Chemical Physics Letters, 1998, V 297, N 3-4.

Hang Tan, Muzhen Liao, Dingguo Dai, K. Balasubramanian, Potential energy
surfaces of NbCO,  
pp. 173-180

G.A. DiLabio, J.S. Wright, Calculation of bond dissociation energies for
large molecules using locally dense basis sets, 
pp. 181-186

Hisao Nakamura, Shigeki Kato, Quantum calculation of the vibrational energy
level structure of N2O based on ab initio potential surface,  
pp. 187-192

J.V. Ortiz, Single-reference electron propagator calculations on vertical
ionization energies of ozone,  
pp. 193-199

S. Kristyan, M.C. Lin, Theoretical calculations for the kinetics of the
HN+NO reaction,  
pp. 200-204

Karel Doclo, Ursula Rцthlisberger, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
of the gas-phase reaction of hydroxyl radical with nitrogen dioxide radical, 
pp. 205-210

Ross E. Larsen, Richard M. Stratt, Mutual-nearest-neighbor pairs in fluids,
pp. 211-216

Wai-To Chan, I.P. Hamilton, Geometries and vibrational frequencies for
calcium and strontium radical salts of H, F, Cl, Br, I, OH, SH, CN, NC,
pp. 217-224

Diego A. Cruz, Mufei Xiao, Atom--surface interaction potential for
4He--NaCl(001) system: a modified pairwise close-coupling calculation,
pp. 225-229

N.L. Ma, How strong is the Ag+--ligand bond?, 
pp. 230-238

A.D. Buckingham, P. Fischer, Linear electro-optic effect in optically
active liquids,  
pp. 239-246

Bijoy K. Dey, Attila Askar, H. Rabitz, Alternating direction implicit
technique and quantum evolution within the hydrodynamical formulation of
Schrцdinger's equation,  
pp. 247-256

Leonid A. Chernozatonskii, Polymerized nanotube structures -- new
pp. 257-260

I.P. Hamilton, Comment on ``Are the Bader Laplacian and the Bohm quantum
potential equivalent?'',  
pp. 261-262

Creon Levit, Jack Sarfatti, Reply to Comment by I.P. Hamilton on: ``Are the
Bader Laplacian and the Bohm quantum potential equivalent?'',  
pp. 263-264

H.M. Guerrero, R.L. Cappelletti, D. A. Neumann, Taner Yildirim, Structure
and lattice dynamics of K1C60 in the orthorhombic phase: a neutron
scattering study,  
pp. 265-272

F. Balzer, S.D. Jett, H.-G. Rubahn, Alkali cluster films on insulating
substrates: comparison between scanning force microscopy and extinction
pp. 273-280

Sabine Schenker, Andreas Hauser, Wei Wang, I.Y. Chan, Matrix effects on the
high-spin->low-spin relaxation in [M1-xFex(bpy)3](PF6)2 (M=Cd, Mn and Zn,
pp. 281-286

L. Bartels, G. Meyer, K.-H. Rieder, High-resolution spectroscopy of weakly
chemisorbed species using a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope
(STM): CO/Cu(111),  
pp. 287-292

Peter Bernath, Michel Carleer, Sophie Fally, Alain Jenouvrier, Ann Carine
Vandaele, Christian Hermans, Marie-France Mйrienne, Reginald Colin, The
Wulf bands of oxygen,  
pp. 293-299

Awadhesh Kumar, Chih-Chang Hsiao, Yin-Yu Lee, Yuan-Pern Lee, Observation of
saturation dip in degenerate four-wave mixing and two-color resonant
four-wave mixing spectra of jet-cooled CH, 
pp. 300-306

John D. Hybl, Allison W. Albrecht, Sarah M. Gallagher Faeder, David M.
Jonas, Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, 
pp. 307-313

F.T.H. den Hartog, M.P. Bakker, R.J. Silbey, S. Vцlker, Long-time spectral
diffusion induced by short-time energy transfer in doped glasses:
concentration-, wavelength- and temperature dependence of spectral holes,
pp. 314-320

Z. Hu, Chandan Mazumdar, G. Kaindl, F.M.F. de Groot, S.A. Warda, D. Reinen,
Valence electron distribution in La2Li1/2Cu1/2O4, Nd2Li1/2Ni1/2O4, and
pp. 321-328

Sio Kuan Lam, Dennis Lo, Delayed luminescence spectroscopy and optical
phase conjugation in eosin Y-doped sol--gel silica glasses,  
pp. 329-334

Kevin B. Hewett, D.W. Setser, Generation of NBr(a1Δ) by the reaction
of N3 radicals with Br atoms: a flow reactor source for quenching rate
constant measurements, 
pp. 335-342

F.B. Sviridenko, D.V. Stass, Yu.N. Molin, Estimation of lifetimes of
solvent radical cations in liquid alkanes using the level crossing
spectroscopy technique,  
pp. 343-349

P.A.W. van der Heide, J.W. Rabalais, Photoelectron spectroscopic study of
the temperature-dependent termination of the LaAlO3(100) surface,  
pp. 350-356