Tables of Contents service for
Volume 247, Issue 1-2, 15 December 1995
- Behaviour of D2 in an intense CO2 laser field
Ilkov, F.A., Turgeon, S., Walsh, T.D.G. and Chin, S.L.
page 1-6
- An organic metamagnet: 4-(2-naphtylmethyleneamino)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl
Ishida, T., Tomioka, K., Nogami, T., Yoshikawa, H., Yasui, M., Iwasaki, F., Takeda, N. and Ishikawa, M.
page 7-12
- Investigation of the ultrafast dephasing time of gold nanoparticles using incoherent light
Puech, K., Henari, F.Z., Blau, W.J., Duff, D. and Schmid, G.
page 13-17
- Photoionization spectroscopy of Cu-Kr
Brock, L.R. and Duncan, M.A.
page 18-23
- Nonlinear hydrogen bonds O_H-C and the role of secondary interactions. The rotational spectrum of the oxirane_acetylene complex
Legon, A.C.
page 24-31
- Laser photoionisation (REMPI) spectroscopy of the 3s
n Rydberg transition of jet-cooled acetaldehyde (CH3CHO)
Shand, N.C., Chang-Long, N. and Pfab, J.
page 32-37
- New experimental findings in a Belousov-Zhabotinsky system with mixed substrate
Jayalakshmi, V. and Ramaswamy, R.
page 38-44
- Distributions of the Hg, Pb and Tl atoms in a single grain of a Hg0.55Pb0.25Tl0.2Ba2Cu2Cu3Oy superconductor
J., C.L.C., P., C.W.F. and H., M.S.
page 45-50
- Fullerene-based macromolecules from photochemical reactions of [60]fullerene and triethylamine
Bin, M., Lawson, G.E., Bunker, C.E., Kitaygorodskiy, A. and Ya-Ping, S.
page 51-56
- Analysis of the near-infrared spectra of C_60
Bolskar, R.D., Gallagher, S.H., Armstrong, R.S., Lay, P.A. and Reed, C.A.
page 57-62
- Computational evidence for a new C84 isomer
Buhl, M. and van Wullen, C.
page 63-68
- Geometries and electronic structure of extractable C90 fullerenes
Okada, S. and Saito, S.
page 69-78
- On the mechanism of the energy redistribution in the A2Ag(2_+g) state of the HCCH+ ion
Chambaud, G., Van den Boom, R. and Rosmus, P.
page 79-84
- Ab initio adiabatic and diabatic permanent dipoles for the low-lying states of the LiH molecule. A direct illustration of the ionic character
Berriche, H. and Gadea, F.X.
page 85-88
- Ab initio theoretical and matrix isolation experimental studies of hydrogen bonding: vibrational consequences of proton position in 1:1 complexes of HCl and 4-X-pyridines
Del Bene, J.E., Person, W.B. and Szczepaniak, K.
page 89-94
- Structure, energetics and bonding of diacetylene complexes with hydrogen fluoride. A theoretical investigation
Chandra, A.K., Pal, S., Limaye, A.C. and Gadre, S.R.
page 95-100
- Note on the choice of basis set in density functional theory calculations for electronic structures of molecules (test on the atoms from the first three rows of the periodic table (2 _ N _ Z _ 18), water, ammonia and pyrrole)
Kristyan, S.
page 101-111
- Can contemporary density functional theory yield accurate thermodynamics for hydrogen bonding?
Topol, I.A., Burt, S.K. and Rashin, A.A.
page 112-119
- The prediction of Raman spectra by density functional theory. Preliminary findings
Johnson, B.G. and Florian, J.
page 120-125
- HO_OH_: a model for stable three-electron bonded peroxide radical anions
Humbel, S., Demachy, I. and Hiberty, P.C.
page 126-134
- Dipole moment of the water molecule in the condensed phase: a periodic Hartree-Fock estimate
Gatti, C., Silvi, B. and Colonna, F.
page 135-141
- Dynamics of hydrogen bonding and energy transfer in matrix-assisted laser desorption
Bencsura, A. and Vertes, A.
page 142-148
- Symmetry loss as a criterion for cluster melting, with application to (D2)13
Buch, V., Gershgoren, E., Hel-Or, H.Z. and Avnir, D.
page 149-153
- Effects of finite basis set expansion and electron correlation on the atomic shell structure from average local electrostatic potential functions
De Proft, F., Sen, K.D. and Geerlings, P.
page 154-158
- A phase transition for solid methane
El-Sheikh, S.M.
page 159-162
- A Dirac molecular orbital study for encapsulated heavy transition metals within ytrium cluster iodides
Arratia-Perez, R. and Hernandez-Acevedo, L.
page 163-167
- Ionic and covalent bonds in CeO2 crystal
Nakamatsu, H., Mukoyama, T. and Adachi, H.
page 168-172
- Photodissociation of HOCl via the 1 1A" state. Model calculations of the spin-orbit and
-doublet product state distributions
Offer, A.R. and Balint-Kurti, G.G.
page 173-178
- Solid-liquid phase transitions in Lennard-Jones systems
T., T.
page 179-184
- Molecular excimers: fluorescence maxima
Khakhel', O.A., Nurmukhametov, R.N. and Sakhno, T.V.
page 185-188
- Defining percolation kinetically on an infinite lattice
Mai, J., Kuzovkov, V.N. and von Niessen, W.
page 189-193
- EPR, FTIR, and FAB mass spectrometric investigation of reaction of H atoms with C60 in a cyclohexane matrix
Howard, J.A.
page 194
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