Chemical Physics Letters, 1998, V 288, N 5-6, 29 May.

Jьrgen Grдfenstein, Elfi Kraka, Dieter Cremer, Density functional theory
for open-shell singlet biradicals, 
pp. 593-602

Markus Woeller, Max Mьhlhдuser, Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff, Fritz Grein,
Chemisorption of ethylene on Si5+ cluster ions. A theoretical study,
pp. 603-608

Dayle M.A. Smith, Johan Smets, Yasser Elkadi, Ludwik Adamowicz, Ab initio
theoretical study of dipole-bound anions of molecular complexes.
[H2O...HCN]- and [HCN...H2O]- anions, 
pp. 609-615

A. Laganа, A. Riganelli, G. Ochoa de Aspuru, E. Garcia, M.T. Martinez, On
multiquantum vibrational deexcitation in symmetric reactions,  
pp. 616-620

Kim Bolton, William L. Hase, H. Bernhard Schlegel, Kihyung Song, A direct
dynamics study of the F + C2H4 -> C2H3F + H product energy distributions,
pp. 621-627

W. Langenaeker, F. De Proft, F. Tielens, P. Geerlings, Calculation of
adsorption energies of molecules in cages: a density functional approach,
pp. 628-634

Jaroslav V. Burda, Nino Runeberg, Pekka Pyykkц, Chemical bonds between
noble metals and noble gases. , 
pp. 635-641

Philippe Manivet, Michel Masella, An ab initio study of three (ethane-1,2
diol/water) complexes,  
pp. 642-646

Per Lincoln, A generalized McGhee--von Hippel method for the cooperative
binding of different competing ligands to an infinite one-dimensional
pp. 647-656

N. Balakrishnan, A. Dalgarno, G.D. Billing, Multiquantum vibrational
transitions in O2(v≥25)+O2(v=0) collisions,  
pp. 657-662

Supot Hannongbua, On the solvation of lithium ions in liquid ammonia: Monte
Carlo simulations with a three-body potential,  
pp. 663-668

Cenk Selзuki, Viktorya Aviyente, A DFT study of carbonyl oxide and its
methyl-substituted analogues in solution, 
pp. 669-676

Berta Fernбndez, Sonia Coriani, Antonio Rizzo, MCSCF polarizability and
hyperpolarizabilities of HCl and HBr, 
pp. 677-688

Michael Filatov, Sason Shaik, Spin-restricted density functional approach
to the open-shell problem.
pp. 689-697

Bethany Gatehouse, Ab initio nuclear shielding parameters and spin-rotation
coupling constants of FBO, ClBO and FBS, 
pp. 698-704

Julius Jellinek, Sudha Srinivas, Piercarlo Fantucci, Ab initio Monte Carlo:
application to Li8,  
pp. 705-713

Masahiko Takahashi, Ryuji Ogino, Yasuo Udagawa, An electron momentum
spectroscopy study of π orbitals of norbornadiene and
1,4-cyclohexadiene: evidence for through-space and through-bond
pp. 714-718

Xu-Guang Hu, Tak-San Ho, Herschel Rabitz, Variational reproducing kernel
Hilbert space (RKHS) grid method for quantum mechanical bound-state
pp. 719-726

Leonid Khriachtchev, Mika Pettersson, Markku Rдsдnen, On self-limitation of
UV photolysis in rare-gas solids and some of its consequences for matrix
pp. 727-733

Alain Campargue, Ludovic Biennier, Alexander Kachanov, Rйmy Jost, Bйatrice
Bussery-Honvault, Vincent Veyret, Serge Churassy, Roger Bacis, Rotationally
resolved absorption spectrum of the O2 dimer in the visible range,  
pp. 734-742

Vanessa M. Masters, Mark J. Riley, Michael A. Hitchman, Sharp vibronic
spectra of Cu(II) doped Cs2ZrCl6, 
pp. 743-748

G. Bongiovanni, M.A. Loi, A. Mura, A. Piaggi, S. Luzzati, M. Catellani,
Relaxation processes in thiophene-based random copolymers, Chemical Physics
pp. 749-754

T. Kumada, N. Kitagawa, T. Noda, J. Kumagai, Y. Aratono, T. Miyazaki, An
ENDOR spectrum of H atoms in solid H2, 
pp. 755-759

M. Eugenia Sanz, Juan C. Lуpez, Josй L. Alonso, Rotational spectrum and
structure of the tetrahydrothiophene...hydrogen fluoride complex,  
pp. 760-766

