Chemical Physics Letters, 1998, V 292, N 4-6, 14 August.

Frank L.H. Brown, Robert J. Silbey, Quantum control for arbitrary linear
and quadratic potentials,   
pp. 357-368

Guozhen Wu, Classification and assignment of eigenstates of highly excited
vibrational manifolds via broken constants of motion, 
pp. 369-378

Satoshi Yokojima, GuanHua Chen, Time domain localized-density-matrix
pp. 379-383

N.H. March, T. Gál, Á. Nagy, Differential equation for the ground-state
electron density in a Hookean atom with two electrons repelling
pp. 384-386

Zhong-Zhi Yang, Dong-Xia Zhao, A characteristic molecular contour evaluated
by a theoretical method,   
pp. 387-393

B. Civalleri, C.M. Zicovich-Wilson, P. Ugliengo, V.R. Saunders, R. Dovesi,
A periodic ab initio study of the structure and relative stability of
silica polymorphs,   
pp. 394-402

Vladimir Kellö, Andrzej J. Sadlej, The quadrupole moment of the 39K and 41K
nuclei from microwave data for KF and KCl, 
pp. 403-410

Jan M.L. Martin, Spectroscopic quality ab initio potential curves for CH,
NH, OH and HF. A convergence study, 
pp. 411-420

Per E.M. Siegbahn, Margareta R.A. Blomberg, Maria Pavlov, A comparison of
electron transfer in ribonucleotide reductase and the bacterial
photosynthetic reaction center,  
pp. 421-430

Motoyuki Shiga, Susumu Okazaki, A molecular dynamics study of the
vibrational energy relaxation of the cyanide ion in aqueous solution,
pp. 431-436

Ove Christiansen, Jürgen Gauss, John F. Stanton, The effect of triple
excitations in coupled cluster calculations of frequency-dependent
pp. 437-446

R.J.M. Konings, A.S. Booij, A. Kovács, The infrared spectra of SeO2 and
TeO2 in the gas phase,   
pp. 447-453

Kenichi Kinugawa, Path integral centroid molecular dynamics study of the
dynamic structure factors of liquid para-hydrogen, 
pp. 454-460

Amlan K. Roy, B.M. Deb, Density functional calculations on neon satellites,
pp. 461-466

Flemming H. Larsen, Hans J. Jakobsen, Paul D. Ellis, Niels Chr. Nielsen,
Molecular dynamics from 2H Quadrupolar Carr--Purcell--Meiboom--Gill
solid-state NMR spectroscopy,   
pp. 467-473

Misako Aida, Hiroshi Yamataka, Michel Dupuis, Ab initio molecular dynamics
simulations on the hydrolysis of methyl chloride with explicit
consideration of three water molecules, 
pp. 474-480

A. Jamnik, Sedimentation equilibrium of adhesive spheres in a planar gap,
pp. 481-486

Antonis N. Andriotis, Madhu Menon, George E. Froudakis, Zacharias
Fthenakis, J.E. Lowther, A tight-binding molecular dynamics study of NimSin
binary clusters,   
pp. 487-492

F. Maroun, F. Ozanam, J.-N. Chazalviel, In situ infrared monitoring of
electrochemical adsorption/desorption of hydrogen on germanium, 
pp. 493-499

Kuniko Moriwaki, Yuji Matsumoto, Masamichi Ikai, Ken-ichi Tanaka, Spatial
distribution of N2, O2 and NO molecules desorbing from a
[p(2×1)--O+p(2×3)--N] Ag(110) surface, 
pp. 500-506

R. Meier, E. Weschke, A. Bievetski, C. Schüßler-Langeheine, Z. Hu, G.
Kaindl, On the existence of monoxides on close-packed surfaces of
lanthanide metals,   
pp. 507-514

G. Polzonetti, G. Iucci, M.V. Russo, G. Paolucci, D. Cocco, G. Capellini,
Further insight in chromium growth on the surface of an organometallic
polymer film,   
pp. 515-523

T. Hill, M. Mozaffari-Afshar, J. Schmidt, T. Risse, S. Stempel, M.
Heemeier, H.-J. Freund, Influence of CO adsorption on the magnetism of
small Co particles deposited on Al2O3, 
pp. 524-530

Jie Yu, E.G. Wang, Guichang Xu, Observations of micrometer BCN rods by
bias-assisted hot-filament chemical vapor deposition, 
pp. 531-534

Nobuhiro Ohta, Takayuki Kanada, Iwao Yamazaki, Michiya Itoh, External
electric field effects on the fluorescence of methylene-linked pyrene and
N,N-dimethylaniline doped in a PMMA polymer film, 
 pp. 535-541

E.V. Alieva, L.A. Kuzik, V.A. Yakovlev, Sum frequency generation
spectroscopy of thin organic films on silver using visible surface plasmon
pp. 542-546

Yutaka Takahashi, Structural model of toluene-solvated C70 from
high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, 
pp. 547-553

