Chemical Physics Letters, 1998, V 288, N 1, 15 May .

Ping Yi Feng, K. Balasubramanian, Electronic states of Ga3P and GaP3
pp. 1-6

Pavel Hobza, Ji{rˇ}í {Sˇ}poner, Significant structural
deformation of nucleic acid bases in stacked base pairs: an ab initio study
beyond Hartree--Fock,  
pp. 7-14

Chang-Guo Zhan, Chang-Jun Zhang, Ab initio configuration interaction
studies on the photoelectron spectra of chlorine nitrate, 
pp. 15-19

Jaroslav V. Burda, Pavel Hobza, Rudolf Zahradník, (HX)2 species (X=F
through At) in the groups of the periodic system:, 
pp. 20-24

Masayoshi Nakano, Kizashi Yamaguchi, Numerical coupled Liouville approach:
dependence of population differences between excited and ground states on
field intensity and size of molecular aggregates,
pp. 25-32

Wei-Qiao Deng, Ke-Li Han, Ji-Ping Zhan, Guo-Zhong He, Ab initio and RRKM
calculations of o-benzyne pyrolysis, 
pp. 33-36

V. Carravetta, G. Polzonetti, G. Iucci, M.V. Russo, G. Paolucci, M.
Barnaba, High resolution NEXAFS spectroscopy study of gas-phase
phenylacetylene: experiment and theory,
pp. 37-46

R. Lomoth, O. Brede, Spectral and kinetic identification of radical cations
of pyrimidine bases by stepwise electron transfer,
pp. 47-51

E. Martín, R. Weigand, A correlation between redox potentials and
photophysical behaviour of compounds with intramolecular charge transfer:
application to N-substituted 1,8-naphthalimide derivatives,
pp. 52-58

K.S. Wong, H. Wang, G. Lanzani, Ultrafast excited-state planarization of
the hexamethylsexithiophene oligomer studied by femtosecond time-resolved
pp. 59-64

G.A. Torchia, J.A. Sanz-García, J. Díaz-Caro, F. Jaque, T.P.J. Han,
Redistribution of Cr3+ ions from Li+ to Nb5+ sites in ZnO codoped LiNbO3:Cr
pp. 65-70

O. Isfort, B. Boddenberg, F. Fujara, R. Grosse, Molecular dynamics of
benzene in zeolite NaY studied by 2D deuteron NMR,
pp. 71-76

Jun Azuma, Naoto Tamai, Atushi Shishido, Tomiki Ikeda, Femtosecond dynamics
and stimulated emission from the S2 state of a liquid crystalline
trans-azobenzene,  pp. 77-82

J.A. Lamp, B. Schramm, Vibrational relaxation of HCl (v=1) in HCl/CO2 and
HCl/CO2/argon gaseous mixtures,  
pp. 83-88

Peter Kleindienst, Georges H. Wagnière, Interferometric detection of
magnetochiral birefringence,  
pp. 89-97

S.P. Frigo, A. Menzel, C.D. Caldwell, Core to valence transitions in
pp. 98-104

G. Denifl, D. Muigg, A. Stamatovic, T.D. Märk, Dissociative electron
attachment to CO and NO: the O- production threshold revisited,
pp. 105-110

I. Kind, T. Berndt, O. Böge, Gas-phase rate constants for the reaction of
NO3 radicals with a series of cyclic alkenes, 2-ethyl-1-butene and

S.N. Batchelor, Gas-phase EPR of polyatomic radicals,
pp. 119-123

Osamu Sueoka, Hideki Takaki, Akira Hamada, Hiroshi Sato, Mineo Kimura,
Total cross-sections of electron and positron collisions with CHF3
molecules: a comparative study with CH4 and CF4,
pp. 124-130

Eleanor E.B. Campbell, Marianna Fanti, Ingolf V. Hertel, Rolf Mitzner,
Francesco Zerbetto, The hyperpolarisability of an endohedral fullerene:
pp. 131-137

R. Antoine, A.A. Tamburello-Luca, Ph. Hébert, P.F. Brevet, H.H. Girault,
Picosecond dynamics of Eosin B at the air/water interface by time-resolved
second harmonic generation: orientational randomization and rotational
pp. 138-146

S. Barth, H. Bässler, U. Scherf, K. Müllen, Photoconduction in thin films
of a ladder-type poly-para-phenylene,
pp. 147-154

Dahbia Talbi, Yves Ellinger, Potential energy surfaces for the electronic
dissociative recombination of HCNH+: astrophysical implications on the
HCN/HNC abundance ratio,  
pp. 155-164

A. Matsuse, S. Takeuchi, K. Yoshino, T. Kobayashi, Dynamics of
photoexcitations in a poly[3-dodecylthiophene] thin film studied by
femtosecond visible--near-infrared absorption spectroscopy,
pp. 165-170

Koen Clays, Geert Olbrechts, André Persoons, Difference in relaxation time
between coherent and incoherent second-harmonic generation,
pp. 171-174