Toyonari Sugimoto, Kazumasa Ueda, Satoshi Endo, Naoki Toyota, Toshiji Tada,
Kei-ichiro Nishimura, Masakado Kohama, Kaoru Shiwaku, Koji Yamamoto,
Toshiyuki Yamaguchi, Yusaka Suenaga, Megumu Munakata, 1:2
Dimethyl-substituted tetracyanoquinodimethane.,  
pp. 767-775

L. {Sˇ}iller, M.N. Hedhili, Y. Le Coat, M. Tronc, R. Azria, Synthesis
of dioxygen in a CO2 matrix: Positive ion desorption at the solid
ionisation threshold, 
pp. 776-780

Matthew Lipson, Ashok A. Deniz, Kevin S. Peters, The sub-picosecond
dynamics of diphenylmethylchloride ion pairs and radical pairs, 
pp. 781-784

M. Elhanine, R. Lawruszczuk, B. Soep, Laser spectroscopy of metallic free
radicals: the observation of the {C~}--{X~} vibronically allowed electronic
transition for Ca--OCH3, Ca--OC2H5 and Ca--CCH,  
pp. 785-792

Samir Kumar Pal, Anindya Datta, Debabrata Mandal, Kankan Bhattacharyya,
Photoisomerisation of diethyloxadicarbocyanine iodide in micelles,  
pp. 793-798

Margarita Martin, Carolina Cerezo, Collisional removal of CD(A 2Δ and
B 2Σ-) by Xe. Dependence on rotational and vibrational excitation,
pp. 799-803

Xiang-Hong Liu, Xiao-Guang Zhang, Yue Li, Xiu-Yan Wang, Nan-Quan Lou,
Cluster formation by direct laser vaporization: evidence for the twofold
pp. 804-808

Vladimir N. Torocheshnikov, Nickolai M. Sergeyev, 35Cl and 37Cl nuclear
magnetic resonance of chloroorganic compounds,  
pp. 809-815

Kenji Furuya, Eri Koto, Takeshi Ueda, Kouichiro Maruyama, Teiichiro Ogawa,
Correlation between CH(A) and H+ produced by dissociative ionization of
pp. 816-820

Masahiko Takahashi, Ryuji Ogino, Yasuo Udagawa, Outer valence electronic
structure of pyrrole studied by electron momentum spectroscopy,  
pp. 821-827

Soon-Mi Lim, Taek-Soo Kim, Goo-Il Lim, Sang Kyu Kim, Young S. Choi, Direct
formation of CH2 ({b~} 1B1) in the near-UV photodissociation of diazirine,
pp. 828-832

Stanislas Pommeret, Ryszard Naskrecki, Peter van der Meulen, Marjorie
Mйnard, Georges Vigneron, Thomas Gustavsson, Ultrafast events in the
electron photodetachment from the hexacyanoferrate(II) complex in solution,
pp. 833-840

O.G. Poluektov, A.A. Doubinski, Two-dimensional high-field electron spin
echo spectroscopy of nitroxide spin probes,  
pp. 841-846

Ritsuko Fujii, Kengo Onaka, Michitaka Kuki, Yasushi Koyama, Yasutaka
Watanabe, The 2Ag- energies of all-trans-neurosporene and spheroidene as
determined by fluorescence spectroscopy, 
pp. 847-853

Bin Ma, Alice M. Milton, Ya-Ping Sun, Infrared spectroscopy of all-carbon
poly[60]fullerene polymer and [60]fullerene dimer model , Chemical Physics
pp. 854-860

F. Nьesch, F. Rotzinger, L. Si-Ahmed, L. Zuppiroli, Chemical potential
shifts at organic device electrodes induced by grafted monolayers,  
pp. 861-867

Wang-Jae Chun, Kiyotaka Asakura, Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Anisotropic structure
analysis for Mo oxides on TiO2(110) single crystal surface by
polarization-dependent total-reflection fluorescence EXAFS,  
pp. 868-872

S. Wehner, J. Kьppers, Two consecutive Eley--Rideal reaction steps in a D
atom/adsorbate interaction: from methylene iodide via methyl iodide to
pp. 873-878

Thomas Granlund, Mathias Theander, Magnus Berggren, Mats Andersson, Arvydas
Ruzeckas, Villy Sundstrцm, Gunnar Bjцrk, Magnus Granstrцm, Olle Inganдs, A
polythiophene microcavity laser, 
pp. 879-884

Jing Yong Ye, Mitsuru Ishikawa, Osamu Yogi, Takao Okada, Yoshihiro
Maruyama, Bimodal site distribution of a polymer film revealed by flexible
single-molecule probes,  
pp. 885-890