Chemical Physics Letters, 1999, V 300, N 5-6, 12 Feb.

Hisashi Matsuyama, Toshikatsu Koga, Electron-pair densities of singly
charged atoms,  
pp. 515-522

Yehuda Zeiri, Gil Katz, Ronnie Kosloff, Maria S. Topaler, Donald G.
Truhlar, John C. Polanyi, Quantum mechanism in the photodissociation of
NaFH complex: a challenge to semiclassical analysis,  
pp. 523-528

Steen Hammerum, Heats of formation and proton affinities by the G3 method,
pp. 529-532

Andrzej L. Sobolewski, Wolfgang Domcke, On the mechanism of rapid
non-radiative decay in intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded π systems,
pp. 533-539

Satoshi Yokojima, GuanHua Chen, Linear-scaling localized-density-matrix
method for the ground and excited states of one-dimensional molecular
pp. 540-544

Saba M. Mattar, Calculation of the 1H, 13C, 14N and 33S hyperfine tensors
of the 1,3,2-dithiazol-2-yl radical using hybrid density functionals,
pp. 545-552

Joseph S. Francisco, John W. Thoman Jr., Adiabatic ionization potential and
electron affinity of formaldehyde, 
pp. 553-560

Petr Slavн{cˇ}ek, Dana Nachtigallovб, Pavel Jungwirth, First
electronically excited state of the water--argon complex: an analytical fit
to the CASPT2 potential,  
pp. 561-568

Hiroto Tachikawa, A direct molecular orbital dynamics study on the hydrogen
atom trapped in crystalline silicon, 
pp. 577-582

Hiroshi Yamataka, Misako Aida, Michel Dupuis, One transition state leading
to two product states: ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the
reaction of formaldehyde radical anion and methyl chloride, 
pp. 583-587

M.F. Falcetta, K.D. Jordan, Ab initio investigation of the temporary anion
states of silane and the linear silanes: (SinH2n+2), n=2--5, 
pp. 588-594

F.S. Zhang, E. Suraud, F. Calvo, F. Spiegelmann, Vibrational properties of
sodium microclusters,  
pp. 595-602

S.I. Klokishner, L.L. Gorceac, Nuclear quadrupole resonance of
mixed-valence charge-ordered dimers, 
pp. 613-618

M. Riad Manaa, Cary F. Chabalowski, A theoretical treatment of the
intersystem crossing in the spin-forbidden reaction NO(X 2Π)+CO(X
1Σ+) -> N(4S)+CO2(X 1Σ+g), 
pp. 619-625

E. Lifshitz, A. Kaplan, E. Ehrenfreund, D. Meissner, Optically detected
magnetic resonance as a tool to study the morphology of perylene-derivative
thin film,  
pp. 626-632

E. Barborini, P. Piseri, A. Li Bassi, A.C. Ferrari, C.E. Bottani, P.
Milani, Synthesis of carbon films with controlled nanostructure by
separation of neutral clusters in supersonic beams,  
pp. 633-638

Manuel Pйrez Jigato, David A. King, Akio Yoshimori, The chemisorption of
spin polarised NO on Ag{111},  
pp. 639-644

S. Terada, T. Yokoyama, M. Sakano, M. Kiguchi, Y. Kitajima, T. Ohta,
Asymmetric surface structure of SO2 on Pd(111) studied by total-reflection
X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy,  
pp. 645-650

Sarah L. Westcott, Steven J. Oldenburg, T. Randall Lee, Naomi J. Halas,
Construction of simple gold nanoparticle aggregates with controlled
plasmon--plasmon interactions,  
pp. 651-655

S. Nolen, S.T. Ruggiero, Tunneling spectroscopy of fullerene/Ge multilayer
pp. 656-660

Vlasta Brezovб, Andrej Sta{sˇ}ko, Dana Dvoranovб, Klaus-Dieter Asmus,
Dirk M. Guldi, Photochemical reduction of C60 derivatives in aqueous
systems containing titanium dioxide or ascorbic acid (EPR study), Chemical
pp. 667-675

I.G. Eustatiu, T. Tyliszczak, A.P. Hitchcock, Inner-shell electron
energy-loss spectroscopy of SF6 at very high momentum transfer, Chemical
pp. 676-680

Michael M. Ahern, Daniel A. Steinhurst, Mark A. Smith, Rotational
relaxation of CO in He, Ar, N2 and CO free jets,  
pp. 681-686

D. Markgraber, G. Engelhardt, 39K MAS NMR of KNiF3: unexpected spin density
at the potassium and first MAS NMR experiments in the antiferromagnetic
pp. 701-705

Yasmin Karimi-Nejad, Frank Lцhr, Dick Schipper, Heinz Rьterjans, Rolf
Boelens, Gradient-purged isotope filter experiments for the detection of
bound water in proteins,  
pp. 706-712

V.I. Feldman, F.F. Sukhov, A.Yu. Orlov, An ESR study of benzene radical
cation in an argon matrix: evidence for favourable stabilization of 2B1g
rather than 2B2g state,  
pp. 713-718

Josй Domingo Presilla-Mбrquez, Jessica Harper, Jeffrey A. Sheehy, Patrick
G. Carrick, C. William Larson, Vibrational spectra of cyclic C8 in solid
argon ,  
pp. 719-726

Koji Hatanaka, Tamitake Itoh, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Nobuyuki Ichinose, Shunichi
Kawanishi, Tsuneo Sasuga, Hiroshi Fukumura, Hiroshi Masuhara, Time-resolved
ultraviolet--visible absorption spectroscopic study on femtosecond KrF
laser ablation of liquid benzyl chloride, 
pp. 727-733

Ryuzi Katoh, Masahiro Kotani, Fluorescence from the second excited state of
an anthracene crystal observed by two-step excitation,  
pp. 734-738

Xue-feng Wang, Hai-jun Dang, Zhen-ning Gu, Qi-zong Qin, A new hypermetallic
molecule LaOMn generated by laser ablation,  
pp. 739-744

E. Espinosa, C. Lecomte, E. Molins, Experimental electron density
overlapping in hydrogen bonds: topology vs. energetics,  
pp. 745-748

E. Tombari, C. Ferrari, G. Salvetti, Heat capacity anomaly in a large
sample of supercooled water,  