F. Banhart, Ph. Redlich, P.M. Ajayan, The migration of metal atoms through
carbon onions,   
pp. 554-560

I. Akimoto, M. Ashida, K. Kan'no, Luminescence from C60 single crystals in
glassy phase under site-selective excitation, 
pp. 561-566

Jing Kong, Alan M. Cassell, Hongjie Dai, Chemical vapor deposition of
methane for single-walled carbon nanotubes, 
pp. 567-574

M. Sugano, A. Kasuya, K. Tohji, Y. Saito, Y. Nishina, Resonance Raman
scattering and diameter-dependent electronic states in single-wall carbon
pp. 575-579

P. Kuran, M. Krause, A. Bartl, L. Dunsch, Preparation, isolation and
characterisation of Eu@C74: the first isolated europium endohedral
pp. 580-586

W.K. Maser, E. Muńoz, A.M. Benito, M.T. Martínez, G.F. de la Fuente, Y.
Maniette, E. Anglaret, J.-L. Sauvajol, Production of high-density
single-walled nanotube material by a simple laser-ablation method, 
pp. 587-593

Hironobu Umemoto, Leaving--atom isotope effect in the reactions of N(22D)
with isotopic hydrogens ,  
pp. 594-600

Gregory D. Scholes, Gregory O. Turner, Kenneth P. Ghiggino, Michael N.
Paddon-Row, Jacob J. Piet, Wouter Schuddeboom, John M. Warman, Electronic
interactions in rigidly linked naphthalene dimers, 
pp. 601-606

Wolfgang Paa, Ji-Ping Yang, Matthias Helbig, Joachim Hein, Sabine Rentsch,
Femtosecond time-resolved measurements of terthiophene: fast
singlet--triplet intersystem crossing, 
pp. 607-614

A. Pashov, W. Jastrz{e¸}bski, P. Kowalczyk, The B 1Π and C 1Σ+
states of KLi,   
pp. 615-620

Ryuzi Katoh, Satoru Fujiyoshi, Masahiro Kotani, Observation of weak
fluorescence from the second excited state in an anthracene crystal,
pp. 621-624

Yoshiyuki Morioka, Shinnosuke Takeda, Hiroshi Tomizawa, Ei-ichi Miki,
Molecular vibrations and structure of the light-induced metastable state of
pp. 625-630

R. Laenen, K. Simeonidis, Vibrational energy migration in a hydrogen-bonded
dimer probed with ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy, 
pp. 631-637

T. Hikida, T. Ibuki, K. Okada, C6F5X (X=H, F, Cl, Br and I) excited radical
cation formation in the 10--40 eV region, 
pp. 638-642

R.P. Singhal, H.S. Kilic, K.W.D. Ledingham, T. McCanny, W.X. Peng, D.J.
Smith, C. Kosmidis, A.J. Langley, P.F. Taday, Comment on On the ionisation
and dissociation of NO2 by short intense laser pulses , 
pp. 643-646

G. Ravindra Kumar, D. Mathur, Reply to Comment on ``On the ionization and
dissociation of NO2 by short, intense laser pulses'', 
pp. 647-650

David L. Osborn, David J. Leahy, Eun Ha Kim, Esther de Beer, Daniel M.
Neumark, Photoelectron spectroscopy of CH3O- and CD3O-, 
pp. 651-655

Dan J. Mitchell, Jeremy N.S. Evans, Improved heteronuclear decoupling in
REDOR with the use of TPPM,   
pp. 656-660

Javad B. Jamali, Naoki Wada, Yasuo Shimobe, Norio Achiwa, Shuichiro
Kuwajima, Yuji Soejima, Kazuo Mukai, The effect of non-magnetic impurities
on the spin--Peierls transition of 
3-(4-cyanophenyl)-1,5-dimethyl-6-oxoverdazyl radical crystal, p-CyDOV,
 pp. 661-666

Jeff D. Cruzan, Mark R. Viant, Mac G. Brown, Don D. Lucas, Kun Liu, Richard
J. Saykally, Terahertz laser vibration--rotation--tunneling spectrum of the
water pentamer--d10.,   
pp. 667-676

Duohai Pan, Lian C.T. Shoute, David Lee Phillips, Nanosecond time-resolved
resonance Raman investigation of the radical cation of 4,4'-dibromobiphenyl
and the T1->Tn transition of 4,4'-dibromobiphenyl, 
pp. 677-685

Mathias Haake, Boyd M. Goodson, David D. Laws, Eike Brunner, Michelle C.
Cyrier, Robert H. Havlin, Alexander Pines, NMR of supercritical
laser-polarized xenon,   
pp. 686-690

Y. Tang, S.A. Reid, Multiplex spectroscopy of jet-cooled NO2, 
pp. 691-697

A. Garnache, A. Campargue, A.A. Kachanov, F. Stoeckel, Intracavity laser
absorption spectroscopy near 9400 cm-1 with a Nd:glass laser: application
to 14N2 16O,   
pp. 698-704