Tables of Contents service for
Volume 231, Issue 1, 16 December 1994
- Computation of ionization potentials using the unitary group based open-shell coupled-cluster theory
Li, Xiangzhu and Paldus, Josef
page 1-8
- Vibrational motion in the X3
_g state of N+3
Chambaud, G., Rosmus, P., Bennett, F., Maier, J.P. and Spielfiedel, A.
page 9-12
- Rovibronic levels of the CCN (X 2_) radical
Gabriel, W., Reinsch, E.-A. and Rosmus, P.
page 13-17
- Reaction of the copper dimer with ethylene. A theoretical study
Roszak, S. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 18-24
- Effective exchange integrals for open-shell species by density functional methods
Yamanaka, S., Kawakami, T., Nagao, H. and Yamaguchi, K.
page 25-33
- The implementation of density functional theory within the polarizable continuum model for solvation
Fortunelli, Alessandro and Tomasi, Jacopo
page 34-39
- On the proof of the principle of maximum hardness
Sebastian, K.L.
page 40-42
- Sum of states for non-separable anharmonic oscillators
Forst, Wendell
page 43-49
- Control of non-adiabatic photodissociation of sodium iodide using ultrashort pump and control pulses
Taneichi, T., Kobayashi, T., Ohtsuki, Y. and Fujimura, Y.
page 50-54
- Femtosecond time-resolved ionization spectroscopy of Na3(B) and the question of the geometric phase
Schon, J. and Koppel, H.
page 55-63
- UV-IR double-resonance spectroscopy of jet-cooled propynal detected by the fluorescence dip method
Walther, Th., Bitto, H., Minton, T.K. and Huber, J. Robert
page 64-69
- The length of the charge carrier in doped polyenes. A spectroscopic study
Rumi, Mariacristina, Kiehl, Alfried and Zerbi, Giuseppe
page 70-74
- Overtone spectroscopy by vibrationally assisted dissociation and photofragment ionization
Hippler, Michael and Quack, Martin
page 75-80
- Time-delayed two-color two-photon ionization of anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene and pyrene in cyclohexane
Nakashima, Keiji, Kise, Manabu, Ogawa, Teiichiro, Kawazumi, Hirofumi and Yamada, Sunao
page 81-85
- The crystal structure of 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene. Centrosymmetric or non-centrosymmetric?
Filippini, G. and Gavezzotti, A.
page 86-92
- Photophysical properties of monomeric and oligomeric ruthenium (II) porphyrins
Ikonen, Marjo, Guez, David, Marvaud, Valerie and Markovitsi, Dimitra
page 93-97
- The formation of curled concentric-shell clusters in boron nitride under electron irradiation
Banhart, F., Zwanger, M. and Muhr, H.-J.
page 98-104
- Effect of ion impurities on a binary mixture of isobutyric acid and water
Bouanz, M. and Beysens, D.
page 105-110
- Phosphorescence of C60 at 1.2 K
van den Heuvel, D.J., Chan, I.Y., Groenen, E.J.J., Schmidt, J. and Meijer, G.
page 111-118
- Exoelectron emission at Cs surfaces by accelerated O2 molecules
Bottcher, A., Morgante, A., Gie_el, T., Greber, T. and Ertl, G.
page 119-122
- Theoretical studies of the RSOO, ROSO, RSO2 and HOOS (R = H, CH3) radicals (Chem. Phys. Letters 227 (1994) 377)
Laakso, D., Smith, C.E., Goumri, A., Rocha, J.-D.R. and Marshall, P.
page 123
- The ICN-INC system: experiment and quantum chemical calculations (Chem. Phys. Letters 225 (1994) 391)
Samuni, U., Kahana, S., Fraenkel, R., Haas, Y., Danovich, D. and Shaik, S.
page 124
- A converged full-dimensional calculation of the vibrational energy levels of (HF)2 (Chem. Phys. Letters 224 (1994) 297)
Necoechea, W.C. and Truhlar, D.G.
page 125-126
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