G.P.
page 654-663
- A quasi-atomic treatment of the dynamics of the H2O
-like molecule
Rougeau, N. and Kubach, C.
page 664-668
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