Chemical Physics Letters,1997, V281, N1-3,19 December
ISSN 00092614
- Comparison of chlorine dioxide photochemistry in acetonitrile and water using subpicosecond pump-probe spectroscopy
Philpott, M.J., Charalambous, S. and Reid, P.J.
page 1-9
- Ultrafast electron diffraction: structures in dissociation dynamics of Fe(CO)5
Ihee, H., Cao, J. and Zewail, A.H.
page 10-19
- Internal conversion in highly excited benzene and benzene dimer: femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Radloff, W., Stert, V., Freudenberg, Th., Hertel, I.V., Jouvet, C., Dedonder-Lardeux, C. and Solgadi, D.
page 20-26
- Deuterium isotope effects on ultrafast polarisability anisotropy relaxation in methanol
Shirota, H., Yoshihara, K., Smith, N.A., Lin, S. and Meech, S.R.
page 27-34
- Time-resolved spectroscopic study of phosphorescence and delayed fluorescence of dyes in silica-gel glasses
Sio, K.L. and Lo, D.
page 35-43
- Pulsed field gradient multiple-quantum MAS NMR spectroscopy of half-integer spin quadrupolar nuclei
Fyfe, C.A., Skibsted, J., Grondey, H. and zu Altenschildesche, H.M.
page 44-48
- Vibrational state dependence of the N+2(
= 0-3) + HCl reaction at thermal energies
Krishnamurthy, M., Bierbaum, V.M. and Leone, S.R.
page 49-56
- Production and mass spectroscopic characterization of multiple metal-rich alkali halide clusters
Sugai, T. and Shinohara, H.
page 57-62
- Determination of the dipole moment of H3N-SO3 in the gas phase
Canagaratna, M., Ott, M.E. and Leopold, K.R.
page 63-68
- On the formation of isolated Se8 rings in zeolites
Goldbach, A., Iton, L.E. and Saboungi, M.
page 69-73
- Electronic excitation and electron capture processes in the collision between Rb atoms and Na ions by crossed molecular beams
Romero, T., de Andres, J., Sogas, J., Bocanegra, J.M., Alberti, M., Lucas, J.M. and Aguilar, A.
page 74-80
- Upconversion luminescence in a 5d transition-metal ion system: Cs2ZrCl6 : Os4+
Wermuth, M. and Gudel, H.U.
page 81-85
- NMR observation of two states of triple helix in the thermal transition of (Pro-Pro-Gly)10
Kai, T., Uchiyama, S., Yoshida, T., Kobayashi, Y., Kajiyama, K. and Tomiyama, T.
page 86-91
- Measurement of thermodynamic quantities in the heating-rate dependent thermal transitions of sequenced polytripeptides
Uchiyama, S., Kai, T., Kajiyama, K., Kobayashi, Y. and Tomiyama, T.
page 92-96
- The H + H2O -> OH + H2 reaction: OH state-resolved differential cross-sections and H2 internal energy disposals
Brouard, M., Burak, I., Markillie, G.A.J., McGrath, K. and Vallance, C.
page 97-104
- Measurement of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility in a representative soluble polymer with acetylenic linkages
Wei, Z., Hong, L., West, R. and Wright, J.C.
page 105-110
- Transition metal surface decorated fullerenes as possible catalytic agents for the creation of single walled nanotubes of uniform diameter
Birkett, P.R., Cheetham, A.J., Eggen, B.R., Hare, J.P., Kroto, H.W. and Walton, D.R.M.
page 111-114
- Photoelectron spectra of metallofullerenes, GdC82 and La2C80: Electron transfer from the metal to the cage
Hino, S., Umishita, K., Iwasaki, K., Miyazaki, T., Miyamae, T., Kikuchi, K. and Achiba, Y.
page 115-122
- Frontier electronic energy levels of icosahedral fullerenes
Au, C.T., An, Y.L., Wei, C. and Qian, S.L.
page 123-129
- Why CCSD(T) works: a different perspective
Stanton, J.F.
page 130-134
- On the variational approach to Poisson-Boltzmann free energies
Fogolari, F. and Briggs, J.M.
page 135-139
- Parallel tempering algorithm for conformational studies of biological molecules
Hansmann, U.H.E.
page 140-150
- Fast evaluation of density functional exchange-correlation terms using the expansion of the electron density in auxiliary basis sets
Laikov, D.N.
page 151-156
- Are the Bader Laplacian and the Bohm quantum potential equivalent?
Levit, C. and Sarfatti, J.
page 157-160
- On the quasidiabatic character of average natural orbitals
Garcia, V.M., Reguero, M., Caballol, R. and Malrieu, J.P.
page 161-167
- A new basis set for the representation of angular degrees of freedom
Woywod, C.
page 168-174
- Near-resonant vibrational energy transfer from nitrous oxide to benzene
Shin, H.K.
page 175-185
- Ab initio calculations of electronic g-factors by means of multiconfiguration response theory
Vahtras, O., Minaev, B. and Agren, H.
page 186-192
- Computer simulation studies of anisotropic systems. The density and temperature dependence of the second rank orientational order parameter for the nematic phase of a Gay-Berne liquid crystal
Bates, M.A. and Luckhurst, G.R.
page 193-198
- Dipole-induced ordering in nematic liquid crystals fact or fiction?
Syvitski, R.T. and Burnell, E.E.
page 199-206
- Nematic-isotropic phase coexistence in a Lebwohl-Lasher model binary liquid crystal mixture
Polson, J.M. and Burnell, E.E.
page 207-211
- The N2-N2 potential energy surface
Stallcop, J.R. and Partridge, H.
page 212-220
- Electronic structures of linear polysilane radical anions for ground and low-lying excited states: a theoretical study
Tachikawa, H.
page 221-225
- DFT calculations of the binding energy of metallocenes
Mayor-Lopez, M.J. and Weber, J.
page 226-232
- Theoretical investigation of LaC+n (n = 2_8) clusters
Wu, Z.J., Meng, Q.B. and Zhang, S.Y.
page 233-238
- Comment on _Nuclear spin relaxation and non-ergodic quasi-equilibria_
Skrynnikov, N.R. and Bruschweiler, R.
page 239-242